Joshua Jay
Waltzing Cheek to Cheek by Joshua JayPair Front Back chaotic mix of poker, two spectators each choos..
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Unreal Joshua Jay and Luis De Matos - Unreal Demonstration effect :
$2.99 $6.99
Joshua Jay - under-overPDFAnswer some questions such as " What kind of magic should I learn ?" " I s..
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Joshua Jay - Trumped Triumph of new teaching from 2010 , Joshua Jay classic Triumph..
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Site lectures Penguin Live Online Lecture - Joshua Jay If you could ask ONE question to one of the ..
$2.99 $5.99
First came "Inferno," which won Trick of the Year in 2012. Then came "Out of Sight," which fooled Pe..
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Create the perfect poker hand by slowly and visually changing five cards into a Royal Flush! This fe..
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"This is an excellent beginner's magic book, and by that i mean it would benefit not only children, ..
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Joshua Jay and Vanishing Inc. have taken a classic of magic and completely revamped it for a modern ..
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A card is chosen, travels to the pocket, but turns out to be the wrong card. Visibly 'flick' the dia..
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Rune's World is a departure from any magic book you've read. Part instruction, part theory, part gra..
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only video, no gimmicks.“The Trojan Deck” is simultaneously simple in premise and almost limitless i..
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The door to magic is closed, but it’s not locked.And now Joshua Jay, one of the world’s most accompl..
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This impossible card trick will fool even the most knowledgeable MAGICIANS... imagine what it'll do ..
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"Destroyers is filled with killer magic that is both audience tested and practical. Learning Troy's ..
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Hi. Joshua Jay here. I haven’t performed a magic show since March 12th. I miss performing live and a..
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104 mins video...
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Joshua Jay comes to the Reel Magic Studios to share some of his favorite parlor work and some never-..
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Handpicked Astonishments is Paul Harris' new concept for teaching the cutting-edge magic on a wide v..
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Joshua Jay Penguin Live Online Lecture 2 Finely-crafted and highly-deceptive routines... many of wh..
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At The Table Live Lecture by Joshua Jay 2 :Signs: A freely chosen and unseen card is hidden by ..
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Joel Givens and Joshua Jay - Session (Regular Edition)
This book is geared toward magician..
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only video, no gimmicksFor months--ever since Joshua Jay fooled Penn & Teller with "Out of Sight..
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Master of close-up magic lectures Joshua Jay - At the Table Live Lecture Demonstration effect : ..
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Joshua Jay - Premise & Presentation collection Penguin 's official website issued Joshua Jay '..
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Joking Joshua Jay - Talk About Tricks Volume 1 Joshua Jay decided to publish a set of best teaching ..
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Jay Wonder - Wallet Vegas - Visit Joshua
Demo address:
$1.99 $4.99
Joshua Jay - A Different Side of Me Joshua Jay bring you six strong effect and eager to learn magic ..
$1.69 $3.98
Showing 1 to 30 of 53 (2 Pages)