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Card Tricks

Creased by Arnel Renegado

Creased by Arnel Renegado

crease Arnel Renegado - Creased The intermediate audience crease after a signature card int..

$1.99 $4.99

Cyclops by Arnel Renegado

Cyclops by Arnel Renegado

hole cards appear automatically Theory11 - Arnel Renegado - Cyclops A fun and cool thing to do when..

$1.99 $4.99

Engaged by Arnel Renegado

Engaged by Arnel Renegado

remove Red Arnel Renegado - Engaged A unique and visual linking and moving pips. Amazing, make p..

$1.69 $3.98

Engaged 2.0 by Arnel Renegado

Engaged 2.0 by Arnel Renegado

Arnel Renegado - Engaged 2.0A rubber band or string is threaded through a hole in a playing card. Wi..

$1.99 $4.99

Exodus by Arnel Renegado

Exodus by Arnel Renegado

Arnel Renegado - Exodushttp://www.theory11.com/wire/arnel-renegado/exodus/$6.95Magician draws an "x"..

$1.99 $4.99

F1 Lift by Arnel Renegado

F1 Lift by Arnel Renegado

Arnel Renegado - F1 Lift A secret move that control a selected card from the middle onto the top of ..

$1.99 $4.99

Havox by Arnel Renegado

Havox by Arnel Renegado

Arnel Renegado - Havox Demonstration effect :http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/4186A card box opens by i..

$1.99 $4.99

Hellraiser by Arnel Renegado

Hellraiser by Arnel Renegado

Theory11 - Arnel Renegado - HellraiserDemonstration effect :http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/3769HELLRA..

$1.99 $4.99

Inmate by Arnel Renegado

Inmate by Arnel Renegado

Arnel Renegado - InmateDemonstration effect :http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/4134A freely selected car..

$1.99 $4.99

Linx by Arnel Renegado

Linx by Arnel Renegado

LINX, is an anytime anywhere effect where a paperclip visually links onto a playing card with a hole..

$1.99 $4.99

Manhole by Arnel Renegado

Manhole by Arnel Renegado

Arnel Renegado - Manhole An ink manhole is drawn that makes the card melt and lets a sharpie dr..

$1.69 $3.58

Morf Evolution by Arnel Renegado

Morf Evolution by Arnel Renegado

Shoe version has ambitious brand Theory11 - Arnel Renegado - Morf Evolution ACR poker top visual e..

$1.99 $4.99

Mummies by Arnel Renegado

Mummies by Arnel Renegado

Theory11 - Arnel Renegado - MUMMIES A rnel Renegado small recent teaching have demonstrated unpar..

$1.99 $4.99

Riprage by Arnel Renegado

Riprage by Arnel Renegado

Arnel Renegado - RiprageA card is ripped and the rip mysteriously jumps to another corner.Easy to do..

$1.69 $3.78

Stealth by Arnel Renegado

Stealth by Arnel Renegado

Arnel Renegado - Stealth ( free ) Remove the card edge instant reduction , production is very s..

$1.99 $4.99

Toonz by Arnel Renegado

Toonz by Arnel Renegado

Arnel Renegado - Toonz A drawing moves and reveal a chosen card Inspired from the classic cardtoon ..

$1.69 $3.98

Zbox by Arnel Renegado

Zbox by Arnel Renegado

http://www.theory11.com/wire/arnel-renegado/zbox/ ZBOX is a coin vanish from the deck, and appe..

$1.99 $4.99

The Foundations Of Card Magic by Asad Chaudhry

The Foundations Of Card Magic by Asad Chaudhry

3.2G 2 videoshttp://courses.52kards.com/?src=youtubeThis is in-depth structured course for learning ..

$2.99 $5.68

Bone Collectors by Ashford Kneitel

Bone Collectors by Ashford Kneitel

Ashford Kneitel - Bone Collectors A figure out the audience into four stacks of three cards . A very..

$1.69 $3.98

2 Matches by Ashley Acton

2 Matches by Ashley Acton

Theory11 - Ashley Acton - 2 Matches The deck of cards shuffled , then took out two random cards fro..

$1.99 $4.99

Double Exposure by Asi Wind

Double Exposure by Asi Wind

Asi Wind - Double ExposureDD network card magic super newly published , David Blaine has been perfor..

$1.99 $5.99

Triumph And Triumph Again by Asi Wind

Triumph And Triumph Again by Asi Wind

Asi Wind - Triumph and Triumph AgainFrom the mind that brought you AACAAN and Double Exposure comes ..

$1.69 $3.98

Bmf by Astone

Bmf by Astone

Astone - BMF Astone a very soft -changing effects plus a variable 4A 4J process. Level: Expert // La..

$1.99 $4.99

Hellerdnase by Astone

Hellerdnase by Astone

Astone - Hellerdnase Astone own version. In expert at the card table in the author's pseudonym n..

$1.99 $4.99

Osth by Astone

Osth by Astone

Astone - Osth ( free ) The latest release of the cards MS techniques, including additional effect of..

$1.99 $4.99

The Gentle Change by Astone

The Gentle Change by Astone

Astone - The Gentle Change MagicalSleight official website issued from Astone of The Gentle Change,..

$1.99 $4.99

At The Table Live Lecture Eric Jones

At The Table Live Lecture Eric Jones

At The Table Live Lecture Eric JonesPenn & Teller Fooler and co-founder of lost art magic. Eric ..

$1.69 $3.78

Polaroid Change by B.Smith

Polaroid Change by B.Smith

Theory11 - B.Smith - Polaroid Change Released: 2008 Video size : 74.59MB Video length : 00: 16:..

$1.99 $4.99

Thru-Line by B.Smith

Thru-Line by B.Smith

B.Smith - Thru-Line Viewers pick a card , the magician put that card into stacks inside. Then the wh..

$0.99 $3.98

The Batcross by Batiste

The Batcross by Batiste

Batiste - The Batcross D'après le créateur de EVA la Dame Blanche, Hollywood Boulevard et Numéro..

$2.99 $5.68

Showing 6511 to 6540 of 8676 (290 Pages)
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