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Together by Rodrigues
I always loved the Ace Assembly plot but most versions are designed to be performed with music or ne..
$1.99 $5.99
Toaster by Max Lukian
Everyone has a favorite sandwich routine--a way to trap a selection between two mates. "Toaster" is ..
$1.99 $5.99
Rubik Shell Revolution by Lepetitmagicie
Voir la review de rubik shell révolution la total.Explication en détail sur ce ce Rubik shell.Voici ..
$4.99 $7.99
Coin Magic: Designing Presentations (Part 1-4) by Rick Holcombe
Rick Holcombe - Coin Magic: Designing Presentations (Part 1-4)..
$0.99 $3.99
Oscar S. Teale - Higher Magic: Magic for the Artist
A thought-provoking and now generally overlooked contribution to magic literature, Higher Magic offe..
$2.99 $11.00
Paul Rosini's Magical Gems by Rufus Steele
Rosini never did get the chance to write a book detailing his own methods. He planned on writing one..
$1.99 $9.99
PDF of The Tablets of Osiris
An amazing look into early 20th Century Magic! Issued by Thomas Worthington from 1929 to 1943. It In..
$4.99 $50.00
Prof. Carl Herrmann - Herrmann's Book of Magic: Black Art Fully Exposed
Herrmann’s Book of Magic: Black Art Fully Exposed..
$1.99 $7.99
Robert J. Albo - The Classic Magic series (1-11) (HD PDF Version)
The Oriental Magic of the Bambergs (Classic Magic series, vol. 1)Classic Magic with Apparatus (Class..
$80.00 $299.00
The Secrets of Conjuring and Magic by Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin & Professor Hoffmann
The original title is Les Secrets de la Prestidigitation et de la Magie. It was the collection ..
$1.99 $9.99
The Magic Art of Entertaining by Selbit
The purpose of “The Magic Art of Entertaining” is to lucidly instruct the reader, be he or she entir..
$2.99 $9.99
Sensational Tales of Mystery Men by Will Goldston
Stories and anecdotes of the Who's Who of magic in the early 20th century. Several are about Ho..
$1.99 $9.99
Harlan Tarbell - Tarbell System Incorporated
Harlan Tarbell’s Tarbell System Incorporated. Recommended to nearly every beginner, a tremendou..
$3.99 $24.00
Thayer's Magical Bulletin
A complete file of Thayer’s Magical Bulletin.Thayer’s Magical Bulletin was put out by Floy..
$4.99 $55.00
The Houdini Séance PDF
The magicians of the past who were privileged to see the Fogel “One Man Mystery Show” were very impr..
$2.99 $13.00
Tragic Magic by Harry Leat
An original blurb read: Tragic Magic containing original magical sketches, tricks, some hu..
$1.99 $9.99
Testament of R. W Hull by Trevor H. Hull
Raph W. Hull is probably best remembered as the man who developed a number of gimmicked decks, but t..
$1.99 $9.99
Tricks that Mystify by Will Goldston
This book was also published as 'book 2' in a four-part volume under the same title. The other three..
$1.99 $17.00
"Ghostly Seconds" by Vynn Boyar PDF
A new method for the second deal from Vynn Boyar.Using a new principle that Boyar calls the “Shutter..
$2.99 $9.99
PDF - A Short History of Playing Cards by W. Gurney Benham
Sir William Gurney Benham may not have been a magician, but his wide-ranging historical expertise af..
$2.99 $8.99
The Secret Out by W. H. Cremer
There is quite some confusion about this book, because there are American editions and British editi..
$2.99 $9.99
PDF - The Complete “Practical Card Tricks” by Walter B. Gibson
Not content with ghost writing for Blackstone, Thurston and Houdini or creating The Shadow, Walter G..
$1.99 $14.00
PDF - Trix and Chatter by Werner C. Dornfield a.k.a. “Dorny”
In his introduction to this unusual book, which bears the subtitle “A Novelty-Serio-Comic-Magic-Olog..
$2.99 $15.00
A Magician's Swan Song by Will Goldston
An autobiographical history of magic, profusely illustrated with diagrams of magic tricks and photog..
$2.99 $11.00