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Vision Vol 2 by Guillaume Botta
Guillaume Botta - Vision Vol 2 DVD 2: - à la votre : Une ca..
$2.68 $5.98
The Mystery Card by Henry Wallace
Henry Wallace has finally shared with the world his beautiful routine, "The Mystery Card" !This down..
$0.99 $4.98
Inner Deception by Itsallanillusion
Imagine a card trick where they freely choose ant card, they shuffle the cards face up into face dow..
$2.99 $5.98
No Bacco by J.T. Chalatsis
Magic Stream users under 18 years old, please ask permission before learning this effect.Smoking is ..
$0.99 $3.98
Photocopy by Jacob Mescam
A visual three phase signature duplication effect!Intro: spectator selects and signs a card, returni..
$1.99 $4.98
Tackling Terrifying Taboos 2 (1-2) by Jamie Daws
This 2 day course is now available as an Instant Download. Purchase it now and watch it today!If you..
$2.99 $6.98
Written In The Cards by Jamie Daws
When you think about effects to perform for couples, there are an immediate few that spring to mind...
$7.88 $10.89
Rostrum by Jared Arroyo
Rostrum is an in the hands full deck suspension which allows the performer to spread any pack of car..
$2.68 $4.98
$100,000 Location by Jason Ladanye
Jason Ladanye should have called this trick the 1 million dollar location. $100,000 does not do it j..
$2.99 $6.99
Hoodlum by Jay Sankey
"This is truly FANTASTIC!"-Chris Dawes"I'm going to be wearing this ALL the time!"-Mitch Frost"Just ..
$2.68 $5.98
E C A by Jesper Tseng
The plot is simple: A thought of card teleports from one packet to another without any sleights, gim..
$1.69 $3.98
The Dog-Gone Good Magic Show by Jim Kleefeld
Jim's Dog-Gone GOOD Magic Show is a perfect example of how to produce a theme magic show. ..
$3.22 $6.98
Gecko Pro System by Jim Rosenbaum
Take your Vanishes to the next level! The Gecko Pro System (GPS) combines the ORIGINA..
$2.99 $5.98
Bh Concepts by Joe Rindfleisch
The most innovative new rubber band magic we've seen in years, from the master himself. INTRO P..
$2.99 $6.98
Rubber Delusion by Joe Rindfleisch
Eight AWESOME effects with one deceptive and simple utility move. So much is possible with so little..
$2.99 $6.99
Head Tricks by Joel Dickinson
What is Head Tricks?Ideal for magicians, mentalists and mind magicians.Hard hitting and practical ma..
$3.99 $6.99
Tricking The Brain by Joel Dickinson
Subterfuge of the Brain for Magicians, Mind Magicians and Mentalists.Close up and Stage Mentali..
$12.16 $18.98
Magic Of The Masters Vol 1 by John Carey
The Alakazam Academy are proud to present the Magic of the Masters Course, presented by our core tut..
$3.99 $7.98
Johnny Thompson, Rick Maue & Paul Vigil Penguin Live
This special Penguin Live lecture features three fascinating talents talking about mentalism and ill..
$3.99 $6.99
King Of The Cold Readers (1-31) by Jonathan Royle
Jonathan Royle - King of the Cold Readers, Royle Reveals Paranormal, Supernatural, Ghost Hunting &am..
$69.99 $81.98
Visible Linking Jelly Sweet Gummy Finger Rings by Jonathan Royle
The short demonstration video says it all really. Quite simply, the audience sees you take two Gummy..
$1.88 $4.89
Kick The Monte by Justin Miller
The power of the original Color Monte was that no matter what choices your spectator made, they were..
$5.99 $8.98
O N E by Justin Miller
O N E is the SUPER easy-to-perform GAME changer in the plot of the Matrix! O N E has EVERYTHING you ..
$5.99 $8.98
Tst (Torn Seal Transform) by Justin Sopher
In partnership with Justin Sopher, SansMinds is proud to bring you TST. Or, Torn, Seal, Transfo..
$1.69 $4.98
Show Us Your Trix (Pdf + Artwork & Sounds) by Kimmo
Kimmo's latest set of lecture notes in PDF Format. 48 full colour pages - packed full of tips and tr..
$3.97 $6.98
Elimination Experiment by Kyle Purnell
Mentalism and Magic all in one mesmerizing effect! Kyle Purnell presents a powerful workhorse r..
$2.68 $5.98
Concierge by Leo Smetsers
Looking for something unique and mesmerizing that will create lasting memories? The let the Con..
$1.69 $4.98