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Another Dozen Hummers by Bob Hummer
Here are 12 more unique, mind-blowing Bob Hummer stunts for magicians and mentalists. Includes four ..
$1.99 $12.00
Three Pets by Bob Hummer
From the brilliant mind of Bob Hummer comes a triple helping of mental mysteries that are as much fu..
$1.99 $8.00
Abraca-Poof June 2020 by Brian T. Lees
Thank YouMarket to MarketGold Mine in Old MagicNegotiation, the Power of NoSources of EducationOnlin..
$0.99 $2.99
Abraca-Poof November 2020 by Brian T. Lees
What do you charge?Market to MarketExercise CreativityThanksgivingBody LanguageEmergency 20 MinutesW..
$0.99 $2.99
Abraca-Poof October 2020 by Brian T. Lees
Warm-UpsMarket to Market: Rose and a Business CardMagic Goes VaudevilleWireless Microphone SaleCoach..
$0.99 $2.99
Instant Camera by Brick Tilley
A delightful give-away consisting of a hand made paper camera that appears to develop a pencil sketc..
$1.99 $12.00
Last Word Blindfold Methods by Burling Hull
Over $500 of professional mentalists' blindfold secrets are divulged in this insider's publication. ..
$1.99 $10.00
The Life And Mysteries Of The Celebrated D by C. Alexander Conlin
The "Dr. Q Book" was the first all-revealing book of professional mentalism. No less an authority th..
$1.99 $12.00
Zauberwelt 1. Jahrgang (1895) by Carl Willmann
No. 1Zum BeginnDer Zauberstab und seine verschiedenen PraparationenDer SaharasandDie BonbonduteDas L..
$1.99 $10.00
Zauberwelt 10. Jahrgang (1904) by Carl Willmann
No. 1Reiseerinnerungen IIDie aufdrangliche KarteWillmann's Faun-MaskeDie mysteriose Tuchwanderung / ..
$1.99 $10.00
Thimble Thimon by Chester Dobski
If you've ever thought of presenting magic with thimbles, this is the ebook for you. Chock full of s..
$0.99 $6.00
A Whirlwind Of Wizardry by Chris Van Bern & Alex De Vega
From the Introduction:Remember that the average act, which can be acquired by anyone without much pr..
$1.99 $12.00
Birthdate Magic Square by Chris Wasshuber
A spectator populates a row of a 4x4 square with any four numbers. You fill out the remaining 12 squ..
$2.99 $21.50
Herzblut 1 by Christian Knudsen
Das Video zum Buch. In dieser download DVD-Trilogie zeigt und erklart Christian Knudsen die schonste..
$3.99 $22.00
Herzblut 2 by Christian Knudsen
Dies ist der zweite Teil der download DVD-Trilogie uber die professionelle Close Up-Zauberei von Chr..
$3.99 $22.00
Herzblut 3 by Christian Knudsen
Das Fazit der Zeitschrift Magische Welt zur Buchvorlage von Christian Knudsen: "Ein qualitativ hervo..
$3.99 $22.00
Reality As Canvas by Dale A. Hildebrandt
Short, to the point, effects created by Dale A. Hildebrandt and a few of his friends some years ago;..
$1.99 $12.00
Super Unnatural by David Davis
An automatic routine in six phases with many surprises. Absolutely no skill required!A delightful se..
$0.99 $7.00
My Magic Life by David Devant
This is David Devant's autobiography. On top of his personal recollections he included three chapter..
$2.99 $17.00
Secrets Of My Magic by David Devant
From the foreword by Jeffery Atkins:To a true lover of the Magic Art, the name of David Devant conju..
$2.99 $17.00
Gaukelwerk With Cards by Dr. Hans-Christian Solka
A new, potentially faster, method to clock a deck of cards.'Clocking' a deck of cards means applying..
$4.99 $27.00
Magic With Electronics by E. W. Bud Morris
Bud Morris had a creative mind. In this collection of effects he demonstrates how a bit of electroni..
$1.99 $9.00
M.I.N.T. Volume 3 by Edward Marlo
Beyond the Eight major pieces of material, not to mention sleights and subtleties, that have remaine..
$3.99 $42.00
Theatrical Magic by Eugene E. Gloye
A fantastic ebook on theatrical magic, the psychology of magic, and numerous routines explained in d..
$5.99 $31.95
Phantini'S Lost Book Of Mental Secrets by Gene Grant
19 of Gene Grant's most brilliant mental presentations using books, magazines, paper billets, envelo..
$2.99 $17.00
Conjuror'S Party by Geoffrey Buckhurst
This is a silent film of a magic show for children performed by Geoffrey Buckhurst probably from the..
$1.99 $8.00
Tony Lackner Zauberhafte Apparate by Georg Walter
Tony Lackner ist jedem Zaubersammler ein Begriff. Seine Zauberexponate sind heute weltweit gesucht u..
$5.99 $31.50
Swamp Stunners by Graham Hey
Tricks for stand-up and close-up (with routines), original one-liners, and visual gags from the lago..
$2.99 $14.00
The Comedy Cosmonaut by Graham Hey
'Out of this world' laughs, visual gags and tricks to add atmosphere for close-up and stand-up.From ..
$0.99 $7.00
Super Session #1: Key On The String by Gregg Webb
Each ebook in the series will feature a single effect from Gregg's vast oeuvre. Whenever applicable,..
$0.99 $6.95