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Out Of Sync by Adam Hudson
A spectator freely selects a number between 15 and 40. A number of cards relating to the named numbe..
$1.99 $6.00
Star Control by Adil Magician
Here's the latest poker cheating shoutouts There are a lot of poker cheating methods but unfortunate..
$2.99 $8.95
My Lucky Number by Jeriah Kosch
This trick can be done with a borrowed deck! This is a great impromptu effect!..
$2.99 $8.99
Ghost Card by Kenneth Inguerson
The deck is opened and the spectator chooses and signs any card. The magician takes the signed card ..
$2.99 $9.00
The Step Change by Thomas Reid
A random card elegantly transforms into their selected card all with fully exposed hands. The transp..
$1.99 $6.99
Winopredict by Sachin.K.M
Spectator selects a card. A wine glass is now introduced. It is shown empty.Magician holds the Wine ..
$1.99 $7.99
Card Stuck by Sachin.K.M
A Card is selected by a Spectator. It is shuffled into the deck by the spectator himself. A piece of..
$1.99 $7.99
Truly Mentalism by Jeriah Kosch
This is a great mentalism effect! It is Truly Mentalism, this trick will fool anybody, it might even..
$2.99 $8.99
Disgusting Foods by Pepe Depepe
Easy and funny Russian roulette with disgusting foods. The spectator covers, mixes and chooses freel..
$2.99 $11.95
Blade Control by Melgor
a sleight of hand to control the card to the top of the deck.can do as a colour change.bonus new san..
$0.99 $4.00
Two For You by Dibya Guha
Two for You is a PDF containing two fun filled easy- to-do magic effects. The effects in this PDF ar..
$2.99 $10.00
Awesome 3Some by Dibya Guha
AWESOME THREE SOME is a collection of 3 amazing fun filled effects from the fertile mind of Dibya Gu..
$3.99 $12.00
Impossible Four Of A Kind Location by Jeriah Kosch
This is an amazing effect where you find the four of a kind that your spectator's thinking of.Watch ..
$2.99 $8.99
Blade Shift by Melgor
Shift the card from the center of the deck to the top.Can be done with multiple cards and as a colou..
$0.99 $5.00
Auto Balance by Garlic
Auto Balance is an amazing card trickImagine with a shuffled deck of cards (Spectator shuffles the d..
$3.99 $12.00
Making The Cut - Impromptu Ace Cutting by Carl Irwin
Making The Cut is a procedural approach to impromptu Ace Cutting from a truly shuffled deck.The card..
$1.99 $8.00
Genetic by Agustin
The visual color change is one of the strongest effects in card magic. It's great to perform as a st..
$2.99 $11.00
Stealth 3.0 by La Ville Magic
La Ville Magic - Stealth 3.0 (Double Acann) By Lars La Ville Effect:You show a red and blue deck. Th..
$3.99 $12.00
Impossible Divination by Jeunell Poblete
Trick Description: Divine a spectator’s selection in a very impossible way.This will be the easiest..
$1.99 $5.99
The Secret Art Of Magic by Eric Evans & Nowlin Craver
The Secret Art of Magic is comprised of two sections, essentially two books: Street Magic & The ..
$15.99 $47.00
Fox Control by Adil Magician
Fox CONTROLIf you want to fool a magician, this is the effect for you!Now with the Fox control move,..
$0.99 $4.99
Beginner'S Groundbreaking Magic Course by Rohan Chitale
IMAGINE THIS:?Take an ordinary deck of cards with you and read their MINDS!?Make impossible looking ..
$6.99 $22.00
Any - Thoughts On Acaan From A Common Magician by Carl Irwin
Many marketed approaches to ACAAN will boast of truly free selections without any forcing.Some claim..
$3.99 $12.00
Clip Switch by Alfonso Solis
A person chooses a card their card is placed back in the deck. you then take out a large paper clip ..
$1.99 $8.00
Wipe Up by Ebby Tones
This color change is really super visual This visual is elegant and great Can be performed with a ma..
$2.99 $11.00
Following The Sticker And Surprise by Salvador Molano Olivera
following the sticker and surprise The effect involves three white-faced cards and one with a stick..
$2.99 $11.99
Matched by Dibya Guha
The performer shows 6 labels of various famous local match boxes. Also introduced & placed on th..
$2.99 $9.00
X-Wallet by Ebby Tones
The effect of the card change is really visual and elegantThis is done with your own wallet and can ..
$1.99 $8.00
Mental Spell by Salvador Molano Olivera
mental spell first, you place a steel nail on top of a card case. you concentrate on the nail and ve..
$5.99 $20.24
Stoned - A Reading System (Pdf) by Kris Kon
Do you want to give people an emotional reading with huge impact?Do you want to learn a system that ..
$9.99 $29.95