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Francesco Carrara - Cups & Balls & Cards
A twist on a classic!The magician shows 3 cards (2 cups and a ball).The magician then asksthe viewer..
$1.99 $11.00
Rogelio Mechilina - FRIKLING PALM
The "Frikling Palm" is one of the modern coin techniques where the hand concealing the coin appears ..
$2.99 $15.99
Laura Chips and Joseph B. - COMPLEX BUT SIMPLE
DescriptionLook at the full performanceNO GIMMICKJust a normal deck of cardsDownload now!..
$1.99 $15.99
TN and JJ Team - NN SOLVE
Solve your cube instantly!Fun to learnEasy to doDownload it today!..
$2.99 $12.00
Zoen's - Clips changes
Imagine the magician has a small colored binder clip that the magician clips to a playing cardWith a..
$0.99 $22.00
Description:A multiphase pyraminx routine that you will love!Easy to set up, remember and perform...
$2.99 $12.00
Tristan Magic - OH FOAK
OH FOAK by Tristan MagicIf you are looking for an impressive way to produce the 4 Aces (or any other..
$0.99 $6.99
Alexis Touchard - Vitrine
Imagine taking out your keys and show a beautiful metal keychain hanging on them. In it you can see ..
$2.99 $55.00
Katsuya Masuda - HALLUCINATION
On a table, there is a translucent case with a card inside of it.Ask a spectator to pick a card out ..
$1.99 $42.50
Eric Stevens - Economy Bill Change
First published in the book Seeing Double (also available on this site), Economy is a fantastic, str..
$2.99 $33.00
Soumya Deb & Sachin KM - The Haunted Wine Glass
This is a diabolical effect suitable for Parlour.From the mind of Soumya Deb & collaborated on b..
$1.99 $15.99
Geni - Animal
6 different animal cards will be shown to spectator. Spectator roll the regular dice to select a num..
$1.99 $10.99
Geni - Fante
A brand new prediction effect using two decks of cards. Somehow at the end the two cards end up in t..
$1.99 $15.99
Geni - Calacut
A stunning prediction effect!A prediction card is shown inside the card box. The deck is shuffled, a..
$1.99 $11.00
Dominicus Bagas - Sacred 21 (Video+PDF)
A new take on the legendary 21 card trick. Perform anytime, anywhere and with only 21 cards.No..
$1.99 $11.00
Abhinav Bothra - MAGNUM : Center-Tear Made Simple (PDF+Video)
The informal meaning of Magnum is 'unusually great in power or size'. Magnum Tear is just that and s..
$1.99 $68.00
Geni - Animation
A deck was shuffled by spectator. They freely think ofany number from 1 to 52, and deal down number ..
$1.99 $58.00
Cult Of Shadows By Lewis Le Val
In the heart of a fog-shrouded 16th-century village surrounded by dark forest, the enigmatic allure ..
$4.99 $24.00
NINJA SOLVE by Joseph by JJ Team
An instant cube solve!Easy to do.Works with any cube.Download it today!..
$1.99 $19.99
The Hierophant – 1&2 Mostly Marlo Issue by Louis Tannen
The full Marlo Compilation 1&2 by Tannens MagicContentsNo. 1, Moslty Marlo Issue, Fall (Septembe..
$7.66 $17.00
Scotch & Whiskey by Tom Elderfield & Hanson Chien
Meet Scotch & Whiskey, Hanson Chien Production Company’s flagship and signature product. I name ..
$2.99 $55.00
Card Tricks After Hours by Steve Beam
44 full-color pages, 37 alluring photographs, and 10 museum-quality illustrations.A full menu of sem..
$7.66 $33.00
The Expert in the Bedroom by Jerry Sadowitz
The Expert in the Bedroom by Jerry Sadowitz..
$4.99 $44.00
Odyssey By Peter Turner and Lewis Le Val
Mindhaus proudly unveils a groundbreaking collaboration, a historic fusion of minds featuring none o..
$9.99 $88.00
The Many Hands of Destiny by Paul Voodini
I first devised the Hand of Destiny routine close to ten years ago now. Of all theroutines, performa..
$2.98 $55.00
Theatrical Close-Up by Peter Samelson
1984Written by Peter SamelsonWork of Peter Samelson89 pages (Paperback), published by ..
$4.99 $29.00
Rainbow Road by Kyle Purnell
“Is it a bird?Is it a plane?No it’s Kyle Purnell smashing it out of the park again with his fresh ye..
$3.00 $13.99