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Animated Gum by Nathan Kranzo
Nathan Kranzo - Animated Gum"A miracle they'll never forget" -Nathan KranzoMAKE GUM FLY OUT OF THE P..
$1.69 $4.35
Four Aces by Nathan Kranzo
Nathan Kranzo - Four AcesDribble AcesYou dribble through the deck and ask four different spectators ..
$4.99 $9.08
Assembly by Nguyen Quang Teo
Nguyen Quang Teo - AssemblyAn extremely visual assembly trick and surprisingly easy to do, watch the..
$1.69 $3.16
Jokewild by Nguyen Quang Teo
Nguyen Quang Teo - JokeWildA beautiful trick which is inspired from reset routine.4 Aces and 4 Joker..
$1.99 $4.35
T-Change by Nguyen Thanh & Jbmagic
Nguyen Thanh & JBmagic - T-ChangeThis trick changes a cardunder the cellophane of a deck.Any dec..
$1.99 $4.35
Incredible Sandwich by Nhat Quy
Nhat Quy - Incredible sandwichA small gimmick you make by yourself in a few minutes and perform a in..
$1.99 $4.35
Wth Change by Nhat Quy
Nhat Quy - WTH ChangeAn amazing effectneed to who have passion of magic. It can make you say " what ..
$1.99 $4.35
Download by Nicholas Lawrence
Nicholas Lawrence - DOWNLOADDown-Load is a utility gimmick that is loaded with potential. Quickly ma..
$1.99 $5.53
G.U.M by Nick Popa
Nick Popa - G.U.MG.U.M...Gum. Utility. Magic. This is a gimmick that allows you to vanish, teleport,..
$1.99 $4.35
Key Of The Cards by Nick Popa
Nick Popa - Key of the CardsEverybody knows the key card plot. It is probably one of the oldest card..
$1.69 $3.16
Molten by Nick Popa
Nick Popa - MoltenThis is Molten, a very visual and seemingly impromptu coin bend. Borrow a coin and..
$1.99 $4.35
P.K.A.V. by Nick Popa
Nick Popa - P.K.A.V.Borrow a coin. Sign the coin. With out any funny moves place the coin in your pa..
$1.69 $5.53
Switchbox by Nick Popa
Nick Popa - SwitchBoxImagine, taking a joker, placing it inside the card box, placing the box in a s..
$1.99 $4.35
The Flash by Nick Popa
Nick Popa - The FlashThis is The Flash, a visual sandwich effect like no other. Now your probably lo..
$1.99 $4.35
The Quantum Box by Nick Popa
Nick Popa - The Quantum BoxThe Quantum Box is an effect I have been doing for years and never fails ..
$1.99 $4.35
Eidetic by Oliver Dobbs
EideticThe participant is asked to shuffle the deck as much as possible and stop whenever they like ..
$2.99 $12.64
Attach by Oliver Smith
Oliver Smith - AttachAt the end of your performance you place the cards back inside the card box. Yo..
$1.69 $3.99
Chap Wrap 2.0 by Pablo Frey & Jibrizy Taylor
Pablo Frey & Jibrizy Taylor - Chap Wrap 2.0THROW: throw a rubber band to the chapstick and make ..
$1.69 $3.16
Breastools by Patrik Kuffs
Patrik Kuffs - Breastools This is a utility move which can be used as a killer way to..
$2.99 $5.53
Shinny Bet by Patrik Kuffs
Patrik Kuffs - Shinny betWhile your back is turned, a spectator freely selects a card and places it ..
$2.99 $5.53
Perfect Fit
Perfect FitPerfect Fit is an amazing routine where a card is chosen and the corner is torn off. The ..
$1.69 $3.16
Mitox: The Falsely Spoken Word by Phill Smith
Phill Smith - Mitox: The Falsely Spoken WordThe first book in the infamous Mythology Trilogy, Mitox ..
$3.99 $13.82
Mokele: Hidden In Possibilities by Phill Smith
Phill Smith - Mokele: Hidden in PossibilitiesThe third and final book in the infamous Mythology Tril..
$7.99 $13.82
Quinta by Phill Smith
Phill Smith - QuintaQuinta: A Miracle in Five Parts is the comprehensive guide to creating and perfo..
$1.99 $13.82
Theory by Phill Smith
Phill Smith - TheoryUK mentalist Phill Smith is known in the industry for his in-depth thinking on t..
$1.99 $11.45
Social Network by Phoenix(Sam)
Phoenix(Sam) - Social NetworkAfter performing it for a year, for big magicians and mentalist and tes..
$2.99 $5.53
C.T.D by Qqnguyen
QQNguyen - C.T.DC.T.D is a new coin effect The magician shows the spectator a normal coin and a deck..
$3.99 $7.90
Shots Change by Qqnguyen
QQNguyen - Shots ChangeA very visual card change that uses nothing but sleight of hand. The change i..
$1.99 $4.35
Bred by Quang Cd
QUANG CD - BredI simply ask the spectator to choose 1 random card then put it in the middle of the d..
$1.69 $3.16
G Coin by Quang Cd
QUANG CD - G coineasy to perfromeasy to do impromptu, but basic knowledge of coin magic is a
$1.99 $4.35