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FREAKY HOLE is a visual effect that uses a card with a hole in the middle, which can turn the wrong ..
$0.99 $6.00
The performer has five envelopes numbered 1-to-5. One of the envelopes contains cocaine donated free..
$3.99 $12.00
Dopo un anno di scrittura e revisioni continue, finalmente pubblico il mio primo lavoro di mentalism..
$1.99 $7.00
The performer hands a prediction envelope to a member of the audience and then asks people to call o..
$2.99 $10.00
The original Prophecy Move in Bill Simon's book Effective Card Magic has been a favorite with magici..
$4.99 $17.00
Jam Session is a mentalism effect that can be achieved (in every situation and even on the phone, wi..
$2.99 $10.00
Learn some of the most deceptive magic ever created, by a modest man, Elmer Biddle ... 5 impromptu e..
$3.99 $14.00
Turn a card trick into something much more relatable - a stack of instant photographs taken just min..
$1.99 $6.95
More than 100 clever tricks you can perform anytime, anywhere. Amaze your friends with incredible fe..
$1.99 $4.99
A different way to frame a prediction and a fun way to present a spectator cutting to a three of a k..
$0.99 $3.99
Perfect solution to the question "Can you make my wife disappear??"...
$0.99 $3.99
Préparez-vous à découvrir l'univers fascinant du mentaliste anglais Mark Elsdon !EDITION LIMITEE A 3..
$8.99 $152.00
The Chinese Linking Rings is an effect ingrained in many magicians' memories during the time they ju..
$2.99 $33.96
An extremely visual transformation.An impossible prediction.First you give the spectators the possib..
$1.99 $4.99
A REFINED TAKE ON SMOKE WATCHSMOKE WATCHES. We've all heard of them, the idea that sounds so good on..
$3.99 $351.95
A card is chosen, which can be signed, and is then replaced, back in the middle of the deck.The magi..
$2.99 $35.75
Four incredible tricks for social media and real world performances!Ding ding is sharing four of his..
$2.99 $17.00
Have you ever wanted to make a chosen card teleport out of your deck? Have you ever wanted to do a b..
$0.99 $7.00
Make the torn corner of a playing card vanish and then reappear under the cellophane of your card bo..
$0.99 $9.00
Super Visual Pop-up Coins Production..
$1.99 $10.95
ONCE UPON A TIME there was a Book Test that ticked every box. That time is now.Facsimile (from ..
$2.99 $55.00
Metal Switch by Benjamin Earl..
$1.99 $38.99
"I love it. Such a trippy impossibility. It feels like you can turn the world inside out." - Erik Ta..
$1.99 $26.95
High Quality!Includes watermarkI invite you to join me for an exclusive series of 12 ..
$6.99 $38.99
"As always, Curtis brings a devastating clarity to coin magic, providing visual moments of impossibi..
$2.99 $31.95
Beyond Real Minds by Oliver Ferguson contains some of the signature effects of a busy professional p..
$29.99 $97.00
High Quality!Every file will included funnystore watermark.Richard Webster presents this fascinating..
$15.99 $47.00
''Delay'' is a great visual trick that can be displayed during a virtual magic program. Just tell th..
$0.99 $7.99
Novara by Ollie Mealing..
$0.99 $3.99
Showing 8041 to 8070 of 30663 (1023 Pages)