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Prop-Less Drawing Duplication by Fraser Parker
This release is Fraser's answer to the prop-less drawing duplication plot. It was born out..
$2.99 $9.98
Centaurs & Sirens by Gabi Pareras
A lovely story-based effect involving centaurs, mermaids and a wild dream! In this effect, cards tra..
$3.99 $7.77
Clandestine Aces by Gabi Pareras
Gabi's famous Signed Aces routine!Effect: First, a spectator cuts the deck into four piles, and the ..
$2.99 $7.77
Numiracle by Gary Jones
The spectator thinks of ANY card in the pack - GENUINELY! The entire pack is shown to have different..
$3.99 $7.77
Memo Demo by Gary Jones And Dave Forrest
An incredible, completely self-working demonstration of super-memory! Regular deck of cards, Easy to..
$2.99 $7.77
Lucky Number by Geni
Lucky number is a new version of ACAAN+ Borrowed deck+ Freely chose card+ No gimmick+ Easy to do+ Pe..
$2.99 $5.98
Mental Hand by Geni
Mental Hand is an amazing card trick invented by Geni+ No Marked deck+ Borrowed deck+ No force+ No s..
$2.99 $5.98
Mind Game by Geni
If you are finding a game that you always winCongratulation, this game is yours.Mind game is my favo..
$5.99 $12.53
Nest by Geni
Nest is an amazing prediction effect.You show the spectator a deckAfter a shuffle, you let the spect..
$4.99 $10.87
Plastic Bag by Geni
Plastic Bag is an amazing card trick with a stunning react from spectator.Imagine you show to specta..
$2.99 $5.98
Sense by Geni
Imagine with a borrowed shuffled deckSpectator pick a cardand it lost into the deckand with your fee..
$4.99 $10.87
The Pearl by Geni
An Easy Self Working Card TrickWatch the trailer for the full performance.Always predict right.+ Bor..
$3.99 $6.99
George Iglesias Penguin Live Act
"George will teach you very practical and powerful techniques to improve your performance." Jef..
$3.99 $6.99
The Rebel Wallet by Gerard Kearney
Tracking numbers are provided via email at the time of shipment. Carrier options may vary based on d..
$1.99 $4.98
Freestyle Book Test by Greg Arce And Federico Luduena
"once agin we mentalists are fortunate to benefit from Greg's unique perspective - and his obsessive..
$2.99 $8.98
Bandwidth by Greg Wilson
Renowned for his creativity and off-the-cuff performance style, Gregory Wilson's BANDWIDTH is his la..
$1.99 $5.99
Lost In Thought by Gregory Arce
Greg's new book is jam-packed with powerful, impactful and easy-to-perform mentalism routines design..
$5.99 $8.98
The Vault - Four X Four by Harry Lorayne
The ultimate mind reading lie detector or poker tell demonstration! Read the minds of four spectator..
$2.99 $5.98
Cube To Chocolate by Henry Harrius
One of the most famous acts of magic of Rubik’s cube on the net is cube to chocolate (candy). Henr..
$1.99 $4.98
Hekate by Himitsu Magic
If you think you have seen enough mentalism, HEKATE will change your mind and Blow your Mi..
$1.99 $4.98
Coindercover by Jack
Coindercover is not a trick.It's a diabolical yet simple concept that allows you to invisibly and ea..
$3.99 $8.56
Ultimate Aces Unleashed by Jack
Beautiful and visual vanishes + 4 incredible subtleties that raise the Macdonald's Aces classic to a..
$1.99 $8.56
Blistering by James Anthony
IMAGINE asking someone to choose a playing card or an ESP symbol. Then, with any lighter, you ask th..
$2.99 $5.98
Hes Not Here (Ebook) by Jamie Daws
He's Not Here is the third instalment in the Jamie Daws Dark Series. While a haunting story is..
$2.99 $5.99
Nifty Thing 1 by Jamie Kurtz
This is a very bold method for controlling cards at the table during your performance. The spectator..
$3.99 $7.74
Stash by Jasper Jongejans And Magic From Holland
STASH by Jasper Jongejans and MagicfromHolland is the Card to Impossible Location for the next gener..
$2.99 $5.99
The Art Of Palming by Javi Benitez
If you’ve got people watching your sleight of hand, you’re doing it wrong.Written into the laws of c..
$2.99 $7.99
Andrus Card Control 1 by Jerry Andrus Taught & John Redmon
Incredible moves from the legendary Jerry Andrus are now available for study! In this foundational v..
$1.99 $3.99