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Nexus by Martin Adams

Nexus by Martin Adams

Emotional:Imagine an effect which gives you an opportunity to give a 100% accurate reading on your s..

$4.99 $21.00

Card Tricks And The Way They Are Performed by Si Stebbins

Card Tricks And The Way They Are Performed by Si Stebbins

This is a collection of three similar but distinct publications by Si Stebbins, explaining his famou..

$2.99 $12.00

Espespcially Yours by Stanton Carlisle

Espespcially Yours by Stanton Carlisle

1st edition 1980; original 36 pages; PDF 44 pages.ContentsDedicationForewordPrefaceOne Out Of Five?...

$2.99 $11.00

Weight A Second by Stefan Olschewski

Weight A Second by Stefan Olschewski

A spectator is asked to freely cut a shuffled deck of playing cards and hide the cut-off portion in ..

$1.99 $7.99

Thought Waves by Stephen Tucker

Thought Waves by Stephen Tucker

20 mentalism effects with a foreword by Max Maven. Out of print since 1985. Now again available as e..

$4.99 $18.00

Suitcase Sideshow by Tommy Windsor

Suitcase Sideshow by Tommy Windsor

Here is something different for the club or platform magician - a new act that will get you more boo..

$1.99 $4.99

Popular Card Tricks by Walter Gibson

Popular Card Tricks by Walter Gibson

Walter Gibson intended this book for the novice. All the tricks are quite easy to perform. And in th..

$1.99 $7.00

Spirit Slate Writing And Kindred Phenomena by William E. Robinson

Spirit Slate Writing And Kindred Phenomena by William E. Robinson

This work has the earliest known reference to a nail writer. It has an interesting section on appear..

$1.99 $9.00

Mastering The Micromisdirection by Giacomo Bertini

Mastering The Micromisdirection by Giacomo Bertini

"Giacomo Bertini is a true original in the field of coin magic . Within the inner circle of coin mag..

$0.99 $3.99

Gang Of Four by Harry Anderson

Gang Of Four by Harry Anderson

Four spectators each select a card remember it. You remove one card from the Deck and place it face ..

$2.99 $5.99

Magia Con Imperdibles by Jerry Andrus

Magia Con Imperdibles by Jerry Andrus

Dice J B Bobo: Me ha cautivado la magia con imperdibles desde hace años, cuando vi por primera vez e..

$1.99 $4.99

Mastering The Cull by Kostya Kimlat

Mastering The Cull by Kostya Kimlat

Kostya Kimlat - Mastering the Cull..

$2.99 $5.99

The Joker Game Lecture Notes 2000 by Kostya Kimlat

The Joker Game Lecture Notes 2000 by Kostya Kimlat

Kostya Kimlat - The Joker Game Lecture Notes 2000..

$1.99 $4.99

Mth Ep by Matthew Beaudouin

Mth Ep by Matthew Beaudouin

Meet Matthew Baudouin, a fellow French cardist. After seeing him at Cardistry-Con 2016, we couldn’t ..

$2.99 $5.99

Royce by Nubzmagic

Royce by Nubzmagic

ROYCE by NubzMagicThe cards are shuffled and all shown to have the same back. A prediction is set of..

$0.99 $3.99

The Art Of Magical Entertainment by Paul A. Lelekis

The Art Of Magical Entertainment by Paul A. Lelekis

Paul A. Lelekis - The Art of Magical Entertainment..

$2.99 $5.99

Nosey Volunteers by Richard Griffin

Nosey Volunteers by Richard Griffin

Four volunteers are chosen; Four black bags are shown. Each one contains a different colored clown's..

$2.99 $5.99

High-Six by Spencer Tricks

High-Six by Spencer Tricks

"In the right hands, this levitation is like real magic." - LosanderThe brand new and highly practic..

$3.99 $6.99

The Conus Aces by Steve Valentine

The Conus Aces by Steve Valentine

CONUS ACES: A thorough, in depth teach in on the great Conus Aces. Over 100 years old and easily one..

$3.99 $6.99

Svenagain Pro by Sven Lee

Svenagain Pro by Sven Lee

Svengali pads and books allow you to force words, drawings, names and more in a very easy, convincin..

$1.99 $4.99

Uno by The Other Brothers

Uno by The Other Brothers

The Other Brothers - UNOUnoMagic download (video) by Darryl Davis, Daryl Williams and The Other Brot..

$1.99 $4.99

Tommy Pad by Thomas Bleasdale

Tommy Pad by Thomas Bleasdale

A transparent covered pad is handed to the participant. They write or draw what they want. They fold..

$5.99 $8.99

Tnr Corner by Tom Elderfield

Tnr Corner by Tom Elderfield

A signed card is torn, and the two pieces are shown. You then literally throw the piece back onto th..

$1.99 $4.99

I'Ll Pass by Wesley James

I'Ll Pass by Wesley James

Wesley James has been seriously analyzing, studying, and improving the Pass for well over 50 years. ..

$14.99 $26.99

Phantom Voices by Al Mann

Phantom Voices by Al Mann

TRANS PHONE TEST: Mentalist asks anyone in the audience to use his cell phone to call home and ask a..

$16.99 $42.00

The "H" Factor by Al Mann

The "H" Factor by Al Mann

Effects with the Himber of flip-over wallet.The WalletsTechniqueThe Secret ThrustA HistoryRichard Hi..

$12.99 $32.00

The Seven Seals by Al Mann

The Seven Seals by Al Mann

The Talt MoveThe Hidden GateOpen SesameThe SpecterSpiritsThe Seal Of ProteusThe Headline PredictionT..

$14.99 $37.00

Orson Welles: The Man Who Was Magic by Barton Whaley

Orson Welles: The Man Who Was Magic by Barton Whaley

This Orson Welles ebook is a case study of an individual that was able to think "out of the box". Ea..

$12.99 $32.00

Working It by Bob Cassidy

Working It by Bob Cassidy

The companion volume to Staging It, this exclusive ebook for mentalists is devoted to audience handl..

$10.99 $27.00

Pure Telepathy by Boris Wild

Pure Telepathy by Boris Wild

Imagine if you could reveal a card that has been simply peeked at while your back was turned; withou..

$4.99 $7.99

Showing 10981 to 11010 of 31431 (1048 Pages)
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