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Prop-Less Drawing Duplication by Fraser Parker

Prop-Less Drawing Duplication by Fraser Parker

This release is Fraser's answer to the prop-less drawing duplication plot. It was born out..

$2.99 $9.98

Centaurs & Sirens by Gabi Pareras

Centaurs & Sirens by Gabi Pareras

A lovely story-based effect involving centaurs, mermaids and a wild dream! In this effect, cards tra..

$3.99 $7.77

Clandestine Aces by Gabi Pareras

Clandestine Aces by Gabi Pareras

Gabi's famous Signed Aces routine!Effect: First, a spectator cuts the deck into four piles, and the ..

$2.99 $7.77

Numiracle by Gary Jones

Numiracle by Gary Jones

The spectator thinks of ANY card in the pack - GENUINELY! The entire pack is shown to have different..

$3.99 $7.77

Memo Demo by Gary Jones And Dave Forrest

Memo Demo by Gary Jones And Dave Forrest

An incredible, completely self-working demonstration of super-memory! Regular deck of cards, Easy to..

$2.99 $7.77

Lucky Number by Geni

Lucky Number by Geni

Lucky number is a new version of ACAAN+ Borrowed deck+ Freely chose card+ No gimmick+ Easy to do+ Pe..

$2.99 $5.98

Mental Hand by Geni

Mental Hand by Geni

Mental Hand is an amazing card trick invented by Geni+ No Marked deck+ Borrowed deck+ No force+ No s..

$2.99 $5.98

Mind Game by Geni

Mind Game by Geni

If you are finding a game that you always winCongratulation, this game is yours.Mind game is my favo..

$5.99 $12.53

Nest by Geni

Nest by Geni

Nest is an amazing prediction effect.You show the spectator a deckAfter a shuffle, you let the spect..

$4.99 $10.87

Plastic Bag by Geni

Plastic Bag by Geni

Plastic Bag is an amazing card trick with a stunning react from spectator.Imagine you show to specta..

$2.99 $5.98

Sense by Geni

Sense by Geni

Imagine with a borrowed shuffled deckSpectator pick a cardand it lost into the deckand with your fee..

$4.99 $10.87

The Pearl by Geni

The Pearl by Geni

An Easy Self Working Card TrickWatch the trailer for the full performance.Always predict right.+ Bor..

$3.99 $6.99

George Iglesias Penguin Live Act

George Iglesias Penguin Live Act

"George will teach you very practical and powerful techniques to improve your performance." Jef..

$3.99 $6.99

The Rebel Wallet by Gerard Kearney

The Rebel Wallet by Gerard Kearney

Tracking numbers are provided via email at the time of shipment. Carrier options may vary based on d..

$1.99 $4.98

Freestyle Book Test by Greg Arce And Federico Luduena

Freestyle Book Test by Greg Arce And Federico Luduena

"once agin we mentalists are fortunate to benefit from Greg's unique perspective - and his obsessive..

$2.99 $8.98

Bandwidth by Greg Wilson

Bandwidth by Greg Wilson

Renowned for his creativity and off-the-cuff performance style, Gregory Wilson's BANDWIDTH is his la..

$1.99 $5.99

Lost In Thought by Gregory Arce

Lost In Thought by Gregory Arce

Greg's new book is jam-packed with powerful, impactful and easy-to-perform mentalism routines design..

$5.99 $8.98

The Vault - Four X Four by Harry Lorayne

The Vault - Four X Four by Harry Lorayne

The ultimate mind reading lie detector or poker tell demonstration! Read the minds of four spectator..

$2.99 $5.98

Cube To Chocolate by Henry Harrius

Cube To Chocolate by Henry Harrius

One of the most famous acts of magic of Rubik’s cube on the net is cube to chocolate (candy). Henr..

$1.99 $4.98

Hekate by Himitsu Magic

Hekate by Himitsu Magic

If you think you have seen enough mentalism, HEKATE will change your mind and Blow your Mi..

$1.99 $4.98

Vip Change by Huou

Vip Change by Huou

An easy to do visual color change using pure sleight of hand...

$1.99 $4.47

Coindercover by Jack

Coindercover by Jack

Coindercover is not a trick.It's a diabolical yet simple concept that allows you to invisibly and ea..

$3.99 $8.56

Ultimate Aces Unleashed by Jack

Ultimate Aces Unleashed by Jack

Beautiful and visual vanishes + 4 incredible subtleties that raise the Macdonald's Aces classic to a..

$1.99 $8.56

Blistering by James Anthony

Blistering by James Anthony

IMAGINE asking someone to choose a playing card or an ESP symbol. Then, with any lighter, you ask th..

$2.99 $5.98

Hes Not Here (Ebook) by Jamie Daws

Hes Not Here (Ebook) by Jamie Daws

He's Not Here is the third instalment in the Jamie Daws Dark Series.  While a haunting story is..

$2.99 $5.99

Nifty Thing 1 by Jamie Kurtz

Nifty Thing 1 by Jamie Kurtz

This is a very bold method for controlling cards at the table during your performance. The spectator..

$3.99 $7.74

Stash by Jasper Jongejans And Magic From Holland

Stash by Jasper Jongejans And Magic From Holland

STASH by Jasper Jongejans and MagicfromHolland is the Card to Impossible Location for the next gener..

$2.99 $5.99

The Art Of Palming by Javi Benitez

The Art Of Palming by Javi Benitez

If you’ve got people watching your sleight of hand, you’re doing it wrong.Written into the laws of c..

$2.99 $7.99

Farewell Book by Jerome Finley

Farewell Book by Jerome Finley

Jerome Finley - Farewell Book..

$5.99 $8.98

Andrus Card Control 1 by Jerry Andrus Taught & John Redmon

Andrus Card Control 1 by Jerry Andrus Taught & John Redmon

Incredible moves from the legendary Jerry Andrus are now available for study! In this foundational v..

$1.99 $3.99

Showing 19561 to 19590 of 31433 (1048 Pages)
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