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Self Workers Course (1-2) by Liam Montier

Self Workers Course (1-2) by Liam Montier

Liam Montier is know for his powerful card magic and on this two day Academy Course Liam is goi..

$3.99 $7.98

Gum Stick Trick by Magic Trick Mike

Gum Stick Trick by Magic Trick Mike

From the creator of Revise 5! Gum Stick Trick (GST) is a perfect companion trick to go with Revise 5..

$2.99 $5.98

Mahka Tendo Lecture

Mahka Tendo Lecture

Mahka Tendo Lecture..

$2.99 $5.98

Tricks With Your Phone by Marc Kerstein

Tricks With Your Phone by Marc Kerstein

I've written my first PDF. It's called "Tricks With Your Phone".It's 27 pages long. The main attract..

$4.99 $8.98

A.C.T.S Of Mentalism (1-2) by Marc Paul

A.C.T.S Of Mentalism (1-2) by Marc Paul

Almost Nine Hours Of Mind Reading Tuition, delivered to your account instantly! Marc Paul's A.C...

$4.99 $7.99

Invisi Project by Mareli

Invisi Project by Mareli

This is the closest to real magic!Make your fingers a pen or anything small you can imagine invisibl..

$1.99 $4.98

The Trick That Can Be Explained by Mark Elsdon

The Trick That Can Be Explained by Mark Elsdon

Effect: The performer introduces a small envelope and shows that there is a playing card inside..

$1.69 $4.98

Signs by Matt Mello

Signs by Matt Mello

Matt Mello - Signs..

$1.69 $4.98

Opin by Matt Pilcher

Opin by Matt Pilcher

Magic creator Matt Pilcher brings you an outstanding new effect from his creative genius mind.EFFECT..

$1.99 $4.98

Prism by Max Maven

Prism by Max Maven

"When I was a teenager, and I had to do 10 shows in 2 weeks, these books saved my life. I can tell y..

$3.99 $15.98

Mechanic Optricks Deck by Mechanic Industries

Mechanic Optricks Deck by Mechanic Industries

4 GAFF CARDSEach Optricks deck has the standard 52 cards, two jokers and two extra cards which are p..

$1.69 $4.98

Deformer by Menny Lindenfeld

Deformer by Menny Lindenfeld

"DEFORMER? by Menny Lindenfeld is the most amazing metal bending tool I have ever seen."- URI G..

$1.99 $5.98

Back To The Launching Pad by Michael Breggar

Back To The Launching Pad by Michael Breggar

Back To The Launching PadMichael Breggar, the award-winning author of "Auto-Magic" (seen monthly in ..

$1.99 $4.98

The Five Roads To Vegas by Michael Breggar

The Five Roads To Vegas by Michael Breggar

The Five Roads to Vegas A broad range of outstanding, sleight-free magic from award-winning "Lin..

$1.99 $4.98

Book Of Doorways by Michael Mercier

Book Of Doorways by Michael Mercier

A collection of 5 Hard hitting Effects including my Haunted Key Routine that has been called by many..

$1.99 $10.98

Rhymetime by Mick Ayres

Rhymetime by Mick Ayres

Mick Ayres - RhymeTimePDF..

$1.69 $4.98

French Monte by Mickael Stutzinger

French Monte by Mickael Stutzinger

Simple, directe et efficace sont les maîtres-mots pour décrire cette nouvelle routine de Bonneteau d..

$1.69 $4.98

C3 by R. Paul Wilson

C3 by R. Paul Wilson

Con Cam Coincidencia (C3) is merely a card trick but when performed well it can be a remarkable piec..

$3.99 $6.98

Apate by Raphael Macho

Apate by Raphael Macho

Apate is a working routine! I started working on it in 2014, and THIS is the final routine now. A co..

$2.99 $5.98

Lecture Cartes (1-2) by Raphael Saera

Lecture Cartes (1-2) by Raphael Saera

Raphael Saera - Lecture Cartes (1-2)..

$1.69 $4.98

Ghost Tictac by Renegado Arnel

Ghost Tictac by Renegado Arnel

GHOST TIC TAC is an effect where a Tic Tac mint penetrates from the box visually. Imagine this. You ..

$1.99 $4.98

A Walk In The Clouds by Robert Moreland

A Walk In The Clouds by Robert Moreland

Robbie Moreland's "Cloud Change" is used by many of the worlds top magicians. Why? Because it looks ..

$1.99 $4.98

Outsmokin by Ron Jaxon

Outsmokin by Ron Jaxon

Outsmokin by Ron JaxonA Hilarious cigarette routine for smokers or nonsmokers. No matter what the ma..

$1.69 $4.98

Face Off by Ron Salamangkero

Face Off by Ron Salamangkero

THE MOMENT IT'S TORN. IT'S RESTORED.If you think you've seen every possible version of torn and..

$3.99 $6.98

The Halo Project Vol 1 by Rudy Tinoco

The Halo Project Vol 1 by Rudy Tinoco

Rudy Tinoco teaches some of his favorite tricks from Harry Lorayne books. This is done wit..

$1.69 $4.98

The End Times Book One by Ryan Matney

The End Times Book One by Ryan Matney

The End Times are here and so is the first issue!You may purchase the first issue individually. You ..

$3.99 $14.98

You Choose by Sanchit Batra

You Choose by Sanchit Batra

Sanchit Batra-The Sleight illusionist is Giving a IMPROMPTU CARD TRICKROUTINE where Spectator can fr..

$1.99 $4.98

Flash Silk by Sandro Loporcaro

Flash Silk by Sandro Loporcaro

Flash Silk by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) lets you produce a silk hanky from nowhere, with open fingers..

$0.99 $3.98

The Memory Arts, Book A: Redford Stack Edition by Sarah And David Trustman

The Memory Arts, Book A: Redford Stack Edition by Sarah And David Trustman

EVERY serious card magician wants to do memorized deck magic, but many are daunted by the time and e..

$6.99 $9.98

Exopalm The Karate Change by Saysevent

Exopalm The Karate Change by Saysevent

At this moment,let me introduce you another technique i called EXOPALM "THE KARATE CHANGE".This is s..

$1.78 $4.98

Showing 19441 to 19470 of 31433 (1048 Pages)
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