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Scacco Matto by Aldo Colombini
Questa te la consiglio davvero. E' una delle mie routines preferite e puo diventare anche una delle ..
$1.99 $9.00
Jack Yates' Card Caprice by Ken De Courcy
"Jack's Wallet" is an ingenious way of predicting a freely-chosen card using an unfaked wallet, the ..
$0.99 $27.00
Instone by Chris Huang
Instone by Chris Huang Description:? ? ? Instone , created by Chris Huang, is the debut of stone ..
$1.99 $6.99
August 2016 by Penguin Magic Monthly
BILLY KIDD’S TOP TENFavorite PerformersBy Billy KiddBLISTER100% Signed Coin to Inside Playing CardBy..
$1.99 $4.99
Lost N Found by Nefesch
Lost N Found is a very easy way to make any object (small to medium size) appear out of thin air in ..
$1.99 $12.00
Sanda Panda Mystery Box by Devin Knight
The Sanda-Panda Mystery Box is an ungimmicked 6"x 4" cardboard box. It is always in full view and gi..
$1.99 $12.00
Locked Books 02: The Traveller Effect by Alexander De Cova
This was the routine magicians talked most about at Alexander's last lecture tour in Germany, Austri..
$5.99 $28.00
Ein Abend Im Magischen Cercle: Episode 3 by Orf
Peter Lodynski: produziert Assistentin Ingrid RieglerAl Goshman: Chinka Chink Chinese Mystery, Karte..
$1.99 $12.00
Two Second Deals by Russell T. Barnhart
This ebook is for the advanced student of cards. Russel T. Barnhart teaches two second deals. One he..
$1.99 $8.95
New And Original Magic by Edward M. Massey
Massey was the inventor of many mechanical magic tricks that have become part of the routines of mod..
$2.99 $17.00
Packet Mania 4 by Cameron Francis
Probably the best of the series. Great packet tricks that use easy to find special cards.CONTENTS:TH..
$1.99 $12.00
Q-Bend by Scott Xavier
[Note that this method is not the method Richard Osterlind uses for his trademark penny bend effect...
$3.99 $21.00
Puppetrix Supreme by Stanton Carlisle
From the introduction by Edwin Hooper:Stanton Carlisle is well-known for his many articles on mental..
$1.99 $12.00
I Wouldn'T Like To Play Cards With You! by Harry Stanley
Four easy card routines that flow nicely together, plus a false shuffle and a false cut. The routine..
$1.99 $8.00
Card Stories by Roberto Giobbi
In diesem E-Buch beschreibt Giobbi nur zwei Routinen, aber diese sind bis ins kleinste Detail aufgea..
$1.99 $9.00
Ein Abend Im Magischen Cercle: Episode 6 by Orf
Mirjam and Peter Lodynski: Erscheinen von LodynskiClaude Rix: Perlen der MagiePeter Lodynski: Perlen..
$1.99 $12.00
November 2016 by Penguin Magic Monthly
SETTING THE BARIdeas For a Bar Magic ShowBy Kayla DrescherHARBOR COINSBy Nathan KranzoBACIBy David C..
$1.99 $4.99
Fate, Free Will And Influence: Chair Test by Steve Pellegrino
Fate, Free Will & Influence is one of the most amazing, customizable and practical chair tests y..
$2.99 $14.95
Mindful Mentalism Volume 2 by Paul Hallas
This time Paul casts his net further afield with contributions from several countries.Introduction a..
$3.99 $20.00
April 2016 by Penguin Magic Monthly
A QUICK TRICKNo Moves Copper Silver Brassby Nathan KranzoMASTERING THE CLASSICS“Just Think” Mental M..
$1.99 $4.99
Dream Card V.2 by Jawed Goudih
Warning! A very visual effect - a perfect ending to your ambitious card routine!The spectator choose..
$2.99 $6.99
No Way Out by Mario Tarasini
The spectator chooses any random card.He signs the card and the cellophane of card box.The magician ..
$1.99 $6.99
Haunt Change by Mario Tarasini
Mario Tarasini presents an effect based on the classic Haunted Bill trick.Effect:The magician shows ..
$3.99 $6.99
The Bye Bye Dice by Mario Tarasini
Effect:The magician shows the dice and places it on the card box.The dice is covered by a card and....
$2.99 $6.99
Easy Money Black Or Brown Wallet by Spencer Kennard
A classic of classic's, Tom Burgoon's Power Pickpocket has been a powerful piece in the arsenal of m..
$2.99 $5.99
Ihab Asfour - Reverse Rising (Presents By Mario Tarasini)
A new and improved version of the trick "Fallen Card" by Ihab Asfour!Effect:The spectator chooses a ..
$1.99 $6.99
Hole Through Hole by Mario Tarasini
The spectator chooses one card. (No force).The magician shows two cards with a hole and places a spe..
$1.99 $6.99
Interesting Tricks by Mario Tarasini
This is a selection of tricks that I have created over the past two years.In this download you will ..
$2.99 $6.99
Magic Motion by Mario Tarasini
This is a series of some of my favorite tricks that I have created over the past two years!In the fi..
$2.99 $6.99
My Favorites by Mario Tarasini
This is a series of tricks I have created in 2 years.In the file you will find 3 tricks that are com..
$2.99 $6.99