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magic trick of the year 2022

Torquent by Danny Urbanus

Torquent by Danny Urbanus

PDF+VideoFor more videos and full performances go to @dannyurbanusTorquent is Danny Urbanus his..

$1.99 $5.99

The P.O.Box by Nick Diffatte

The P.O.Box by Nick Diffatte

"I usually don't like coin boxes, but I could actually see myself using this!" -John LovickThe P.O. ..

$0.99 $3.99

Thin Air by Ignacio Lopez

Thin Air by Ignacio Lopez

Quicky and easily produce, vanish or switch objects with this powerful utility device from Ignacio L..

$0.99 $3.99

Optical By Danny Goldsmith

Optical By Danny Goldsmith

100 % would recommendAs with all Danny’s releases you get amazing in depth instruction. He also infu..

$0.99 $3.99



Mnemosystem is a FOOLER effect where you demonstrate an incredible memory.Mnemosystem is an effect w..

$0.99 $3.99

Royal Road to Mentalism by Peter Turner Vol.2

Royal Road to Mentalism by Peter Turner Vol.2

Volume #2 Teaches an Out of This World... umm... Out of This World. The spectator buys a packet..

$1.99 $5.99

INKcoke by Ebbytones

INKcoke by Ebbytones

INKCOKE is a visual effect where the ink on a soda bottle visually changesYou can do:Ink teleportati..

$0.99 $3.99

One More Step by Vinny Sagoo

One More Step by Vinny Sagoo

One More Step is a super easy, mental marvel using ordinary Uno cards.Effect:- Step 1 - Display the ..

$0.99 $3.99

Magic and Comedy by Juan Tamariz

Magic and Comedy by Juan Tamariz

Juan TamarizJuan Tamariz has decided to create three very special Master classes. Years of experienc..

$2.99 $5.99

Shade by Jeki Yoo

Shade by Jeki Yoo

video onlyA super cool and visual magic trick from Jeki Yoo!"This makes perfect sense and makes my b..

$1.99 $5.99

Evanescent by Rooster & 1914

Evanescent by Rooster & 1914

An elegant and mystifying routine with just three coins.Rooster will teach you how to pack 12 moment..

$1.99 $5.99

Tricks to Go Vol.1-4 by Aldo Colombini

Tricks to Go Vol.1-4 by Aldo Colombini

Vol1-Vol4Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are..

$3.99 $5.99

Project C by Kamal Nath

Project C by Kamal Nath

Three amazing on the fly coin vanishes!The Project 'C' is about three impromptu one hand c..

$1.99 $3.99

To the Point by Mark Lemon

To the Point by Mark Lemon

To the Point is: Easy to learn It's fast It's simple to perform It feels normal&..

$2.99 $5.99

Rafael Benatar Penguin Live Lecture 2

Rafael Benatar Penguin Live Lecture 2

"He possesses that essential factor that separates the outstanding magician from all the others: cha..

$2.99 $5.99

Emergency Act by Pablo Amira

Emergency Act by Pablo Amira

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”   Seneca      &n..

$2.99 $5.99

Stack Workshop 2 by Patrick Redford

Stack Workshop 2 by Patrick Redford

The virtual “Zoom” workshop ran four hours. It includes access to the a chaptered/indexed replay of ..

$3.99 $8.99

Ryukapi by Ryu-Ka

Ryukapi by Ryu-Ka

This is an omnibus collection DVD by Ryu-ka, who is Japan's leading young magician. It includes sele..

$1.99 $5.99

Our Favorite Tricks (2022-02) by Conjuror Community

Our Favorite Tricks (2022-02) by Conjuror Community

Tonight’s Our Favorite Tricks features 3 new practical routines using playing cards, the US Mail—and..

$1.99 $5.99

Find The Queen by Damien Vappereau

Find The Queen by Damien Vappereau

Damien Vappereau revisits "B'Wave" by Phil Goldstein. Discover a simple, automatic, direct and confu..

$1.99 $3.99

Highest Point by Joseph B

Highest Point by Joseph B

Not only Highest Point is a magician fooler, but it is also surprising because it is full of twists...

$1.99 $3.99

Linking Mask by Alex, Wenzi & MS Magic

Linking Mask by Alex, Wenzi & MS Magic

The face mask has become an important part of our lives, so we have created some face mask magic. We..

$1.99 $3.99

Rob-OUT by Raven

Rob-OUT by Raven

Rob-out is a principle, which allows you to have a prediction in the form of a drawing on the back o..

$0.99 $3.99

Rattle Box by Jose Arcario

Rattle Box by Jose Arcario

video only.An original Nelson Downs gimmick and later improved by David Roth now made with the best ..

$1.99 $5.99

iPhonomagic by Llya Laionov

iPhonomagic by Llya Laionov

A revolutionary way of using an iPhone to create REAL miracles.Be loaded for a full show, having jus..

$1.99 $5.99

The Table False Cut Project by Eddie McColl

The Table False Cut Project by Eddie McColl

In this download, Eddie teaches five powerful false cuts for use at the table. Alongside teaching hi..

$1.99 $5.99

A Card's Revenge by Viper

A Card's Revenge by Viper

A card at any number effect that is all from the spectators memory. No forces and ends with a surpri..

$1.99 $5.99

Our Favorite Tricks (2022-01) by Conjuror Community

Our Favorite Tricks (2022-01) by Conjuror Community

In this killer ‘all card’ edition of Our Favorite Tricks, you’ll discover a powerhouse trio of comme..

$1.99 $5.99

Puzzling by Joseph B

Puzzling by Joseph B

An effect that has also the characteristics of the puzzle.With a completely normal, borrowed deck of..

$0.99 $3.99

Find the Magic Scissors Game

Find the Magic Scissors Game

20 Hours video.Virtual ConventionOnce again Covid is preventing us from gathering in person. As we d..

$8.99 $15.99

Showing 991 to 1020 of 1092 (37 Pages)
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