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Coins Volume 1 by Roy & Roy Eidem
You will learn:Multiple Productions of Coins from a Coin Purse Frame (An Elegant Miser's Dream)The T..
$24.99 $44.93
Coins - Roy Volume 1 (Ebook) by Roy Eidem
Highly recommended reviews by both The Linking Ring & MUM.This Coin Magic was instrumental in Ro..
$14.99 $26.77
Coins - Roy Volume 1 (Video) by Roy Eidem
You will learn:Multiple Productions of Coins from a Coin Purse Frame (An Elegant Miser's Dream)The T..
$14.99 $26.77
And His Last Name Was... Houdini by Roy W. Eidem
All audiences know of Houdini and his incredible escapes. Here's an effect where you demonstrate his..
$11.99 $22.63
Santa's Magical Lump Of Coal by Roy W. Eidem
Effect (Vanish/Production/Transposition/Multiplication/Transformation) A magic wand disappears and r..
$11.99 $22.63
Breached/ Compromised by Ryan Tricks
PDF file DEMO: Review: http://www.themag..
$3.99 $36.98
Loo'Pen' by Sandeep
Loo'Pen' is a Loop holder that is disguised as a normal pen. Loo'Pen' allows you to carry the loop w..
$2.99 $6.13
April 2018 Lecture Notes by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo)
In this video, Amazo demonstrates and teaches fabulous magic from his lecture in Italy. He also expl..
$5.99 $11.91
At 8:30 by Sandro Loporcaro
Two great close-up effects by Amazo! In this download, Amazo teaches you two masterpieces of close-u..
$2.99 $5.98
Shadeshift by Sansminds Creative Lab
Shadeshift is the world's most visual and instantaneous deck transformation. The magician can ..
$2.99 $5.99
Neo by Saysevent
Most magicians love sandwich.this is part of my favorite routine and I'm happy to share it with you...
$2.99 $6.75
Not Turned Up by Saysevent
Just use a stack of cards to create a miracle wherever you are.Not Turned Up is a way to place the o..
$1.99 $5.51
Back Stabber by Scott Alexander
The Malini Card Stab is a trick that leaves a lasting impression on the audience. It's full of drama..
$5.99 $8.98
Scott Alexander Penguin Live Act
"Wow! I've never seen magic like that before." -Michael Jackson"The magic of your words touched..
$3.99 $6.99
6 And 9 by Sean Yang
The magician shows a total of four cards. One card is drawn as “A”, the other three cards are ba..
$1.99 $4.99
Porous by Seth Race
This is a SUPER FUN routine with a KICKER ENDING that happens in the spectator’s hands and leaves th..
$2.99 $6.98
The Scantily Clad Drawing Duplication by Simon Vanderbelt
The Scantily Clad Drawing Duplication Introduction The chances are, as a working or am..
$3.99 $6.98
Bubbly by Sonny Fontana
The bare hands soap bubble production! The magician shows his hands clearly empty. He blows and..
$2.99 $6.99
Glassandra by Stefan Olschewski
As seen at FISM!Finally, German mentalist Stefan Olschewski shares one of his most closely guarded s..
$2.99 $5.99
In-Velope by Stefanus Alexander
Solid Through Solid effects are so visual and magical -- they make spectators speechless. Here's a n..
$3.99 $6.98
Blind Date by Stephen Leathwaite
12 contestants (ALL MEN) are displayed, but this is a "Blind Date" so no faces are shown yet! Just o..
$1.99 $4.28
Hacked - Wedding And Corporate Hypnosis by Stephen Simmons
Learn how Stephen uses hypnosis at his events to guarantee a standing ovation every time!Stephen is ..
$13.99 $26.73
The Vault - It Doesn'T Matter by Steve Bedwell
Cut to the four Aces in a shuffled un-gimmicked deck! This variation of Marlo's classic Ace cutting ..
$3.99 $6.99
Tesla Files by Steve Wachner
TESLA FILES"What I like most about the stuff in Tesla Files is that I actually want to use it myself..
$27.99 $68.03
Lost For Words by Steve Wood
Possibly the cleanest word prediction effect ever created!'Lost for Words' was officially released a..
$3.99 $19.98
The Force by Steven X
The Force gives you the power to move objects with your mind. Imagine moving a can or bott..
$2.99 $5.98
The Hidden Hand by Sudo Nimh
The Hidden Hand is a brand-new idea that uses an old method in a completely unique way for secretly ..
$1.99 $6.98