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Scacco Matto by Aldo Colombini

Scacco Matto by Aldo Colombini

Questa te la consiglio davvero. E' una delle mie routines preferite e puo diventare anche una delle ..

$1.99 $9.00

Jack Yates' Card Caprice by Ken De Courcy

Jack Yates' Card Caprice by Ken De Courcy

"Jack's Wallet" is an ingenious way of predicting a freely-chosen card using an unfaked wallet, the ..

$0.99 $27.00

Instone by Chris Huang

Instone by Chris Huang

Instone by Chris Huang Description:? ? ? Instone , created by Chris Huang, is the debut of stone ..

$1.99 $6.99

August 2016 by Penguin Magic Monthly

August 2016 by Penguin Magic Monthly

BILLY KIDD’S TOP TENFavorite PerformersBy Billy KiddBLISTER100% Signed Coin to Inside Playing CardBy..

$1.99 $4.99

Lost N Found by Nefesch

Lost N Found by Nefesch

Lost N Found is a very easy way to make any object (small to medium size) appear out of thin air in ..

$1.99 $12.00

Sanda Panda Mystery Box by Devin Knight

Sanda Panda Mystery Box by Devin Knight

The Sanda-Panda Mystery Box is an ungimmicked 6"x 4" cardboard box. It is always in full view and gi..

$1.99 $12.00

Locked Books 02: The Traveller Effect by Alexander De Cova

Locked Books 02: The Traveller Effect by Alexander De Cova

This was the routine magicians talked most about at Alexander's last lecture tour in Germany, Austri..

$5.99 $28.00

Ein Abend Im Magischen Cercle: Episode 3 by Orf

Ein Abend Im Magischen Cercle: Episode 3 by Orf

Peter Lodynski: produziert Assistentin Ingrid RieglerAl Goshman: Chinka Chink Chinese Mystery, Karte..

$1.99 $12.00

Two Second Deals by Russell T. Barnhart

Two Second Deals by Russell T. Barnhart

This ebook is for the advanced student of cards. Russel T. Barnhart teaches two second deals. One he..

$1.99 $8.95

New And Original Magic by Edward M. Massey

New And Original Magic by Edward M. Massey

Massey was the inventor of many mechanical magic tricks that have become part of the routines of mod..

$2.99 $17.00

Packet Mania 4 by Cameron Francis

Packet Mania 4 by Cameron Francis

Probably the best of the series. Great packet tricks that use easy to find special cards.CONTENTS:TH..

$1.99 $12.00

Q-Bend by Scott Xavier

Q-Bend by Scott Xavier

[Note that this method is not the method Richard Osterlind uses for his trademark penny bend effect...

$3.99 $21.00

Puppetrix Supreme by Stanton Carlisle

Puppetrix Supreme by Stanton Carlisle

From the introduction by Edwin Hooper:Stanton Carlisle is well-known for his many articles on mental..

$1.99 $12.00

I Wouldn'T Like To Play Cards With You! by Harry Stanley

I Wouldn'T Like To Play Cards With You! by Harry Stanley

Four easy card routines that flow nicely together, plus a false shuffle and a false cut. The routine..

$1.99 $8.00

Card Stories by Roberto Giobbi

Card Stories by Roberto Giobbi

In diesem E-Buch beschreibt Giobbi nur zwei Routinen, aber diese sind bis ins kleinste Detail aufgea..

$1.99 $9.00

Ein Abend Im Magischen Cercle: Episode 6 by Orf

Ein Abend Im Magischen Cercle: Episode 6 by Orf

Mirjam and Peter Lodynski: Erscheinen von LodynskiClaude Rix: Perlen der MagiePeter Lodynski: Perlen..

$1.99 $12.00

November 2016 by Penguin Magic Monthly

November 2016 by Penguin Magic Monthly

SETTING THE BARIdeas For a Bar Magic ShowBy Kayla DrescherHARBOR COINSBy Nathan KranzoBACIBy David C..

$1.99 $4.99

Fate, Free Will And Influence: Chair Test by Steve Pellegrino

Fate, Free Will And Influence: Chair Test by Steve Pellegrino

Fate, Free Will & Influence is one of the most amazing, customizable and practical chair tests y..

$2.99 $14.95

Mindful Mentalism Volume 2 by Paul Hallas

Mindful Mentalism Volume 2 by Paul Hallas

This time Paul casts his net further afield with contributions from several countries.Introduction a..

$3.99 $20.00

April 2016 by Penguin Magic Monthly

April 2016 by Penguin Magic Monthly

A QUICK TRICKNo Moves Copper Silver Brassby Nathan KranzoMASTERING THE CLASSICS“Just Think” Mental M..

$1.99 $4.99

Dream Card V.2 by Jawed Goudih

Dream Card V.2 by Jawed Goudih

Warning! A very visual effect - a perfect ending to your ambitious card routine!The spectator choose..

$2.99 $6.99

No Way Out by Mario Tarasini

No Way Out by Mario Tarasini

The spectator chooses any random card.He signs the card and the cellophane of card box.The magician ..

$1.99 $6.99

Haunt Change by Mario Tarasini

Haunt Change by Mario Tarasini

Mario Tarasini presents an effect based on the classic Haunted Bill trick.Effect:The magician shows ..

$3.99 $6.99

The Bye Bye Dice by Mario Tarasini

The Bye Bye Dice by Mario Tarasini

Effect:The magician shows the dice and places it on the card box.The dice is covered by a card and....

$2.99 $6.99

Easy Money Black Or Brown Wallet by Spencer Kennard

Easy Money Black Or Brown Wallet by Spencer Kennard

A classic of classic's, Tom Burgoon's Power Pickpocket has been a powerful piece in the arsenal of m..

$2.99 $5.99

Ihab Asfour - Reverse Rising (Presents By Mario Tarasini)

Ihab Asfour - Reverse Rising (Presents By Mario Tarasini)

A new and improved version of the trick "Fallen Card" by Ihab Asfour!Effect:The spectator chooses a ..

$1.99 $6.99

Hole Through Hole by Mario Tarasini

Hole Through Hole by Mario Tarasini

The spectator chooses one card. (No force).The magician shows two cards with a hole and places a spe..

$1.99 $6.99

Interesting Tricks by Mario Tarasini

Interesting Tricks by Mario Tarasini

This is a selection of tricks that I have created over the past two years.In this download you will ..

$2.99 $6.99

Magic Motion by Mario Tarasini

Magic Motion by Mario Tarasini

This is a series of some of my favorite tricks that I have created over the past two years!In the fi..

$2.99 $6.99

My Favorites by Mario Tarasini

My Favorites by Mario Tarasini

This is a series of tricks I have created in 2 years.In the file you will find 3 tricks that are com..

$2.99 $6.99

Showing 10591 to 10620 of 31416 (1048 Pages)
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