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The Invisible Billet (Ebook + Audio Commentary) by Bob Cassidy
What if you could have a powerful technique that makes billets virtually invisible in your hands?&nb..
$11.99 $13.99
Family Weekend! by Michael Kent
Join Michael Kent on the campus of Iowa State University as he entertains college students and their..
$5.99 $8.99
Popping The Aces by Rod Hande
A modern take on the 'Twisting the Aces' card routine. 4 cards visually turn from face up to face do..
$2.99 $5.99
Steamed Smoke by Sam Wooding
"Hello, I am Sam Wooding and this is Steamed Smoke. Steamed Smoke is a principle I ha..
$5.99 $8.99
May Mystery Box by Sansminds
This month we bring 4 Underground Card Sleight Of Hand Masterpiece as a pre release. Get this de..
$5.99 $8.99
Sansminds Worker's Collection: Coin Pouch
Many coin performers carry a pouch to hold their everyday working coins. Here at the Sans..
$1.99 $4.99
Super Atravesada by Adrian Guerra
Adrian Guerra, Campeón del Mundo de Cartomagia FISM ´94, nos presenta su versión del clásico "chinch..
$1.99 $4.99
Ecrire Pour La Magie De by Benoit Grenier
Benoît GRENIER est scénariste pour la magie… Il a collaboré avec David COPPERFIELD qu..
$6.99 $9.99
Outnumbered by Brian Caswell
Brian Caswell has done it again. His love for card/number effect is clear and his latest creat..
$1.99 $4.99
The Vault - The Red Pill by Chris Ramsay
"Chris has given this a lot of thought and every move worked out. A card routine that people will re..
$4.99 $7.98
Kill The Architect by Daniel Madison
The Story of the 20-Year Performance Art Piece of Daniel Madison... Between the pages of this book, ..
$13.99 $15.99
The Watch by Joao Miranda
Effect You give your spectator a watch to hold. They name a time; hour and minute. You ask them ..
$3.99 $7.99
Impact by John Bannon
La magie de John Bannon, à la fois sophistiquée et facile à utiliser, brille dans cette rétrospectiv..
$8.99 $22.99
The Buena Vista Shuffle Club by Matt Baker
The Buena Vista Shuffle Club is the debut effort from Matt Baker, a mathematic..
$5.99 $14.99
Skeletons From The Closet 2 by Sudo Nihm
Are you one of those who likes your Mentalism "classically flavoured?" Do you like to pac..
$2.99 $5.99
Skeletons From The Closet 3 by Sudo Nihm
This issue contains two items: The Butterfly Effect, and The Butterfly Book Test. This boo..
$2.99 $5.99
Border - Ig Series Episode 1 by Sultan Orazaly
Nowadays, there are more than ten thousand consumers of magic tricks; they are none other than worke..
$0.99 $3.98
Deceptive Card Forces by Trickshop
16 powerful forces - from semi-automatic and classic ones to truly innovative and clever forcing tec..
$1.69 $3.99
T.A.P. The Automatic Prediction by Abhinav Bothra
The performer caught without props picks up a piece of paper & writes his prediction. The predic..
$2.99 $5.98
Rock Band by Agustin
Get ready to rock everywhere with rubber band magic. SOLID STYLE A highly visual rubber band ..
$1.99 $4.98