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Framing The Queen by Fairmagic
A playing card is shown from both sides. The spectator initials the face of this card. Performer tea..
$2.99 $5.99
K.K.E. (Killer Kicker Ending) by Joseph B.
I got the permission from Mr. Shoot Ogawa to publish this variation to his effect. The result is KK ..
$1.99 $4.99
3DT by Jota
Visually pluck a real deck of cards out of your t-shirt with 3DT Shirt—one of the most surprisi..
$1.99 $5.99
Live Conference Umi Project by Luis Medellin
Luis Medellin - Live Conference UMI Project..
$1.99 $4.99
Easel by Luis Zavaleta
A magic trick with a little touch of artAsk to a spectator to choose a card, but nobody can see it.T..
$1.99 $4.99
X-Ball by Panky And Alan Wong
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”X-Ball is not only a new gimmick, it is a REVOLUTIONARY..
$1.99 $4.99
Light It Up X by Sansminds
Summon a flame on command!When Light it Up was first introduced in 2019, it sold out almos..
$2.99 $5.99
Chance A.C.A.A.N. 2 by Stefano Nobile
With the correct presentation..this is a real miracle card trick for your eyes..Real Any card at any..
$3.99 $6.99
Swindle by Steve Cook
Swindle by Steve Cook is a super cool influence effect ideal for opening your performance.As usual S..
$1.99 $6.99
Ace In The Hole by Tom Matriq
The performer shows two blank cards, each having a 1 inch hole in its center. He places an Ace of Di..
$1.99 $4.99
How To Hypnotize Anyone by Wendi Friesen
A two hour video of inductions, suggestions, and secrets, for the beginner to advanced.Rapid inducti..
$3.99 $6.99
Masterclass Extra (2020-07-25) by Asi Wind
One of the most respected performers in our craft, Asi Wind's work with playing cards has an impossi..
$2.99 $5.99
No Shuffling Allowed (Week 2) by Benjamin Earl
This is the second week of a four week course on the art of False Shuffling. You will lear..
$2.99 $5.99
The Flow Deal (Week 2) by Benjamin Earl
This is the second week of a four week course on Ben's amazing Flow Deal. This is undoubte..
$2.99 $5.99
Mysticism by Ebby Tones
Mysticism is a method of mentalism that is truly great, clean and practical. Imagine... you can repl..
$2.99 $5.99
Discarded Aces by Inaki Zabaletta
What you are about to see is not a force. It’s a switch. We are telling you that because the first 8..
$2.99 $5.99
Easy To Learn Magic Series (1-2) by Tony Hassini
Volume 1: Beginner's MagicVolume 2: Card Magic Tony Hassini will teach you step-by-step how to ..
$3.99 $6.99
Psycho Can by Arnel Renegado
A modern take on a classic spirit of the glass effect.Imagine this, you ask your spectator to choose..
$2.99 $5.99
Doctor Jack by Jerome Sauloup
Discover Jérôme Sauloup's latest release: Doctor Jack!Show a jack of diamonds to your audience and h..
$1.99 $5.99
Borrowed Card Stunners by Larry Hass
My Way Out of this World: A borrowed, SHUFFLED deck is impossibly sorted into red and black by your ..
$6.99 $9.99
Lost Classics by Richard Osterlind
Richard Osterlind has been sifting through histories mysteries to breathe new life into some lost cl..
$8.99 $11.99
Scop by Star Heart
SCOP- Super Clever Open PredictionDoosung Hwang is a creator in Korea and has released books and too..
$2.99 $5.99
Coin Purse 3.0 by Tcc
For all coin magic enthusiasts, having a coin purse that fits your hands allows you to accomplish tw..
$1.99 $4.99