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Emoji by Jesse Feinberg
"Emojis are the language of today. Everyone uses them and understands them... that's what makes this..
$1.99 $4.99
Delicious Change by Jhony Zam And Tumi Magic
Audiences love magic where one object VISUALLY CHANGES into another. With Delicious ..
$0.99 $3.98
Alakazam Academy Online Magic Lesson by Joel Dickinson
DID SOMEBODY SAY MAGIC?Joel Dickinson has made his career for almost twenty years as a full time mag..
$2.99 $7.99
Bankwave by John Carey
"Oh man, that is so clever, it fooled me badly the first time I saw it, and even the second time wat..
$3.99 $6.99
The Bottled Ep by John Shack
With The Bottled EP you will learn Three Super Visual ways to cause a coin or bottle cap ..
$1.99 $4.99
Fingerprint Dossier by Jon Racherbaumer
From the Preface: I must confess that my initial reaction to the Fingerprint Trick was tepid. Th..
$2.99 $5.99
Up Shot Creek by Jordan O'Grady
New to the range of Modern Practical Jokes by Jordan O'Grady at O'Grady Creations is Up Shot Cr..
$2.99 $5.99
David's Esp Trick 2.0 by Jorge Mena
In magic, there is nothing as powerful as having the magic take place in the hands of the spectator...
$2.99 $5.98
Blankrupt by Josh Janousky
You borrow a spectator's credit card - any color or style will work - and with a wave of ..
$1.99 $4.99
Ripped & Relocated by Josh Janousky
RIP & RELOCATE A CORNER OF A REAL DOLLAR BILL If Josh Janousky's brain was used for evil, he..
$2.99 $7.99
Wall Street by Julio Montoro
A multiple bill change with removable gimmick! Wall Street allows you to change any typ..
$2.99 $5.99
Kainoa On Coins: Trifecta by Kainoa Harbottle
Kainoa on Coins brings you the best sleight-of-hand and presentations from the Big Kahuna of Coins h..
$2.99 $5.99
Riffle Shuffle Control by Karl Fulves
Written by Karl Fulves 1979 Work of Karl Fulves 24 pages (Spiralbound), published by Selfp..
$18.99 $20.99
Riffle Shuffle Controls 2 by Karl Fulves
Written by Karl Fulves 1996 Work of Karl Fulves 206 pages (Spiralbound), published by Self..
$9.99 $12.99
Riffle Shuffle Methods by Karl Fulves
Karl Fulves Riffle Shuffle Methods PDF download ..
$2.99 $5.98
The Shamrock Code & The Parallel by Karl Fulves
Karl Fulves - The Shamrock Code & The Parallel Principle After being in magic 72 hours, it o..
$2.99 $7.98
2016 Usa Lecture Tour by Karl Hein
Karl Hein 2016 USA Lecture Tour - PDF Go With The FLow - Lecture Notes Heinsight Heinste..
$2.99 $5.98
Bandastic by Kelvin Trinh
In this download, you will learn six visual rubber band effects from a concept.No any gimmick requir..
$0.99 $3.98
Mentelimination Plus by Ken De Courcy
Find any card a spectator takes from a borrowed and shuffled pack. EFFECT: The magician tells hi..
$2.99 $5.99
Mind Reading Lesson 14 by Kenton Knepper
This work has its focus on Mind Reading as performed by Kenton and his amazing students at the S.E..
$2.99 $6.99
Mind Reading Lessons (1-14) by Kenton Knepper
Kenton Knepper - Mind Reading Lesson 1 Kenton Knepper - Mind Reading Lesson 2 Kenton Knepper - M..
$12.99 $34.99
Recubed by Kev G
Video Files. "Kev G Does It Again! I Can't Put My Little Fella Down." - Steve Rowe&nbs..
$2.99 $5.98
The Silver Edge by Kim Andersen
The Silver Edge is an exploration of super strong magnetic coins and the wild magic that can be done..
$3.99 $6.98
Sharpie by Lars La Ville/La Ville Magic
In this video, a number of novel effects are taught using spelling and a Sharpie! Effect 1: ..
$3.88 $6.89
Aok Toolbox by Lewis Le Val
PDF"It has been 5 years since the first release of AOK. Back then, I thought it couldn't get any bet..
$4.99 $8.98
Mint-O by Liam Jumpertz
A COMPLETE sellout sensation at Magic Live and Blackpool! Imagine the scene: when traveling ..
$1.99 $4.98
Mojo by Liam Montier
Mojo features twelve shiny new pieces of card magic, ranging from totally self-working to..
$6.99 $9.99