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Nexus by Martin Adams
Emotional:Imagine an effect which gives you an opportunity to give a 100% accurate reading on your s..
$4.99 $21.00
Card Tricks And The Way They Are Performed by Si Stebbins
This is a collection of three similar but distinct publications by Si Stebbins, explaining his famou..
$2.99 $12.00
Espespcially Yours by Stanton Carlisle
1st edition 1980; original 36 pages; PDF 44 pages.ContentsDedicationForewordPrefaceOne Out Of Five?...
$2.99 $11.00
Weight A Second by Stefan Olschewski
A spectator is asked to freely cut a shuffled deck of playing cards and hide the cut-off portion in ..
$1.99 $7.99
Thought Waves by Stephen Tucker
20 mentalism effects with a foreword by Max Maven. Out of print since 1985. Now again available as e..
$4.99 $18.00
Suitcase Sideshow by Tommy Windsor
Here is something different for the club or platform magician - a new act that will get you more boo..
$1.99 $4.99
Popular Card Tricks by Walter Gibson
Walter Gibson intended this book for the novice. All the tricks are quite easy to perform. And in th..
$1.99 $7.00
Spirit Slate Writing And Kindred Phenomena by William E. Robinson
This work has the earliest known reference to a nail writer. It has an interesting section on appear..
$1.99 $9.00
Mastering The Micromisdirection by Giacomo Bertini
"Giacomo Bertini is a true original in the field of coin magic . Within the inner circle of coin mag..
$0.99 $3.99
Gang Of Four by Harry Anderson
Four spectators each select a card remember it. You remove one card from the Deck and place it face ..
$2.99 $5.99
Magia Con Imperdibles by Jerry Andrus
Dice J B Bobo: Me ha cautivado la magia con imperdibles desde hace años, cuando vi por primera vez e..
$1.99 $4.99
The Joker Game Lecture Notes 2000 by Kostya Kimlat
Kostya Kimlat - The Joker Game Lecture Notes 2000..
$1.99 $4.99
Mth Ep by Matthew Beaudouin
Meet Matthew Baudouin, a fellow French cardist. After seeing him at Cardistry-Con 2016, we couldn’t ..
$2.99 $5.99
Royce by Nubzmagic
ROYCE by NubzMagicThe cards are shuffled and all shown to have the same back. A prediction is set of..
$0.99 $3.99
The Art Of Magical Entertainment by Paul A. Lelekis
Paul A. Lelekis - The Art of Magical Entertainment..
$2.99 $5.99
Nosey Volunteers by Richard Griffin
Four volunteers are chosen; Four black bags are shown. Each one contains a different colored clown's..
$2.99 $5.99
High-Six by Spencer Tricks
"In the right hands, this levitation is like real magic." - LosanderThe brand new and highly practic..
$3.99 $6.99
The Conus Aces by Steve Valentine
CONUS ACES: A thorough, in depth teach in on the great Conus Aces. Over 100 years old and easily one..
$3.99 $6.99
Svenagain Pro by Sven Lee
Svengali pads and books allow you to force words, drawings, names and more in a very easy, convincin..
$1.99 $4.99
Uno by The Other Brothers
The Other Brothers - UNOUnoMagic download (video) by Darryl Davis, Daryl Williams and The Other Brot..
$1.99 $4.99
Tommy Pad by Thomas Bleasdale
A transparent covered pad is handed to the participant. They write or draw what they want. They fold..
$5.99 $8.99
Tnr Corner by Tom Elderfield
A signed card is torn, and the two pieces are shown. You then literally throw the piece back onto th..
$1.99 $4.99
I'Ll Pass by Wesley James
Wesley James has been seriously analyzing, studying, and improving the Pass for well over 50 years. ..
$14.99 $26.99
Phantom Voices by Al Mann
TRANS PHONE TEST: Mentalist asks anyone in the audience to use his cell phone to call home and ask a..
$16.99 $42.00
The "H" Factor by Al Mann
Effects with the Himber of flip-over wallet.The WalletsTechniqueThe Secret ThrustA HistoryRichard Hi..
$12.99 $32.00
The Seven Seals by Al Mann
The Talt MoveThe Hidden GateOpen SesameThe SpecterSpiritsThe Seal Of ProteusThe Headline PredictionT..
$14.99 $37.00
Orson Welles: The Man Who Was Magic by Barton Whaley
This Orson Welles ebook is a case study of an individual that was able to think "out of the box". Ea..
$12.99 $32.00
Working It by Bob Cassidy
The companion volume to Staging It, this exclusive ebook for mentalists is devoted to audience handl..
$10.99 $27.00
Pure Telepathy by Boris Wild
Imagine if you could reveal a card that has been simply peeked at while your back was turned; withou..
$4.99 $7.99