Card Tricks
Card-Teran by Patricio Teran
A spectator chooses a card ...but when it doesn't match with the prediction one,he proceeds to draw ..
$2.99 $5.99
Kd Card Routine by Paul Andrich
This three phase card routine begins when you find the spectators selected card. Easy enough. Next, ..
$1.99 $5.29
The Triple Finally Sandwich by Paul Andrich
Have three spectators select three different cards.The first card you find by having the spectator c..
$2.99 $8.60
That's Not Possible by Paul Gordon
First published by Paul Gordon in 1987, That's Not Possible is back with a better handling. It's pre..
$2.99 $5.99
The Vault - Ss2 by Paul Harris
Paul Harris Presents SS2 (Seductive Switch 2) Now you can do Paul Harris's legendary Seductive Switc..
$4.99 $10.26
The Vault - The Transcendental Bar Bet by Paul Harris
The Transcendental Bar Bet is the PH completely hands off, in your face (and on the table), car..
$2.99 $5.99
Numbers Up by Paul Roberts
Looking for an amazing way to reveal a selected, signed card?The spectator selects a card and signs ..
$2.99 $5.99
That's Not It by Paul Roberts
A jaw-dropping two-card transposition that occurs between two spectators and in their hands!Effect: ..
$2.99 $5.99
Think Of Card by Paul Roberts
A spectator is asked to think of a card while another spectator selects a card from the deck. The ch..
$2.99 $5.99
Ghost Tag Pro by Peter Eggink
A Piece of Magic You Can Carry With You Everywhere. Inside a key ring there is a picture ..
$2.99 $5.99
Episode 08 Bis by Philippe Molina & Friends
Il s'agit d'un épisode de la série "Philippe Molina & Friends". Cette série est bi-mensuell..
$1.99 $4.99
Episode 09 by Philippe Molina & Friends
Il s'agit d'un épisode de la série "Philippe Molina & Friends". Cette série est bi-mensuell..
$1.99 $4.99
Episode 09 Bis by Philippe Molina & Friends
Il s'agit d'un épisode de la série "Philippe Molina & Friends". Cette série est bi-mensuell..
$1.99 $4.99
Episode 10 Bis by Philippe Molina & Friends
Il s'agit d'un épisode de la série "Philippe Molina & Friends". Cette série est bi-mensuell..
$1.99 $4.99
Force by Pierre Iaccarino
Before the trick, a prediction is placed on the table.A card is chosen by the magician. When the spe..
$2.99 $5.99
Cutting 3 Aces by Pipo Villanueva
A routine extracted from the project MAGIC FOR THE SHORTSIGHTED.A twist on "spectator cuts the aces"..
$2.99 $5.99
Card To Wallet by Quiver & Patrick Kun
We are very proud to introduce to you the second item in the Quiver line - The Card to WalletFo..
$1.99 $4.99
Covered by Ragul Natarajan
Covered by Ragul NatarajanCovered is the beginners guide to modern magic. Now covered is there for y..
$1.99 $5.98
Where It Has To Go by Rick Lax
Sometimes you hear about a new magic trick that sounds too good to be true.This is one of those tric..
$3.99 $10.21
Utterly Invisible by Rob Ellinger
The invisible deck is an absolute classic in the world of card magic - and for good reason. Without ..
$2.99 $14.34
Slowlid by Robby Constantine
extraordinary effects on the selected card the audience can visually and slowly penetrate other card..
$1.99 $4.98
Vcr (Visual Card Rise) by Ron Jaxson
Visual Card Rise was inspired by Martin Lewis's effect called Cardiographics. Like many magicians Ro..
$4.99 $7.99
Shoot by Root Of Magic
Shoot gives the audience the impression of shooting an arrow, but by using a card instead!Instead of..
$1.99 $4.68
Shadeshift by Sansminds Creative Lab
Shadeshift is the world's most visual and instantaneous deck transformation. The magician can ..
$2.99 $5.99
Neo by Saysevent
Most magicians love sandwich.this is part of my favorite routine and I'm happy to share it with you...
$2.99 $6.75
Not Turned Up by Saysevent
Just use a stack of cards to create a miracle wherever you are.Not Turned Up is a way to place the o..
$1.99 $5.51
Back Stabber by Scott Alexander
The Malini Card Stab is a trick that leaves a lasting impression on the audience. It's full of drama..
$5.99 $8.98