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Shop Bag by Kaleb Morgan
Easy to make, utility device to reveal or transpose any small object. Home-made Easy..
$0.99 $3.99
Daredevil by Justin Dooley
A really cool flourish I made back some time ago. Daredevil has evolved over a couple of months into..
$0.59 $2.69
Arcane Grimoires Vol.1 - Apocryphal Reach by Max Hazy
The Apocryphal Reach is a combination of two concepts developed by myself. Although easy to gra..
$2.99 $11.99
Sunshine by Sebastien Calbry
Imagine a visual change happening, with no moves, right in front your spectator's eyes... Or even be..
$2.99 $8.99
Talisman by Laurent Villiger
Talisman is an original gimmick that will boost your creativity and trigger the spectator's cur..
$1.98 $33.00
Henry Ridgely Evans - Hours With the Ghosts
Henry Ridgely Evans - Hours With the Ghosts..
$1.98 $6.99
Floater - by Tom Phoenix
Float a card with no gimmicks, and change it into a different card!This makes for a nice touch in an..
$0.00 $0.00
Christmas Cards By Tom Phoenix (Instant Download)
Christmas Cards By Tom Phoenix (Instant Download)..
$0.00 $0.00
5 Best Card Sleights for Beginners with Erik Tait (Instant Download)
Have you always wanted to learn a couple of card tricks, but you weren’t sure where to start? At Pen..
$0.00 $0.00
The Revelation by Dean Dill
Dean Dill - The RevelationPDFThe latest from one of Magic's most creative thinkers -. Dean Dill Some..
$2.99 $5.89
Practical Bar Magic by Dean Serneels
Practical Bar Magic Teaching Dean Serneels - Practical Bar Magic Video Demo: http://www.murphysmagi..
$1.99 $4.73
Nana's Necklace by Dean Dill
Dean Dill - Nana's Necklace PDF $31.6 Here is the newest and latest version of the classic trick,..
$1.99 $4.99
Intimate Miracles by Dean Dill
Dean Dill - Intimate Miracles Dean Dill magic show talked about so many masters , such as Dai ??Ve..
$1.99 $4.99
Flip It by Dean Dill
Dean Dill - Flip It processDean Dill the love of the 2 sets of Flipper Coin process. This DVD c..
$1.99 $4.99
Extreme Dean (Volumes 1-2) by Dean Dill
Dill's Extreme Dean 2-Volume DeanDill's Dean need 2 volumesOriginal price $64.95Dill Dean shows and ..
$1.99 $4.71
23-23 by Dee Christopher
Dee Christopher - 23-23PDF23:23 is a collection of Dee's latest works, the routines you will find wi..
$1.99 $5.89
The Stark Arts by Landon Stark
The Stark Arts presents an exciting new exploration of magic, mayhem and mentalism.The Stark Arts by..
$0.99 $16.99
Alexander Nelson – Spirit Guide Portraits
Alexander Nelson – Spirit Guide PortraitsFrom another prolific mind – Alexander Nelson author of The..
$0.99 $6.99
Neal Scryer – Two Effects – A Gift From Scryer
Neal Scryer – Two Effects – A Gift From ScryerHere are two Complimentary Effects – from Neal Sc..
$0.99 $6.99
Neal Scryer – Hot Over The Phone
Neal Scryer – Hot Over The PhoneSpecial Thanks to Neal Scryer and Richard Webster for providing thes..
$0.99 $4.99
Talking Mental – Dennis Hermanzo
Talking Mental – Dennis HermanzoSpecial Thanks to Dennis Hermanzo, publisher of three very succ..
$0.99 $6.99
Steve Drury – Angelic Connection
Steve Drury – Angelic ConnectionSpecial Thanks to Steve Drury who has stepped up, along wi..
$0.99 $4.99
Neal Scryer – IMMOBILIZEDNeal is BACK! With a new Neal Scryer Effect, published for the first t..
$1.55 $16.99
Astonishing Essays – Magic By the Numbers - Joshua Jay (Volume 10)
As magicians, we deceive our audiences. But, are we also deceiving ourselves? Are there things—big t..
$2.99 $27.00
Wow 2.0 by Masuda
Masuda - WOW 2.0 The following effects demo copy to IE 's browser to open : Demonstration ef..
$1.99 $4.99