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The CC Robert Ramirez Lecture Package By Robert Ramirez
UKu-Lazy-$20 (video instructions) Robert's incredible opener since 2019! An entertaining little song..
$15.99 $207.00
Expert Phone Technique (Lecture Package) By Robert Ramirez
Expert Phone Technique -$30 This collection of phone magic uses no special apps and was a SELLOUT at..
$2.99 $30.00
Arthur's Aces By Robert Ramirez
Arthur's Aces-$20 (video instructions) This eye-popping routine is jam packed with visual vanishes t..
$2.99 $20.00
Wisdom of the Crowd By Robert Ramirez
Wisdom of the Crowd-$20 (video instruction) Robert's secret weapon is this incredibly fooling predic..
$2.99 $20.00
MexiCAAN By Robert Ramirez
MexiCAAN- $20 (video instruction) A very fooling Card at Any Number that takes all but ZERO skill, b..
$2.99 $20.00
ACES FRONT By Robert Ramirez
ACES FRONT - $20 (video Instructions) A mini deck of cards is shuffled and placed inside a champagne..
$2.99 $20.00
Magic Castle Lecture By Robert Ramirez
Magic Castle Lecture - $20 With an introduction by Jim Steinmeyer, get ready for a true master-class..
$2.99 $20.00
Thurston Five Card By Robert Ramirez
Thurston Five Card-$20 (video Instructions) A simple but beautiful routine using 5 playing cards. Yo..
$2.99 $20.00
Impromptu Shows By Robert Ramirez
Impromptu Shows - $20 When you are asked to perform impromptu, how can you make it a SHOW? Roberts s..
$2.99 $20.00
The Emperor's Deck By Robert Ramirez
The Emperor's Deck -$20 (video Instructions) A hilarious routine using a blank deck of cards! One by..
$2.99 $20.00
UKu-Lazy By Robert Ramirez
UKu-Lazy-$20 (video instructions) Robert's incredible opener since 2019! An entertaining little song..
$2.99 $20.00
Duct Tape Paradox By Robert Ramirez
Duct Tape Paradox- $20 (video instructions) A classic of magic, The Afghan Bands, updated and brough..
$2.99 $20.00
2023 Mindvention X Online Event (Day 1-3)
Day 1-32023 Virtual ConventionFor almost twenty years, MINDvention has taken place once a year, brin..
$4.99 $5.99
2023 Mindvention X Online Event Day 1
Day 1, 4th, 20232023 Virtual ConventionFor almost twenty years, MINDvention has taken place once a y..
$2.99 $5.99
Zerox by Roddy McGhie
"I'm a big fan of commercial card magic that's different from what most performers are doing. This t..
$1.99 $5.99
The Hancock Change by Kyle Purnell
"This is so visual! I thought this will require a gimmick 100%. No, it was a brilliant method with n..
$1.99 $3.99
2023 Mindvention X Online Event Day 3
Day 3, 6th, 20232023 Virtual ConventionFor almost twenty years, MINDvention has taken place once a y..
$2.99 $5.99
2023 Mindvention X Online Event Day 2
Day 2, 5th, 20232023 Virtual ConventionFor almost twenty years, MINDvention has taken place once a y..
$2.99 $5.99
Elastrix The Encyclopedia Of Rubber-Band Magic by Joe Rindfleisch
La nueva Enciclopedia de goma banda Magic está aquí. Imagina ser capaz de asfixiar a tu audiencia, y..
$3.99 $8.99
Little Theif By Dominicus Bagas
A powerful effect with a spiritual theme!You introduce a deck of cards that is old and has supernatu..
$2.99 $12.50
The Vault-How to fool friends and entertain people By Matthew Wright
For the past 8 years Matthew Wright has owned and run his own magic theatre in Torremolinos, Spain c..
$7.99 $40.00
Match changes By Tybbe master
"MATCH CHANGES"Is a visual effect where a matchbox with a front and back image when shaken will chan..
$1.99 $7.00
Chris Congreave Academy (11th Feb 2023) By Alakazam Online Magic Academy
The Alakazam Academy are kicking off the year with Chris Congreave. If you know Chris's work you wil..
$7.99 $26.00
Mark James Academy 4-Inspiring Stage Magic By Alakazam Online Magic Academy
Mark James is one of the UK's busiest working magicians who is not only a great close up magicians b..
$7.99 $26.00
Out of Sight-Out of Mind by Dai Vernon
Out of Sight-Out of Mind is a card effect by Dai Vernon published in Dai Vernon's More Inner Secrets..
$1.99 $3.99