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Card Tricks

We provide card magic lessons from easy to knuckle busters. You’ll find everything here from special gaff cards in a routine to card magic book pdfs and card trick video downloads.

Twisting by Dominique Duvivier

Twisting by Dominique Duvivier

Dominique Duvivier - Twisting..

$0.99 $3.99

Torn Corner Machine (Tcm) by Juan Pablo

Torn Corner Machine (Tcm) by Juan Pablo

From the same creator that brought us "Torn Card Evolution", now you can create your own cards for t..

$3.99 $6.99

Snow Swayd by Justin Miller

Snow Swayd by Justin Miller

A fun and baffling effect with a kicker ending that will leave them dazed and confused. Imagine t..

$2.99 $5.99

Thug Melt by Mario Tarasini

Thug Melt by Mario Tarasini

Im very excited to present my version of the most popular trick on instagram.  The trick can..

$3.99 $6.99

Card And Ball by Murray Sawchuck

Card And Ball by Murray Sawchuck

Murray Sawchuck - Card and Ball..

$0.99 $3.99

Messy 4 Aces by Murray Sawchuck

Messy 4 Aces by Murray Sawchuck

Murray Sawchuck - Messy 4 Aces..

$0.99 $3.99

Dark Triumph by Nathan Kranzo

Dark Triumph by Nathan Kranzo

This isn't the Triumph you wanted, it's the Triumph you needed.  The spectator signs a card,..

$0.99 $3.99

Constructing The Deck by Ollie Mealing

Constructing The Deck by Ollie Mealing

Ollie Mealing - Constructing the Deck..

$0.99 $3.99

Squeeze Change by Ollie Mealing

Squeeze Change by Ollie Mealing

Ollie Mealing - Squeeze Change..

$0.99 $3.99

Slob by Simon Lovell & Kaymar Magic

Slob by Simon Lovell & Kaymar Magic

SO WHAT IS SLOB?  Simon Lovell's Oblique Brainwave!  A spectator deals through ..

$2.99 $5.99

Together 2.0 by Snake

Together 2.0 by Snake

Together 2.0. This incredibly visual torn-and-restored effect is surprising, and its method is uniqu..

$0.99 $5.99

Shikaku by Taryl

Shikaku by Taryl

  Nine card routines that look as pretty as they are new. No gimmicks or duplicates. E..

$1.99 $9.99

Only One Card by Mikael Chatelain

Only One Card by Mikael Chatelain

Mikael Chatelain - Only One Card..

$1.99 $4.99

Enlarge by Sansminds Creative Lab

Enlarge by Sansminds Creative Lab

Technology has such an intimate relationship with people in this day and age.  People practi..

$2.99 $5.99

Ungimmicked B'Wave by Pablo Amira

Ungimmicked B'Wave by Pablo Amira

The classic Mentalism packet effect, with a different approach that allows  wonderful extra pos..

$2.99 $5.99

Diminishing Not Likely by Paul Gordon

Diminishing Not Likely by Paul Gordon

Spectator freely chooses a card. The performer looses the card in the deck and takes the top 4 cards..

$0.99 $3.99

Worker Ambitious Classic by Paul Gordon

Worker Ambitious Classic by Paul Gordon

Paul Gordon - Worker Ambitious Classic..

$0.99 $3.99

Sixte's Pass by Reborn & Nobody

Sixte's Pass by Reborn & Nobody

Reborn & Nobody - Sixte's Pass..

$0.99 $3.99

M.O.Balance by Sultan Orazaly

M.O.Balance by Sultan Orazaly

Balancing objects is one part of visual magic. Many magicians try to make it clean and beautiful. M...

$1.99 $4.99

Smoked by Jay Sankey

Smoked by Jay Sankey

Jay Sankey - Smoked..

$0.99 $3.99

Ez Oil And Water by Nathan Kranzo

Ez Oil And Water by Nathan Kranzo

The Kranzilla is back with the easiest oil and water you've ever seen. Nathan Kranzo has taken the c..

$0.99 $3.99

Live And Let Dai by Robert Ramirez

Live And Let Dai by Robert Ramirez

"A perfect mystery. A classic plot, and a brilliant solution. And it's a perfect, perfect, perfect m..

$1.99 $5.99

Card Under Box by Alex Pandrea

Card Under Box by Alex Pandrea

Alex Pandrea - Card Under Box..

$2.99 $4.99

Stab by Mario Tarasini

Stab by Mario Tarasini

Effect: Take two cards, fold them and stab one card into another.  Spectator will see impos..

$1.99 $4.99

Pure Cards Across by Mark Leveridge

Pure Cards Across by Mark Leveridge

  PURE CARDS ACROSS   Two sets of 10 cards are counted out fairly and openl..

$2.99 $5.99

Rorschach by Nick Popa

Rorschach by Nick Popa

Kumpulan trik yang sangat visual dengan gimmick yang sangat mudah dibuat (hanya membutuhkan kurang d..

$2.99 $5.99

Rotation Tilt by Ollie Mealing

Rotation Tilt by Ollie Mealing

Ollie Mealing - Rotation Tilt..

$1.99 $4.99

Plm (Pretty Little Men) by Magic Dream

Plm (Pretty Little Men) by Magic Dream

PLM est un tour qui nous a été présenté par Vincent Roca, et nous avons tout de suite vu le potentie..

$2.99 $5.99

Fcl by Ollie Mealing

Fcl by Ollie Mealing

Ollie Mealing - FCL..

$0.99 $3.99

Do As I Do by Ollie Mealing

Do As I Do by Ollie Mealing

Ollie Mealing - Do As I Do..

$1.99 $4.99

Showing 4171 to 4200 of 8793 (294 Pages)
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