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Switch Board by Martin Andersen
This "gadget" has been a fetish toy for many magicians and has become a collector's i..
$3.99 $297.00
Light Year by Kyle Purnell
"Light year is unlike anything you've seen before. It's as beautiful as it is baffling and a perfect..
$2.99 $61.95
Wordalism by Josh Burch
"Wordalism is a very cool adaptation of a classic principle with a modern and relevant theme that yo..
$2.99 $21.95
John Ramsay's Tasselled Rope Trick by Andrew Galloway
Effect:A length of rope which has a red tassel on one end and and a blue tassel on the other, is cut..
$2.99 $29.00
Pro Diminishing Cards by Trevor Duffy
Tried and tested by Trevor Duffy for over 30 years, this method of Diminishing Cards has always been..
$1.99 $4.99
Go With The Flow Lecture Notes by Karl Hein
"GO WITH THE FLOW" LECTURE NOTESRevised and Edited 2022..
$2.99 $24.00
Decision Point by David Regala
An incredible prediction that you'll want to perform everywhere. Made for professionals, this will f..
$1.99 $52.00
33 Tricks With The Pateo Force by Ken De Courcy
Which is one of the best forces in magic? Undoubtedly the PATEO force! PATEO stand for "POINT AT TWO..
$2.99 $12.00
European Close-Up Magic Symposium (Vol.1-3)
EUROPEAN CLOSE-UP MAGIC SYMPOSIUM Volume 1On November 2012 the first European Close-up Magic Symposi..
$4.99 $7.99
Photosynthesis by Christian Grace
A deceptive tool to freely force any playing card in the form of capturing a photo with the spectato..
$0.99 $4.99
Wow Change Card by Jl Magic
A super-visual instant change of four random cards to a four of a kind. WOW CHANGE looks like real m..
$0.99 $3.99
The Faro Shuffle by Edward Marlo
Chapter Six of the Revolutionary Card Technique series. This booklet describes Marlo's techniques fo..
$0.99 $3.99
Pokemonte by Michael O'Brien
The magician introduces an envelope containing a mystery prediction. A spectator is asked to name th..
$1.99 $4.99
Musicality by Scott Alexander
Musicality-Choosing and Using Music Effectively in your Actby: Scott AlexanderScott's widely lauded ..
$2.99 $5.99
The Lucky Envelopes by Luca Volpe, Paul Mccaig, And Alan Wong
THE LUCKY ENVELOPES by Luca Volpe, Paul Mc Caig & Alan WongEFFECT:The performer cleanly shows th..
$1.99 $4.99
Orion by Mariano Goñi
ORION Floating Flashlight is an extremely compact, lightweight system to float a ultra-bright light ..
$1.99 $4.99
Card Tricks With Apparatus by Professor Hoffmann
Contents:1 Chapter 1 Introductory4 Chapter II Principles Of Sleight Of Hand Applicable To Card Conju..
$1.99 $4.99
Welcome To The Firm by Jamie Badman & Colin Miller
A project from Jamie Badman and Colin Miller - the people who brought you the smash hit Heirloom, (p..
$1.99 $4.99
Essential Harry Lorayne by Pre-Sale: Harry Lorayne
⭐High Quality Scanning!⭐Pre-order price 14.99 instead of official price 30.99✔️ Every file will..
$14.99 $78.95
Alejandro Jodorowsky by Psychomagic
Alejandro Jodorowsky shares a healing path using the power of dreams, theater, poetry, and shamanism..
$4.99 $26.00
Tarot De Marseille by Paul Marteau
This book is the English translation of Le Tarot de Marseille by Paul Marteau from 1949. This is an ..
$6.99 $37.00
Romantic Mentalism by Pablo Amira
One of the fundamental themes in life is "Love", and with Mentalism we can achieve wonderful metapho..
$2.99 $29.00
Quick Transpo by Mario Tarasini
The magician shows two cards, puts one card on top of the other and the cards visually switch places..
$1.99 $12.00