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Get Out by Timothy Paul

Get Out by Timothy Paul

"Get Out" by Timothy Paul is the perfect addition to your close-up set. It's rare that you can add a..

$1.99 $6.99

Tommy Wonder - Carpenter's Revenge (Presented By Dan Harlan)

Tommy Wonder - Carpenter's Revenge (Presented By Dan Harlan)

Tommy Wonder - Carpenter's Revenge (Presented by Dan Harlan)Tommy Wonder was an incredible performer..

$1.99 $5.99

Wonder Card by Wonder Makers

Wonder Card by Wonder Makers

Wonder Card (online instructions) by Wonder MakersWonder Card is one of the most practical and visua..

$1.99 $5.99

Cheerleader by Woody Aragon

Cheerleader by Woody Aragon

Cheerleader by Woody AragonA highly engaging card miracle where the spectators do most of the work, ..

$1.99 $5.99

Spell O Matic (Version Francaise) by Arteco Production

Spell O Matic (Version Francaise) by Arteco Production


$0.99 $3.99

Dropped Out Deck by Colin Mcleod

Dropped Out Deck by Colin Mcleod

Colin McLeod - Dropped Out Deck..

$0.99 $3.99

Delete by Daniel Chard

Delete by Daniel Chard

Daniel Chard is an underground card worker with some serious moves. Not only does he combine gorgeou..

$2.99 $5.99

Card In Glass by Ernesto Melero

Card In Glass by Ernesto Melero

A single card is placed into a wine glass and remains in full view for the entire effect. At no poin..

$1.99 $4.99

Deck Switch by Ernesto Melero

Deck Switch by Ernesto Melero

Any performing magician knows the value of a deck switch. However, it is a relatively under-explored..

$1.99 $4.99

Download Bundle by Ernesto Melero

Download Bundle by Ernesto Melero

Ernesto Melero is an underground legend with astounding chops and a wildly creative approach to magi..

$6.99 $9.99

Impromptu Invisible Deck by Ernesto Melero

Impromptu Invisible Deck by Ernesto Melero

It doesn't get any more direct than this. Any card is NAMED, and this card is shown to be the only r..

$1.99 $4.99

Riffle Control by Ernesto Melero

Riffle Control by Ernesto Melero

Ernesto Melero has devised a control which happens in the course of a riffle shuffle. Use it to cont..

$1.99 $3.99

Two Card Transposition by Ernesto Melero

Two Card Transposition by Ernesto Melero

Making two objects transpose is one of the purest magic effects. Ernesto Melero's two card transposi..

$1.99 $4.99

Welcome To Oz by Justin Miller

Welcome To Oz by Justin Miller

"This is fu**ing beautiful! Thanks, for sharing this! I will be doing this all the time." - Jar..

$2.99 $6.99

O' Year by Olivier Dequin

O' Year by Olivier Dequin

Proposez à vos spectateurs de se remémorer leurs plus beaux souvenirs et percevez le moment où ils s..

$2.99 $5.99

50 Famosos by Pablo Amira

50 Famosos by Pablo Amira

50 Famous by Pablo Amira, lo primero no se por que dicen 50 famous cuando en realidad son veintitant..

$1.99 $4.99

Arrested by Adrian Vega

Arrested by Adrian Vega

Arrested is a killer double revelation that your audience never sees coming. Created by one of the n..

$1.99 $5.39

The Swag by Alfredo Gile

The Swag by Alfredo Gile

The Swag is a new mind blowing effect with playing cards you can start performing immediately.With T..

$2.99 $5.99

Machinations (Gimmicks Pdfs) by Ben Harris

Machinations (Gimmicks Pdfs) by Ben Harris

A full set of replacement gimmicks for Machinations by Ben Harris.NOTE: No instructions ar..

$4.99 $7.99

Bb Rose by Bojan Barisic

Bb Rose by Bojan Barisic

online instructions download only..

$1.99 $4.99

1010 Marking System by Boyet Vargas

1010 Marking System by Boyet Vargas

1010 Marking System by Boyet Vargas1010 Marking System is a reliable playing card marking system for..

$0.99 $3.99

Psych Artist Webinar by Colin Mcleod

Psych Artist Webinar by Colin Mcleod

It is the Online Webinar for those who have purchased Coling Mc Leod Psych Artist.  Exclus..

$2.99 $5.99

Diamonds by Daniel Madison

Diamonds by Daniel Madison

Diamonds by Daniel Madison..

$1.99 $4.99

Silent Messenger by Docc Hilford

Silent Messenger by Docc Hilford

(Video + Bonus mp3)SILENT MESSENGER - Limited EditionDocc HilfordElegance in Sealed Envelope Re..

$29.99 $41.99

Diabolical Card Control Vol 1 by Father Cyprian

Diabolical Card Control Vol 1 by Father Cyprian

Father Cyprian's Diabolical Card Control fooled all of the top card men, including Martin Nash, when..

$2.99 $5.99

Live! by Father Cyprian

Live! by Father Cyprian

Father Cyprian - Live!..

$1.99 $4.99

More Jaw Droppers! by Harry Lorayne

More Jaw Droppers! by Harry Lorayne

At 93 years of age (at time of writing) it is amazing that Harry Lorayne can still elicit statements..

$4.99 $7.99

Jamie Daws Distance Lecture (2020.05.30)

Jamie Daws Distance Lecture (2020.05.30)

- THE LECTURE -Video Only!We are in a situation we have never been in as magicians. Unable to delive..

$2.99 $5.99

Grupokaps Zoom Lecture by Juan Tamariz (May 16Th, 2020)

Grupokaps Zoom Lecture by Juan Tamariz (May 16Th, 2020)

16 of May of 2020 | 8pm (España)How to create the maximum impact on your magic. This is the title of..

$2.99 $5.99

Memo by Liam Montier

Memo by Liam Montier

Cards are removed from the pack, and by simply flicking through the cards, you can tell which ones a..

$2.99 $5.99

Showing 15151 to 15180 of 31518 (1051 Pages)
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