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Slip Through Coin by Rall
Rall has created a gorgeous quick coin effect which sits at the intersection of a magic trick and a ..
$1.99 $4.98
Pocket Pal by Reese Goodley
A twenty plus minute act small enough to carry in your pocket. Pocket Pal enables you (on the fly) t..
$3.99 $6.99
Reynold Alexander Penguin Live Act
"Reynold Alexander is a wonderful magician and has an eye for detail." - David Copperfield..
$2.99 $5.99
New Three Effect V2 by Rich Li
New Three Effect V2 -Multiple Color Change -Cards Switch -New Four cards P ..
$2.99 $9.99
Mnemonica Trainer by Rick Lax
"Your repertoire will be increased by this EXCELLENT idea that will undoubtedly make a spectators ex..
$2.99 $7.99
Skymember Presents Puzzle by Rizki Nanda
There are hundreds of sleight-of-hand moves to make a card disappear, but not everyone is capable of..
$1.99 $4.98
Flash Change by Robby Constantine
A playing card's color changes from red to blue visually! Looks incredible! Easy to do. Ve..
$2.99 $5.98
Powerful Playing Card Revelations by Robert Anthony
Powerful Playing Card Revelations for Magicians and Mentalists is a complete system designed to take..
$3.97 $6.98
Horizon by Ryan Bliss
Are you a Magician? Or are you someone who does tricks? There'a a big difference. We'..
$2.99 $5.99
The Basement Tapes by Ryan Matney
Late into the night, Ryan Matney sets up a camera, flips on the switch, and records his favorite car..
$2.99 $5.98
Animal Prediction by Salvador Molano Olivera
Animal Prediction a group of cards with names of different animals, a prediction at sight, are ..
$3.97 $6.98
Animated Restoration by Salvador Molano Olivera
animated restoration chosen a card freely and signed is broken in half, the card is resto..
$3.97 $6.98
Bet On A Different Card by Salvador Molano Olivera
bet on a different card, it's a very visual and magical effect..
$3.97 $6.98
In The Air by Salvador Molano Olivera
in the air a freely chosen card is placed on top of the case, you give air with another card and it ..
$3.97 $6.98
Last Ambitious 5 by Salvador Molano Olivera
Last Ambitious 5 before starting there is a card on top of the visible case, a signed card is chosen..
$2.99 $5.98
Neo Sandwich by Saysevent
Most magicians like to perform card sandwich effects. This is my favorite sandwich routine - it's ca..
$1.99 $4.98
Revolt by Saysevent
Revolt by SaysevenT Includes 3 in 1 such as : 1.Card Control Heritase Control : Get & Learn ..
$1.99 $4.98
Four For One And One For All by Scott Kahn
The four Jacks are removed from a borrowed, shuffled deck of playing cards.A card is then freely cho..
$2.99 $5.98
Seth Kramer Penguin Live Act
"Seth Kramer is the real deal. He has a lifetime of experiences performing for real peopl..
$3.99 $6.99
Pin Propless Pin Divination by Silas Linden
PIN Propless PIN Divination by Silas Linden..
$2.99 $5.99
Jenzo by Simon Craze
You discover a puzzling curiosity in a leather pouch. Can JENZO really predict ..
$1.99 $4.99
Duragoun & Optimus Display by Sleight Artist
As a flourisher like a card flourish section for display because feel challenged,make it looks good ..
$0.99 $3.98
Twister Flavor by Snake And Tumi Magic
So magical it looks like a camera trick - but it's real! Twister Flavor creates a fu..
$1.99 $4.99
Instant Bow Tie by Sorcier Magic
Amazing Magical Appearance!For the first time on the market, a bow tie that appears from nowhere nea..
$1.99 $4.99
Reversed by Stefanus Alexander
From the Mind of The Dots, Insert, INFINITY Box, etc..Now, Stefanus Alexander bring a New TORN and R..
$3.97 $6.98
Giacomo Bertini's System For Amazement by Stephen Minch
THE BERTINI SYSTEM Within the inner circle of advanced coin magic, the work of Giacomo Bertini ..
$8.99 $11.99
Semi-Automatic Card Tricks 11 by Steve Beam
*** Pre-Publication Special *** Semi-Automatic Card Tricks - Volume 11 230 pages, 260 illust..
$9.99 $18.99
Fade Out by Sultan Orazaly
Fade Out by Sultan Orazaly Magic is a treasure worth finding. But in order..
$1.99 $5.98
M.O.Phoenix by Sultan Orazaly
Fire tricks are some of the most beautiful magic tricks. Imagine you put pyro paper on a deck of car..
$1.99 $4.98