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Master The Double Undercut by Liam Montier
A BBM EXCLUSIVE DOWNLOAD VIDEO - The Double Undercut is a ridiculously powerful move...
$2.99 $5.99
Celebrity Scorch by Mathew Knight And Stephen Macrow
With a flash of FIRE you reveal the spooky scorched image of a celebrity face that your audience is ..
$1.99 $7.99
Checkmates by Max Maven
Here’s what happens:The spectator provides the materials, simple enough that they can be found aroun..
$1.99 $4.99
Rubinstein Coin Magic by Michael Rubinstein (PDF)
"Every 10 years or so in magic, a book comes out that is a game changer. Dr Michael Rubinstein has f..
$4.99 $22.99
Michael Skinner's Ultimate 3 Card Monte
Michael Skinner's vast working repertoire, larger perhaps than any other magician in history, contai..
$2.99 $3.99
Seven Useful Packet Trick Card Sleights by Paul Gordon
Paul Gordon has been named by Jeff McBride as one of the best teachers in magic. Here, Paul teaches ..
$2.99 $5.99
Stand Up Magic by Paul Romhany (PDF)
HARD COVER BOOK - 480 pagesBONUS - links to video performances and other bonus materialHundreds of p..
$8.99 $32.99
Coin-Tine: Jumbo Coin Lecture by Rian Lehman
Learn some insight and secrets from Rian Lehamn's personal jumbo coin repetoire, most of which was u..
$1.99 $4.99
False Anchors 2020 by Ryan Schlutz
Ryan Schlutz has become a master of creating incredibly deceptive effects that require almost no sle..
$3.99 $18.99
Novus by Teguh & Ellusionist
$1.99 $5.99
Money Shock by Tenyo Magic
Blank sheets of paper transform into currency!! Five sheets of blank paper instantly transform ..
$2.99 $3.99
Virtual Sun & Moon by Virtual Magic Studio
Albert Goshman's "The Sun and Moon" from Modern Coin Magic by J.B. Bobo is a classic in the realm of..
$1.99 $4.99
Superhero Academy With Joel And Andy by Joel And Andy
Join us for this exciting Academy course where Joel and Andy will teach you some totally cool, extre..
$1.99 $4.99
Alakazam Academy: Superhero by Joel Dickinson & Andrew Dean
Joel Dickinson & Andrew Dean - Alakazam Academy: Superhero..
$2.99 $5.99
Any Card At Any Value by Joseph B
This effect has such a subtle and ingenious method that you will not regret buying it!It is definite..
$2.99 $5.99
Paperless Issue 1 by Just Shuffle The Card
“PAPERLESS” – ISSUE 01 CONTENT:*Interview With Photographer: Krystian Sochacki (@KingofCheat)*Photog..
$1.99 $4.99
Warper by Laurent Villiger
WARPER is a revolutionary gimmick that lets you do an extremely visual card change.Imagine a Joker t..
$1.99 $4.99
Wipe by Luke Oseland
Luke Oseland’s name has been floating on the underground for quite sometime. We are so excited to de..
$1.99 $4.99
Phasma by Phedon Bilek
Exclusive to MindFX and in limited supply, when they are gone they are gone for good... &..
$4.99 $7.99
Mythology Codex by Phill Smith
Scanning Version!Mythology Codex is the remarkable new work from UK mentalist, author and artist Phi..
$3.99 $22.99
wHole by Robert Lupu
Take a playing card and make the middle of it vanish into thin air, but only for a second as you the..
$1.99 $4.99
Clipped Prediction by Uday
Clipped Prediction is based on 'Clippo' of Joseph Kolar and is ideal for mentalism shows.The magicia..
$1.99 $4.99
In One Link by Asmadi
With a magic touch, the holes in the two cards can be linked. This is a different method with any ef..
$2.99 $5.99
Executive Suite by David Minton
Executive Suite by David Minton is a pack small, play big mentalism effect with a great theme.A pred..
$1.99 $5.99
David Will'Iamson Masterclass Live (4Th Octob'Er 2020)
Week One '(4th October 2020)Dave’s Gambling Scams DemoFalse ShufflesCull & Palming/ Replacements..
$3.99 $6.99
Comply by Fraser Parker
Order now and receive the PDF version of the book as you wait for your order to ship!Comply is a har..
$2.99 $15.99
Pocket by Geni
Imagine, you show the shuffled deck for spectator and let them chose randomly 1 card.They pick, they..
$2.99 $5.99
Dream Levitation by George Rudd
The Dream Levitation is the perfect levitation trick for your next social media video!! Magicians ha..
$1.99 $6.99