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Self Workers Course (1-2) by Liam Montier
Liam Montier is know for his powerful card magic and on this two day Academy Course Liam is goi..
$3.99 $7.98
Gum Stick Trick by Magic Trick Mike
From the creator of Revise 5! Gum Stick Trick (GST) is a perfect companion trick to go with Revise 5..
$2.99 $5.98
Tricks With Your Phone by Marc Kerstein
I've written my first PDF. It's called "Tricks With Your Phone".It's 27 pages long. The main attract..
$4.99 $8.98
A.C.T.S Of Mentalism (1-2) by Marc Paul
Almost Nine Hours Of Mind Reading Tuition, delivered to your account instantly! Marc Paul's A.C...
$4.99 $7.99
Invisi Project by Mareli
This is the closest to real magic!Make your fingers a pen or anything small you can imagine invisibl..
$1.99 $4.98
The Trick That Can Be Explained by Mark Elsdon
Effect: The performer introduces a small envelope and shows that there is a playing card inside..
$1.69 $4.98
Opin by Matt Pilcher
Magic creator Matt Pilcher brings you an outstanding new effect from his creative genius mind.EFFECT..
$1.99 $4.98
Prism by Max Maven
"When I was a teenager, and I had to do 10 shows in 2 weeks, these books saved my life. I can tell y..
$3.99 $15.98
Mechanic Optricks Deck by Mechanic Industries
4 GAFF CARDSEach Optricks deck has the standard 52 cards, two jokers and two extra cards which are p..
$1.69 $4.98
Deformer by Menny Lindenfeld
"DEFORMER? by Menny Lindenfeld is the most amazing metal bending tool I have ever seen."- URI G..
$1.99 $5.98
Back To The Launching Pad by Michael Breggar
Back To The Launching PadMichael Breggar, the award-winning author of "Auto-Magic" (seen monthly in ..
$1.99 $4.98
The Five Roads To Vegas by Michael Breggar
The Five Roads to Vegas A broad range of outstanding, sleight-free magic from award-winning "Lin..
$1.99 $4.98
Book Of Doorways by Michael Mercier
A collection of 5 Hard hitting Effects including my Haunted Key Routine that has been called by many..
$1.99 $10.98
French Monte by Mickael Stutzinger
Simple, directe et efficace sont les maîtres-mots pour décrire cette nouvelle routine de Bonneteau d..
$1.69 $4.98
C3 by R. Paul Wilson
Con Cam Coincidencia (C3) is merely a card trick but when performed well it can be a remarkable piec..
$3.99 $6.98
Apate by Raphael Macho
Apate is a working routine! I started working on it in 2014, and THIS is the final routine now. A co..
$2.99 $5.98
Ghost Tictac by Renegado Arnel
GHOST TIC TAC is an effect where a Tic Tac mint penetrates from the box visually. Imagine this. You ..
$1.99 $4.98
A Walk In The Clouds by Robert Moreland
Robbie Moreland's "Cloud Change" is used by many of the worlds top magicians. Why? Because it looks ..
$1.99 $4.98
Outsmokin by Ron Jaxon
Outsmokin by Ron JaxonA Hilarious cigarette routine for smokers or nonsmokers. No matter what the ma..
$1.69 $4.98
Face Off by Ron Salamangkero
THE MOMENT IT'S TORN. IT'S RESTORED.If you think you've seen every possible version of torn and..
$3.99 $6.98
The Halo Project Vol 1 by Rudy Tinoco
Rudy Tinoco teaches some of his favorite tricks from Harry Lorayne books. This is done wit..
$1.69 $4.98
The End Times Book One by Ryan Matney
The End Times are here and so is the first issue!You may purchase the first issue individually. You ..
$3.99 $14.98
You Choose by Sanchit Batra
Sanchit Batra-The Sleight illusionist is Giving a IMPROMPTU CARD TRICKROUTINE where Spectator can fr..
$1.99 $4.98
Flash Silk by Sandro Loporcaro
Flash Silk by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) lets you produce a silk hanky from nowhere, with open fingers..
$0.99 $3.98
The Memory Arts, Book A: Redford Stack Edition by Sarah And David Trustman
EVERY serious card magician wants to do memorized deck magic, but many are daunted by the time and e..
$6.99 $9.98
Exopalm The Karate Change by Saysevent
At this moment,let me introduce you another technique i called EXOPALM "THE KARATE CHANGE".This is s..
$1.78 $4.98