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Ungimmicked Dice by Tony Anverdi
The Anverdi Non-Gimmicked Dice are the perfect give-away dice for those who want to give t..
$0.99 $5.50
Ash by Pen & Ms Magic
Fire burns, ash remains.Magician display a piece of blank paper, and have audience examine it. Magic..
$1.99 $37.00
Photo Finish by Dan Harlan
Manipulate your audience's mind to produce a picture that they have only been thought of. This diabo..
$1.99 $21.95
Multiplying Wine Bottles by Tora Magic
Peerless mystery approach to fascinate the audience.The use of advanced proven laser technology alon..
$0.99 $400.00
Semi-Automatic Card Miracles by Maximiliano Yedid
Here is a small collection of automatic and semi-automatic out-of-hand card effects, empowered by th..
$3.99 $14.00
Travel Notes: Moves, Shuffles And Math by Renzo Grosso
The effects of "remote" mentalism (with the performer blindfolded, in another room, or, even, on the..
$3.99 $14.00
Manosutra by Unknown Mentalist
Manosutra in Sanskrit means 'Mind Principle'. This is a stunning piece that you can include in any o..
$2.99 $14.00
Dead Man's Hand by Steve Pellegrino
The Dead Man's Hand is a famous hand of poker that Wild Bill Hickock held when Jack McCall gunned hi..
$0.99 $5.00
Life A.C.A.A.N.2704 by Stefano Nobile
$10.99 $32.00
I-Caandy by Adam Hudson
A packet of playing cards is placed onto the table and two small envelopes are also introduced. A sp..
$0.99 $8.00
Card Cash Transpo 2.0 by Kenneth Costa
Imagine turning a playing card into money in a very visual, practical and impossible way. Explanator..
$1.99 $11.00
Re-Corner by Kenneth Costa & Aurélio Ferreira
Re-corner is a spell where you actually rip the corner of a card and throw it on the card restoring ..
$1.99 $12.00
You're Only Lying To Yourself (Video) by Luke Jermay
19 videos, 6.15GBThose who know Luke Jermay as one of the world's top mentalists may be surprised to..
$4.99 $6.99