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Steal Box by Stefanus Alexander
STEAL Box is a Very Cool gimmick that I made..because With this Gimmick, you can do any trick do you..
$0.99 $3.99
Without A Trace by Chris Pilsworth
Without A Trace is a stunning vanish of a single coin designed specifically for virtual and social m..
$3.99 $7.99
Fate by Joseph B
Do as I Do under impossible conditions. It looks very fairAn impossible coincidence, a powerful ment..
$1.99 $4.99
Aatt3 - Multiple Paths by Taha Mansour
The Successful Mentalist brings you a Special Guest for the third, ‘All About The Tricks’ live lectu..
$2.99 $15.99
Psychabulary by Unknown Mentalist
Psychabulary is instant psychic vocabulary to impress your audiences. Psychabulary is a 'system' whi..
$1.99 $4.99
Force Cut by Bakore Magic
A simple, visual, and intuitive technique that will enable you to force or predict nearly anything.Y..
$2.99 $8.99
Virtual Oil And Water by Biagio Fasano
This is a classic "Oil and Water" plot, specially designed to be performed at a distance, but not ne..
$4.99 $7.99
Threes by Cameron Francis
A totally impromptu, multi-phased, packet trick that uses only standard playing cards! No gaffs, no ..
$2.99 $5.99
Chris Randall Penguin Live Online Lecture 2
What will he teach?The Minimalist Magician by Chris RandallFly-by-night- Chris Randall's famous hand..
$2.99 $5.99
The Bet by Christian Grace
Welcome to Magic MonthlyEvery month I'll be sharing TWO of my greatest effects with you.In..
$1.99 $4.99
The Knowing Principle by Christian Grace
Welcome to Magic MonthlyEvery month I'll be sharing TWO of my greatest effects with you.In..
$1.99 $4.99
Interactive Basic by Danny Orleans & Mike O'Donnell
INTERACTIVE is a brand new “point-to-the screen” experience for your audience. Created by Danny Orle..
$3.99 $6.99
Interactive Pro by Danny Orleans & Mike O'Donnell
INTERACTIVE is a brand new “point-to-the screen” experience for your audience. Created by Danny Orle..
$11.99 $14.99
Impensable Routine N° 31
Pourquoi Comme un ouragan :le spectateur choisi plein de cartes tout en cherchant un joker et ceci d..
$1.99 $4.99
Impensable Routine N° 32
Pourquoi Comme un Envelopp-et moi dans la Farine :C'est un tour avec des enveloppes, et j'ai vraimen..
$1.99 $4.99
Sleight Intended by J. G. Thompson Jr.
From the foreword:For years the pattern has been the same. A newcomer to magic invariably turns firs..
$2.99 $5.99
Jinx Magazine (1-150) by Jinx Magazine
A complete file of Jinx Magazine.“When you study The Jinx remember that it isn’t what you do – it’s ..
$3.99 $6.99
Sleights & Insights by John Carney
John Carney’s first major work in 10 years.Sleights and Insights is full of original material for Cl..
$5.99 $8.99
Cutting Deeper by Jon Racherbaumer
This manuscript is ancestrally related to Criss--Crossings: Unleashing the X--Force insofar as it al..
$1.99 $4.99
Subtle Card Creations Volume 8 by Nick Trost
Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations series of easy-to-do card effects continues with Volume 8. As in ..
$6.99 $9.99
Mr. Jennings Takes It Easy by Richard Kaufman
The enormous Larry Jennings book you’ve been waiting for.A new Royal Road to Card Magic, Jennings st..
$3.99 $23.99
Torn And Restored Changing Card by Richard Young
Richard Young here. Welcome to the home of the original mid-air changing card. Invented in the early..
$2.99 $5.99
Luca Volpe Production Virtual Mentalism Workshop by Scott Creasey
$1.99 $4.99
Trident by Scott Creasey
Trident - The Three-Pronged AttackThree phasesThree SpectatorsThree Business CardsMind reading, Pred..
$2.99 $5.99
Minimalistic, Metaphysical, Mentalism, Volume 2 by Scott Creasy
Welcome to MMM Vol 2. 307 pages, 12 essays, insights and observations, a link to a free downloadable..
$3.99 $14.99
Stc Coin Set
A new custom-made chip version of the Double Face Super Triple Coin. If you found the original instr..
$0.99 $3.99
Mindvention 2021 Workshop (Videos + Pdfs) by Timon Krause
Join Timon Krause for an online workshop event exclusive to MINDvention 2021.Over the course of this..
$9.99 $12.99
Zee J. Yan Presents Pearl's Lecture (2021-04-25)
Zee J. Yan Presents Pearl's Lecture (2021-04-25)..
$1.99 $6.99
Conversation As Mentalism (1-5) by Mark Elsdon
Note: these are eBooks.Would you like to have in your repertoire some killer mentalism effects that ..
$6.99 $17.99
Flamon by Ade Rahmat
Pop up the money on the card by simply flicking your finger or blowing it. Easy to do and quick setu..
$1.99 $4.99