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magic trick of the year 2021

Ghost Deluxe Package by Alchemy Tree

Ghost Deluxe Package by Alchemy Tree


$1.99 $9.99

Force Anything Board (Fab Board) by Joel Dickinson & Andrew Dean

Force Anything Board (Fab Board) by Joel Dickinson & Andrew Dean

The F.A.B. Board is a powerful utility device that allows you to force anything from a list of writt..

$3.99 $6.99

Kyle Purnell Penguin Live Online Lecture

Kyle Purnell Penguin Live Online Lecture

What will he teach?Elimination Experiment- An impossible 2 phase ESP effect with a super satisfying ..

$3.99 $5.99

Mail Delivered by Amir Mughal

Mail Delivered by Amir Mughal

Imagine that at the beginning of your performance, you send a prediction email to the spectator whic..

$3.99 $13.99

Homage Package Deal by Danny Goldsmith

Homage Package Deal by Danny Goldsmith

My Best Selling Product 'Homage' PLUS $70 in FREE Bonuses.'Homage' is a step by step guide on how to..

$2.99 $11.99

Tocaan by David Jonathan

Tocaan by David Jonathan

TOCAAN (Virtual Edition) is the ultimate Any Card At Any Number for your virtual show that will leav..

$2.99 $5.99

Card And The Hat by Elliott Terral

Card And The Hat by Elliott Terral

One of our favorite effects from The Expert at the Card Table beautifully performed and explained by..

$1.99 $5.99

Samecube (App For Android) by Hyde And Kappo

Samecube (App For Android) by Hyde And Kappo

Hyde and Kappo - SameCube (App for Android)..

$0.99 $3.99

The Amazing Routine by Joseph B

The Amazing Routine by Joseph B

This effect is one of the most powerful that I still perform. A truly exceptional prediction! The ma..

$1.99 $4.99

Esprit by Mathieu Bich

Esprit by Mathieu Bich

Mathieu Bich - Esprit..

$0.99 $3.99

Switch Revolution (Impensable Raoutine N 47) by Lepetitmagicien

Switch Revolution (Impensable Raoutine N 47) by Lepetitmagicien

j'ai appris un tour de base et je l'ai simplifié au maximum afin de le réaliser sans réfléchir, sans..

$1.99 $4.99

Red Vision by Alexander Laguna

Red Vision by Alexander Laguna

Alexander Laguna creates an effect where you can find any chosen playing card from a random borrowed..

$1.99 $5.99

Needle Thru by Ebbytones

Needle Thru by Ebbytones

"Needle thru" is a solid thru solid effect using a straight pin,Which is really visual because it is..

$1.99 $4.99

Spray Away by Gustavo Raley

Spray Away by Gustavo Raley

"Spray Away" is a delightfully unique and fun new effect for all your shows from parlor and stage ma..

$0.99 $5.99

Hole Hopper by Jay Grill

Hole Hopper by Jay Grill

Visually remove a hole from a card, and put it in a card your spectator is holding. You read that ri..

$2.99 $5.99

Le Bonneteau Ludique by Jerome Sauloup

Le Bonneteau Ludique by Jerome Sauloup

Un bonneteau atypique avec de l'eau. Idéal pour les spectacles pour enfants… mais pas que !..

$0.99 $3.99

Stealth 3.0 by Lars La Ville

Stealth 3.0 by Lars La Ville

Effect:You show a red and blue deck.The red deck is shuffled by a spectator, and you talk about brid..

$1.99 $4.99

Four In A Row by Laurent Beretta

Four In A Row by Laurent Beretta

Découvrez comment un enlevage latéral peut devenir un contrôle ultra naturel et permettre une révéla..

$0.99 $4.99

Spider To Jumbo by Laurent Beretta

Spider To Jumbo by Laurent Beretta

Comment changer une pièce de 1 dollar en pièce géante de façon spectaculaire et invisible ? Je vous ..

$1.99 $3.99

Precise by Max Maven

Precise by Max Maven

So strong, so deceptive, and SO going into my repertoire.Predixion is so powerful because it is so s..

$1.99 $4.99

Nothing Force by Ollie Mealing

Nothing Force by Ollie Mealing

"I'm fooling myself in the mirror!" -Ben Prime“The force is strong on this one!” -Christia..

$0.99 $3.99

Obvious, Interesting Or Amazing by Paul Gertne

Obvious, Interesting Or Amazing by Paul Gertne

Paul Gertne - Obvious, Interesting or Amazing..

$0.99 $3.99

The Library Card by Paul Gertner

The Library Card by Paul Gertner

Paul Gertner - The Library Card..

$0.99 $3.99

Controle Au Ruban #1 by Sylvain Latour

Controle Au Ruban #1 by Sylvain Latour

Sylvain Latour - Controle au ruban #1in French..

$0.99 $4.99

Donne Du Milieu by Sylvain Latour

Donne Du Milieu by Sylvain Latour

Sylvain Latour - Donne du milieuin French..

$0.99 $3.50

Matrix A Travers La Table by Sylvain Latour

Matrix A Travers La Table by Sylvain Latour

Sylvain Latour - Matrix in French..

$0.99 $3.50

Attraction by Dan Harlan

Attraction by Dan Harlan

Powerful magic with a borrowed deck of cards is something every magician should have in their back p..

$1.99 $4.99

Bondage by Dr. Cyril Thomas

Bondage by Dr. Cyril Thomas

"I want to perform this trick, even want to add it in my routine!" -Bacon Fire"Bondage is a must hav..

$2.99 $5.99

Bandwidth Zoombaya by John Bannon

Bandwidth Zoombaya by John Bannon

‘Zoombaya’ is the first of a series of releases from John Bannon featuring virtual, internet-friendl..

$1.99 $4.99

Camouflage by Keith Porter

Camouflage by Keith Porter

This multiphase effect has some seriously visual eye-popping changes.EffectFour blue backed cards ar..

$3.99 $6.99

Showing 361 to 390 of 817 (28 Pages)
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