Card Tricks
At The Table Live Lecture Eric Jones
At The Table Live Lecture Eric JonesPenn & Teller Fooler and co-founder of lost art magic. Eric ..
$1.69 $3.78
Harbor Change by Michael Hankins
Michael Hankins presents the Harbor Change. A playing card is shown and - in the action of dropping ..
$0.99 $4.95
This is a Fooler! And you can perform it with any deck of cards at any time! The magician takes the ..
$1.99 $9.99
Show Off (1-2) by Brian Tudor
Brian Tudor - Show Off (1-2) Show Off - Vol.1 This video started it all for Brian and took the ca..
$0.99 $4.99
Generation X by Brian Tudor
Brian Tudor - Generation X Demo video : Th..
$1.99 $4.99
Carl Irwin - RANDOM - Thoughts on Stacked Deck Magic from a Common Magician
RANDOM is an ebook about accessible approaches to stacked deck magic. In some situations, a stack th..
$3.99 $15.00
Yoann Fontyn - No Cover Pass Tricks Collection
Yoann Fontyn - No Cover Pass Tricks Collection..
$0.99 $5.00
Axel Hecklau – Perfecter Moment
This routine is the little brother of the perfect moment with jumbo cards (K016).Not for the stage, ..
$3.99 $13.00
Kenton Knepper – Playing Card Readings Intensive 1
FROM A LIVE SESSION ON ZOOM!Unlock the Secrets of Symbolic Card Readings with Kenton KnepperQUICK OV..
$6.99 $34.00
Kenton Knepper – Playing Card Readings Intensive 2
FROM A SESSION VIA ZOOM. Take Your Playing Card Readings to the Next Level!You learned the secr..
$6.99 $45.00
Aces Through the Table by Javi Benitez
JAVI BENÍTEZ is one of the most creative and recognizable magicians in the Spanish magic community. ..
$2.99 $13.00
Imaginary Card by Javi Benitez
JAVI BENÍTEZ is one of the most creative and recognizable magicians in the Spanish magic community. ..
$2.99 $14.00
The Artifice V2 by Vivek Singhi
Vivek Singhi - The Artifice V2I created "The Artifice" around 4 years back and released it last year..
$2.99 $5.53
Speed by Vinh Quang & Jiahui And Jbmagic
Vinh Quang & JiaHui and JBmagic - Speed"Speed" from the mind of Vinh Quang."Speed" is a visual c..
$1.99 $4.35
Qqq by Vivek Singhi
Vivek Singhi - QQQQQQ stands for Quattro Qolor Qhange where you show a card and show both your hands..
$1.99 $4.35
Mysterium by Vivek Singhi
Vivek Singhi - MysteriumMysterium will show you a way to take sign cards and have them buried in the..
$1.99 $4.35
Hot Change by Vivek Singhi
Vivek Singhi - HoT ChangeHoT Change - The hottest color change you have seen. It's fast, extremely v..
$4.99 $9.08
Fast Box by Vinh Quang And Jbmagic
Vinh Quang and JBmagic - Fast BoxYou hold 1 deck and 1 box, selected a random card and put in the bo..
$1.69 $3.16
4Kp by Vivek Singhi
Vivek Singhi - 4KPCard productions are always awesome to perform and can start any trick that uses f..
$1.69 $3.99
Ripped Travel by Craziest
A visual open prediction and transformation unlike anything you've ever seen.A prediction is placed ..
$2.99 $5.99
Noughts & Crosses by Dibya Guha
The performer freely shows eight cards bearing pictures of Circles & Crosses. Next he shows two ..
$2.99 $5.99
Instapad 2.0 by Goncalo Gil And Danny Weiser
The magician introduces the "Instapad 2.0" by saying that it will be important in a few moments and ..
$2.99 $5.99
Cincinnati Kid by Erik Tait
A few years ago the team at Penguin challenged Erik Tait to create a gambling routine that any magic..
$2.99 $5.99
Unskinned by Kaan Akdogan
Are you ready for yet another absolutely FREE download? Of course you are! So if you don't mind spen..
$0.99 $2.99
Card in Lock by Nicolas Guga
Two freely chosen cards are signed and punched out. One of them is secured with a lock, both cards a..
$1.99 $5.99
Black Hole by Astor
Predict the actions of a spectator perfectly!No sleight of handWorks with any deckThe spectator plac..
$1.99 $5.99