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Index Finger Retention Vanish by Rogelio Mechilina
In this download you will learn how to vanish a coin using ONLY your Index Finger!No gimmick!..
$0.99 $5.99
Seance by Bob Cassidy
"After 2 Years Of Work Bob Cassidy Reveals His Long Awaited Secrets To The Mysteries Of The Séance....
$2.99 $8.99
Safe Bet by Pablo Amira
Safe Bet is not only a "named card in wallet" that you WILL use, but is a mini course in commu..
$2.99 $8.78
Ideas About Pendulums (5Th Edition) by Pablo Amira
Do you want to know more about this wonderful tool?Do you want to learn how to enhance your rep..
$3.99 $16.99
DIY Card Marking System by AJ & Abhinav
Learn six marking systems based on Bicycle Rider Back design.There are both reader back and coder ba..
$1.99 $5.99
Ivy by Larry Travis
Here are six card magic routines, plus variations on two of them. All are truly impromptu, meaning t..
$3.99 $22.00
Flip by Bachi Ortiz
An impossible and novel, visual revelation!You place a beer cap on a spectator's palm, and then they..
$1.99 $12.00
Black Rabbit Vol. 2 - Full Spectrum Reading System (Video+Pdf) by Lewis Le Val
In Black Rabbit Volume 2, Le Val shares his work on auras, aura readings and related routines.What i..
$2.99 $27.00
The Foxy Wrist Tie - Outdone! by David Hira
Packs small, plays BIG! The Foxy Wrist Tie - Outdone! is a theatrical masterpiece that nearly anyone..
$3.99 $5.99
A Charming Vanish by Danny Goldsmith
A deceptive ring vanish using a very common prop!..
$1.99 $12.00
Dr. Daley'S Mystery by Chris Congreave
A mystery card is placed on the table and a card is freely named. The magician then performs a versi..
$0.99 $22.00
Beyond Reform by Matthew Wright & Elliot Gerard
is a super visual, super easy to do, torn and restored card unlike anything else before it.An incred..
$1.99 $4.99
Close-Up Elegance by Davide Costi
"I have discovered that you are my twin soul." - Arturo de Ascanio"Most men have two dimensions, the..
$2.99 $37.00
The Echo System by Christian Grace
The Echo System by Christian GraceSimultaneously divine two thought of cards in an extremely fair ma..
$1.99 $3.99
Glimpse Into My Mind by Allec
Lecture Notes by Allec BlancoIf you have not heard the name Allec Blanco before, then I suggest you ..
$1.99 $5.99
Masterclass Live (Week1) by Morgan & West
Week 1 (January 1, 2023)We're so thrilled to have a chance to kick-off year four of Vanishing Inc. M..
$2.99 $77.00
Masterclass Live (Week 1-3 complete) by Morgan & West
We're so thrilled to have a chance to kick-off year four of Vanishing Inc. Masterclass with our favo..
$5.99 $77.00
The Forgotten Vol.2 by Chris Congreave And Gary Jones
Chris Congreave and Gary Jones - The Forgotten Vol.2The Forgotten volume 2 features 4 super commerci..
$2.99 $10.79
More Magic by Professor Hoffmann
$2.99 $6.68
Pipes Problems And Reading People 5 by Ben Cardall
A 6 part DVD download series from the U.K.'s leading deductionist, and a man that MX Publishing desc..
$1.99 $10.99
Pipes Problems And Reading People (1-6) by Ben Cardall
A 6 part DVD download series from the U.K.'s leading deductionist, and a man that MX Publishing desc..
$6.99 $42.99
Pipes Problems And Reading People 1 by Ben Cardall
A 6 part DVD download series from the U.K.'s leading deductionist, and a man that MX Publishing desc..
$1.99 $10.99
Craig Petty Masterclass by Craig Petty (Week 4)
Craig Petty is an award-winning performer and creator that has created some of the bestselling magic..
$2.99 $77.00
Startling Card Holder (In Chinese)
video only. In Chinese.The magician shows an ordinary ID card holder. When he shakes it slightly, a ..
$0.99 $3.99
Super Lemon by Alex Ng
gimmick not included.Super Lemon is a signature routine that Alex Ng has been performing for over ni..
$1.99 $5.99
Minted by Craig Squires
Gimmick not includedMinted is my take on the classic Matchbox Penetration. Imagine showing a pa..
$2.99 $0.00
Scott Alexander's 10th Annual Holiday & Magic Extravaganza (December 2022)
Scott’s 10th Annual Spectacular Holiday and Magic Extravaganza was a party to remember, packed with ..
$0.10 $2.99