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Card Tricks

We provide card magic lessons from easy to knuckle busters. You’ll find everything here from special gaff cards in a routine to card magic book pdfs and card trick video downloads.

Fusion Remixed by Sean Fields

Fusion Remixed by Sean Fields

Sean Fields - Fusion Remixed Signature cards are ripped four , and then very intuitively be restored..

$1.99 $4.99

The Linkage by Sean Fields

The Linkage by Sean Fields

The Linkage by Sean Fields serial cardThis effect was found in about 30 years ago with Paul Harris S..

$1.99 $4.99

Flux by Sean Mills

Flux by Sean Mills

Sean Mills - FLUX FLUX by Sean Mills Flux is a sexy looking flourish that flows smoothly and is ver..

$1.99 $4.99

The Swag Production by Sean Oulashin

The Swag Production by Sean Oulashin

Theory11 - Sean Oulashin - The Swag Production Imagine :: You riffle down the pack of cards and ask ..

$1.99 $4.99

Double Dribble by Sean Sotaridona

Double Dribble by Sean Sotaridona

http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/4806 A homemade gimmick that allows you to find a selected card w..

$1.99 $4.99

The Hofzinser Anthology by Sebastian

The Hofzinser Anthology by Sebastian

Sebastian - The Hofzinser Anthology The first effect of magic is very visual , you can say a kind of..

$1.99 $4.99

Parent Trap by Sebastian Midtvage

Parent Trap by Sebastian Midtvage

2014 card magic process Sebastian Midtvage - Parent Trap Demonstration effect : http://www.penguin..

$1.99 $4.99

Offset by Sebastien Calbry

Offset by Sebastien Calbry

Sebastien Calbry - OffSet OFFSET PRINTING BESPOKE ULTRA FLASH! Just looking at pictures you will r..

$1.69 $3.98

Riven by Sebastien Calbry

Riven by Sebastien Calbry

tear Sebastien Calbry - Riven Demonstration effect :http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/S18209A brand new ..

$1.69 $3.98

Virus by Sebastien Chauffert

Virus by Sebastien Chauffert

virus Sebastien Chauffert - Virus Imaginez que les cartes puissent elles aussi tomber malade ... ..

$1.99 $4.99

Second Thoughts On The Second Deal (1-2)

Second Thoughts On The Second Deal (1-2)

Second Thoughts on the Second Deal (1-2) Demonstration effect : http://www.cardshark.sg/csmain/i..

$1.99 $4.48

Delusion by Secret Of Magic (Som)

Delusion by Secret Of Magic (Som)

visual illusion Secret Of Magic (SOM) - Delusion u.com/player.php/sid/XMTMwMjc4NTAwNA==/v.swf..

$1.99 $4.28

Trucos De Magia Con Cartas by Sergi Pascual

Trucos De Magia Con Cartas by Sergi Pascual

Sergi Pascual - Trucos de Magia Con Cartas La cartomagia es una de las aficiones m??s bonitas del mu..

$1.99 $4.99

Juggling Card by Sergio

Juggling Card by Sergio

Sergio - Juggling Card The poker bounce , then through a series of acrobatic action catch. Year:..

$1.99 $4.73

Flourish by Seth Engstrom

Flourish by Seth Engstrom

Seth Engstrom - Flourish 16 -year-old Seth Engstrom teach you to play fancy . Here you will learn ab..

$1.69 $3.98

Sunk by Seth Rovner

Sunk by Seth Rovner

Seth Rovner - Sunk 2011 papercrane issue , the idea of ??genius , super simple props . Signed audien..

$1.99 $4.99

Pandora System by Shane Black

Pandora System by Shane Black

Shane Black - Pandora System Demonstration effect : http://www.papercranemagic.com/pandora.htm The P..

$1.99 $4.99

Flash Deck Switch by Shin Lim & Rich Piccone

Flash Deck Switch by Shin Lim & Rich Piccone

Shin Lim and Rich Piccone - Flash Deck Switch   Demonstration effect : http://www.penguinmagic..

$1.99 $4.99

52 Shades Of Red by Shin Lim

52 Shades Of Red by Shin Lim

Shin Lim - 52 Shades of Red SHIN LIM cards use a collection he designed in the past year touring ..

$1.99 $4.99

52 Shades Of Red 2 by Shin Lim

52 Shades Of Red 2 by Shin Lim

shadow 2 Lim - 52 Shin Shades of Red 2Demonstration effect:Http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTM5NjEwNDQ..

$2.99 $5.99

Change Of Heart by Shin Lim

Change Of Heart by Shin Lim

Shin Lim - Change of Heart Change One is a highly visual change that happens at the finger tips, w..

$1.99 $4.99

Control Freak by Shin Lim

Control Freak by Shin Lim

Theory11 - Shin Lim - Control Freak FISM, IBM, WMS 3 large regional championship game Magic Shin L..

$1.69 $3.98

Flawless by Shin Lim

Flawless by Shin Lim

Theory11 - Shin Lim - FLAWLESS Very clean and natural card practices, can be added to any Ambitious ..

$1.69 $4.99

Gone Deck by Shin Lim

Gone Deck by Shin Lim

Shin Lim - Gone Deck A closer a visual masterpiece designed by Shin Lim and Tom Elderfield is u..

$1.99 $4.99

Iv by Shin Lim

Iv by Shin Lim

Theory11 - Shin Lim - IV IV collection of four kinds of instant cards gimmick ! As well as attach..

$1.99 $4.99

Shin Splint by Shin Lim

Shin Splint by Shin Lim

Shin Lim - Shin Splint Ellusionist Magic website Teaching named Shin Lim launched Shin Splint , th..

$0.99 $4.99

Shinag by Shin Lim

Shinag by Shin Lim

2011 fabulous way to find brand Shin Lim - ShiNAG A simple, impromptu, and powerful way to reveal ..

$1.99 $4.99

Shinanigens (1-2) by Shin Lim

Shinanigens (1-2) by Shin Lim

Shin Lim - Shinanigens (1-2) Collection Albums strongest technique , from heady Shin Lim. 27 ..

$2.99 $5.99

Splice by Shin Lim

Splice by Shin Lim

Shin Lim - Splice Shin's 'Splice' is a cheeky utility move with applications such as a control, co..

$1.99 $4.99

The Switch by Shin Lim

The Switch by Shin Lim

Shin Lim - The Switch ( Required specific props fit) Demonstration effect : http://www.penguinmag..

$0.99 $4.99

Showing 8431 to 8460 of 8726 (291 Pages)
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