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Sandbox by Arie Bhojez

Sandbox by Arie Bhojez

Arie Bhojez - SandBoxbefore playing, magician put two king into the box. and then lets the audience ..

$1.99 $4.35

Celsius by Arnel Renegado

Celsius by Arnel Renegado

Arnel Renegado - CELSIUSYOU CAN'T SEE IT BUT YOU CAN FEEL IT.This is CELSIUS, a gimmick that allows ..

$1.99 $4.35

Engaged Ii by Arnel Renegado

Engaged Ii by Arnel Renegado

Arnel Renegado - ENGAGED IIVisually penetrate a rubber band or a string into a card hole and amazing..

$1.99 $4.35

Liquid And Haunted Bottle by Arnel Renegado

Liquid And Haunted Bottle by Arnel Renegado

Arnel Renegado - LIQUID and HAUNTED BOTTLELIQUID // A bottle is shown with a little bit of water in ..

$1.99 $4.35

Possess Haunted Can by Arnel Renegado

Possess Haunted Can by Arnel Renegado

Arnel Renegado - POSSESS Haunted CanPOSSESS HAUNTED CAN // Imagine this, a spectator chooses a card ..

$1.99 $4.35

Reband by Arnel Renegado

Reband by Arnel Renegado

Arnel Renegado - REBANDYou show a torn rubber band and in an instant it's restored..

$1.99 $4.35



ArrowThe magician causes an ace to shoot out of the deck of cards like an arrow. A spectator then se..

$2.99 $5.53

Cease by At Duy

Cease by At Duy

AT Duy - CEASECEASE makes the balancing card box a reality* Instructional video is very easy to lear..

$1.99 $4.35

Change Box by At Duy

Change Box by At Duy

AT Duy - Change BoxWith change box, you give the audience the choice of one card and then write up a..

$1.69 $3.16

Brain Play - The Basic Version by Bazz

Brain Play - The Basic Version by Bazz

Bazz - Brain Play - The Basic VersionDuring your favourite word revelation routine you ask your part..

$2.99 $5.53

Ratiocination by Ben Cardall

Ratiocination by Ben Cardall

Ben Cardall - RatiocinationIt is based on my book that contains within it a universal principle that..

$3.99 $19.75

Bracken by Ben Goodall

Bracken by Ben Goodall

Ben Goodall - BrackenA lead you down the garden path effect with a stunning..

$1.99 $4.35

Cerulean by Ben Goodall

Cerulean by Ben Goodall

Ben Goodall - CeruleanCerulean is not your same old coin vanish. With a wave of the hand the coin ap..

$1.69 $3.16

Case 21 - Cards Through Case by Ben Howard

Case 21 - Cards Through Case by Ben Howard

Ben Howard - Case 21 - Cards through CaseEffect: This is not a card trick, it's a trick with cards. ..

$2.99 $5.53

Black In

Black In

black inA wide eyed wonder, a cup, a card..

$5.99 $10.27

Chinese Linking Rings by Bob White

Chinese Linking Rings by Bob White

Bob White - Chinese Linking RingsIt makes little difference whether you are tying to learn the Chine..

$4.99 $9.08

Survive by Boiledz

Survive by Boiledz

Boiledz - SurviveThe selected card lost in the deck, the magician takes a pencil and visually stab t..

$1.99 $4.35

Excommunication by Brady Oberley

Excommunication by Brady Oberley

Brady Oberley - ExcommunicationThis download features 3 really fun and visual card productions. All ..

$1.69 $3.99

Practical Jokers by Brady Oberley

Practical Jokers by Brady Oberley

Brady Oberley - Practical JokersThis is a really pretty routine using two jokers. It consists of van..

$1.69 $3.16

The Nervous Control by Brady Oberley

The Nervous Control by Brady Oberley

Brady Oberley - The Nervous ControlA beautiful tabled piece...

$1.99 $4.35

Flare Ring by Calvin Liew And Skymember

Flare Ring by Calvin Liew And Skymember

Calvin Liew and Skymember - Flare RingFamiliar with the classic coin bite effect?Flare ring is an ev..

$1.99 $4.35

Aberrations by Cameron Francis

Aberrations by Cameron Francis

Aberrations2011 Lecture Notes Available for the first time as a PDF download! Cameron's bestselling ..

$3.99 $7.90

Close Up From Far Away by Cameron Francis

Close Up From Far Away by Cameron Francis

Cameron Francis - Close Up From Far Away10 Tricks From "The Budget" magazine. After the success of ..

$2.99 $7.90

Look, Ma, No Cards! by Cameron Francis

Look, Ma, No Cards! by Cameron Francis

Cameron Francis - Look, Ma, No Cards!Ten effects featuring coins, Sharpies and business cards.(but n..

$3.99 $7.90

Name Tag/Deck Transpo by Cameron Francis

Name Tag/Deck Transpo by Cameron Francis

Cameron Francis - Name Tag/Deck TranspoOne of the best openers you could possibly imagine just got e..

$3.99 $6.71

Sketch by Cameron Francis

Sketch by Cameron Francis

Cameron Francis - Sketch"A KILLER idea!" -- Dave Forrest"Another very commercial winner from the fer..

$2.99 $6.71

Mimo by Chiara

Mimo by Chiara

MIMOMIMO is a new utility application of the Technique "Double Lift". In the instructional video you..

$1.69 $3.99

Change Face by Chibi Vu

Change Face by Chibi Vu

Chibi Vu - CHANGE FACE..

$1.69 $3.16

Espresso by Chris Beason

Espresso by Chris Beason

Chris Beason - Espresso"Espresso is very good! The method is simple but very clever." -Aldo Colombin..

$2.99 $5.53

Drawing Thoughts by Christopher Rawlins

Drawing Thoughts by Christopher Rawlins

Christopher Rawlins - Drawing ThoughtsDrawing Thoughts is a culmination of work by Christopher Rawli..

$3.99 $25.67

Showing 20131 to 20160 of 31416 (1048 Pages)
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