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Ben Find A Card by Benjamin Earl

Ben Find A Card by Benjamin Earl

Ben Find A Card by Benjamin Earl..

$1.98 $4.99

No Motion Aces by Benjamin Earl

No Motion Aces by Benjamin Earl

No Motion Aces by Benjamin Earl..

$1.98 $4.99

Watching Closely Ricky Jay by Benjamin Earl

Watching Closely Ricky Jay by Benjamin Earl

Welcome to Benjamn Earl's new Dramatic Section series, in this feature Benjamn breaks down and revie..

$1.69 $4.99

Vanishing Point by William Tyrrell

Vanishing Point by William Tyrrell

Multiple decks instantly vanish, leaving you with just one normal deck of cards. “Vanishing Point” b..

$3.88 $6.99

THE OPENER by Adrian Vega ( Instant Download )

THE OPENER by Adrian Vega ( Instant Download )

<“Thank you Adrian for creating this professional piece of magic and share it with our community...

$5.88 $15.99

Dynamic Though Duplication by S D Threadgill

Dynamic Though Duplication by S D Threadgill

This is instruction booklet #1 in a restricted series of mental effects. Privately printed for limit..

$3.88 $6.99

Zolo Way by Professor Albert Zolo

Zolo Way by Professor Albert Zolo

DEAR FRIEND:You want to beat the Numbers, or you would not have written for the Zolo Way; the safe w..

$3.88 $8.99

Jordan’s Improved Mindreading System or Mental Telepathy by E J Jordan
Experiencing the Impossible Science of Magic by Dr Gustav Kuhn

Experiencing the Impossible Science of Magic by Dr Gustav Kuhn

How the scientific study of magic reveals intriguing—and often unsettling—insights into the mysterie..

$4.68 $16.99

Conference Zoom with Bebel & Philippe Molina ( Instant Download )

Conference Zoom with Bebel & Philippe Molina ( Instant Download )

Bébel fait le tour de la planète depuis plus de 20 ans pour présenter sa cartomagie, dans tous les c..

$5.88 $15.99

David Williamson Mega Bundle ( Instant Download )

David Williamson Mega Bundle ( Instant Download )

David Williamson is a unicorn. Some magicians are expert sleight-of-hand artists. Others are masterf..

$30.88 $66.00

The Wrap Up Show: Michael Ammar Edition

The Wrap Up Show: Michael Ammar Edition

Timestamps by James Marshall## Wrap-Up Show : Michael Ammar 2023-07-26 ##0:00:38 – intro0:02:11 – vi..

$3.97 $6.99

Elliot Bibby Lecture by The Magic Circle

Elliot Bibby Lecture by The Magic Circle

Elliot Bibby is a young Edinburgh magician specialising in Close Up and Cabaret type magic at weddin..

$3.97 $6.99

Topology and Magic by Martin Gardner

Topology and Magic by Martin Gardner

Introductory pamphlet about the relationship between topology (the study of geometric properties and..

$3.88 $6.99

Ventriloquism For Fun and Profit by Paul Winchell

Ventriloquism For Fun and Profit by Paul Winchell

This early work is a fascinating read for entertainment enthusiasts. Thoroughly recommended for the ..

$3.97 $6.99

Cub Scout Magic by Francis Rigney

Cub Scout Magic by Francis Rigney

In this book Francis Rigney gives each Cub Scout his high silk hat, his cape, and his magician’s wan..

$3.88 $6.99

A Lecture on Magic by David Roth

A Lecture on Magic by David Roth

Wild CoinStonehengeEdge Grip TechniqueWinged Silver with Edge GripBank Night..

$3.97 $6.99

Bar Magic Lecture Notes by James P. Ryan

Bar Magic Lecture Notes by James P. Ryan

Comments: Written and illustrated by Philip R. Willmarth. Pub. by Willmarth and Associates, Inc.Note..

$4.68 $16.99

Ten Thoughts on Close-Up by Patrick Page

Ten Thoughts on Close-Up by Patrick Page

One of the cleverest and most original magicians of our day is Pat Page. These ten thoughts–fully de..

$3.97 $6.99

A Kiwi Speaks by Tony Wilson

A Kiwi Speaks by Tony Wilson

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$2.68 $4.99

The New Magician’s 2023 Almanac No 1 by Andy Jerxman

The New Magician’s 2023 Almanac No 1 by Andy Jerxman

In place of your regularly scheduled newsletter we have the first annual Jerx Almanac which includes..

$5.66 $19.99

Artifice, Ruse, and Subterfuge in the Hands by Dan & Dave Buck

Artifice, Ruse, and Subterfuge in the Hands by Dan & Dave Buck

Comments: “Explaining the realm of further finesses, on the art of card manipulation and flourishes ..

$4.88 $16.99

Iceberg by GabrIel Werlen ( French )

Iceberg by GabrIel Werlen ( French )

Le nouveau livre de l’auteur du best-seller * The Green Neck System *Après l’incroyable succès inter..

$15.88 $30.99

UNLEASHED! by Kyle Purnell

UNLEASHED! by Kyle Purnell

Kyle brings his “small method, big effect” approach to the Reel Magic studios in this excellent lect..

$5.66 $10.99

UNLEASHED! by David Corsaro

UNLEASHED! by David Corsaro

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$5.66 $10.99

UNLEASHED! by Francis Menotti

UNLEASHED! by Francis Menotti

There are no reviews yet...

$5.66 $10.99

The FOMO Peek by Bill O’Connell

The FOMO Peek by Bill O’Connell

THE FOMO PEEK may be the best peek I’ve come up with yet.But first, what is THE FOMO PEEK?THE FOMO P..

$6.66 $16.99

5 O’Clock Shadow Pass by Luke Dancy

5 O’Clock Shadow Pass by Luke Dancy

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$3.88 $6.99

12/12 by Phil Goldstein

12/12 by Phil Goldstein

Contents:Strong OutPrecoinitionNew WaveMathemusicalManhattan TransferBack-Ordered..

$5.88 $17.00

Micah Cover – The Magic Circle Lecture

Micah Cover – The Magic Circle Lecture

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$3.88 $6.99

Showing 5761 to 5790 of 31190 (1040 Pages)
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