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Rerip by Donan
DONAN - RERIPA new method for performing a classic. Give the audience a card and let them tear it, a..
$1.99 $4.35
Soffs by Dv
DV - SoffsThis is my version of the classic "sandwich"effect with a killer kicker ending.-Solid-Prac..
$1.99 $4.35
Sopas by Dv
DV - SopasThis is my overhand false shuffle and i hope you like it!!-Any deck-Easy-Practical-Full de..
$1.99 $4.35
Soupini Collection by Dv
DV - Soupini CollectionThis is a collection of 3 effects:FORCE: A card force where the spectator tou..
$3.99 $6.71
E.P.S.CShow a normal deck of cards, ask the spectator to pick one, ask them to sign the card, put it..
$2.99 $5.53
Imperfect by Eric Stevens
Eric Stevens - ImperfectWhile there are many methods out in the world for tearing a playing card and..
$1.99 $4.35
The Factory Production by Eric Stevens
Eric Stevens - The Factory ProductionTHE FACTORY PRODUCTION was created originally as a lead-in to o..
$1.69 $3.16
Best Ace Assembly by Fernando Pena
Best Ace AssemblyFinally an ace assembly so visual yet so easy to do. Best Ace Assembly has stunning..
$2.99 $5.53
Five Awesome Magic Tricks
Five Awesome Magic TricksLearn FIVE of our best tricks for beginner and intermediate magicians.All f..
$11.99 $17.38
Flopper Change
Flopper ChangeHi! This is Flopper change, it's a super visual color change.It's very,very easy to do..
$2.99 $5.53
Gemini Card Course
Gemini Card CourseGemini is a small course on the double lift and triple lifts in which shows you ho..
$1.99 $4.35
Genii Magazine: April 2014 Issue
Genii Magazine: April 2014 ISSUE Feature Paul Daniels: Bravura by ..
$1.99 $4.35
Genii Magazine: March 2014 Issue
Genii Magazine: March 2014 ISSUEFeatureLubor Fiedler: No Words by Dustin StinettThe Art of Presentin..
$1.99 $4.35
Dave Deck by Greg Chipman
Greg Chipman - Dave DeckThe spectator is given a deck of cards to hold or place on the table. They a..
$1.99 $4.35
Gun Gone
gun goneGun Gone is a simple method for the vanish of a playing card. The gimmick used for Gun Gone ..
$2.99 $5.53
3G Control by Hg
HG - 3G Control3G Control is a utility move that can be used as a control, a change or a steal, that..
$1.69 $3.16
Oil & Water by Hoan Vu
Hoan Vu - Oil & WaterA visual version of Oil & water routine with 3 black cards and 3 red ca..
$1.69 $3.16
Beyond Senses by Honey
HONEY ( JASMIT ) - Beyond sensesDid you always wanted to perform a mindblowing card trick , any wher..
$2.99 $7.90
Honey Huld
HONEY HULDThis effect is very close to real mind reading with cards. Imagine :- You show a deck of c..
$4.99 $9.08
L-Change by Hui Zheng
Hui Zheng - L-changeL-change, is a visual card color change effect. Performer holds a card then inst..
$1.99 $4.35
N.S. by Hui Zheng
Hui Zheng - N.S.Imagine that you are eating with your friends. Then, you pull out a straw; you then ..
$1.69 $3.16
I-Vent-Mindreading With A Borrowed Iphone
i-vent-Mindreading with a borrowed iphoneImagine approaching a complete stranger, you tell them you ..
$1.99 $4.35
I.M. Change
I.M. ChangeNew card change without gimmicks you can do this trick with any deck of cards. So simple ..
$1.99 $4.35
Extraction by Ilyas Seisov
Ilyas Seisov - ExtractionSpectator writes his thought on a signed card and holds its in a fist. Magi..
$1.99 $4.35
Iphoto by Ilyas Seisov
Ilyas Seisov - iPhotoEffect was designed for iPhone & iPod Touch.- no magic apps- no bluetooth /..
$1.99 $4.35
Ringo by Ilyas Seisov
Ilyas Seisov - RinGoImagine, having a ring and vanishing it in front of the spectators eyes.- Any ri..
$1.99 $4.35
Sky by Ilyas Seisov
Ilyas Seisov - SKY"He made my friend raise her hand with the power of his mind" - that's what people..
$2.99 $5.53
Tic Tac Shot by Ilyas Seisov
Ilyas Seisov - Tic Tac Shot- Regular Tic Tac- No special gimmicks- No holes- 15 sec to prepare- Easy..
$1.99 $4.35
Hit by Ilyas Seisov And Adelante
Ilyas Seisov and Adelante - HITSpectator thinks of a card. He doesnt write it. He doesnt say it. He ..
$1.99 $4.35
Infastamp Change
Infastamp ChangeInfastamp is a smooth slick colour change that is unique and extremely visual..
$1.69 $3.16