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Panda Sandwich by Teo Nguyen Quang
Teo Nguyen Quang - Panda SandwichSanndwich routine:Two cards are selected. The first one is immediat..
$1.69 $3.16
Cardboard Smorgasbord by Terry Lagerould
Terry LaGerould - Cardboard SmorgasbordOne of Terry LaGerould's many color changing (rainbow) deck c..
$1.69 $3.16
Fortuitous Elevator by Terry Lagerould
Terry LaGerould - Fortuitous ElevatorAn extremely clever no sleight of hand method for a 2 card tran..
$1.69 $3.16
I.Q. Test by Terry Lagerould
Terry LaGerould - I.Q. TestConceived by Terry LaGerould in 1976 and released for the first time here..
$1.69 $3.16
Incredible Bet by Terry Lagerould
Terry LaGerould - Incredible BetI've seen many a matching (mate) routines over the years.This one is..
$1.69 $3.16
Jewelery Foolery by Terry Lagerould
Terry LaGerould - Jewelery FooleryWhen you guys do a two in the hand one in the pocket routine don't..
$1.69 $3.16
One Arm Bandit by Terry Lagerould
Terry LaGerould - One Arm BanditOne of LaGeroulds many clever presentations utilizing the pop up mov..
$1.69 $3.16
Red Hot Poker Hand by Terry Lagerould
Terry LaGerould - Red Hot Poker HandTerry LaGeroulds brilliant treatment of Vernon's ten card poker ..
$1.69 $3.16
Slap Happy by Terry Lagerould
Terry LaGerould - Slap HappyThe Aces magically appear face up atop a face down deck concluding with ..
$1.69 $3.16
The 21 Cold Reading System
The 21 Cold Reading System21 is a fascinating reading and character analysis system for mentalists, ..
$3.99 $6.71
The Aces Accomplices Zack Lach
The Aces Accomplices Zack Lachthe spectators chooses two cards, you put them in the deck, you cut th..
$1.99 $4.35
The Openers Course
The Openers CourseWatch the VIDEO CLIPS to learn one of theBEST KEPT SECRETS To Creating A Great OPE..
$27.99 $39.88
The Paranormal Entertainer
The Paranormal EntertainerPerfect for Halloween or anytime of year when the presence of spooks is re..
$6.99 $11.45
Stephen Ablett by Thimble Stars
Thimble Stars - Stephen Ablett(16:9, 1 hour, 11 minutes)Thimble Stars is a 4 minute thimble manipula..
$3.99 $7.90
Capicua (Heads Or Tails?) by Thinking Paradox
Thinking Paradox - CAPICUA (Heads or Tails?)Imagine being able to win every single time at heads-or-..
$1.99 $5.53
Corner by Thomas Riboulet
Thomas Riboulet - CornerCorner is a routine which allows you to perform a torn and restored card eff..
$1.99 $4.35
Conserving Space by Tom Phoenix
Tom Phoenix - Conserving SpaceConserving Space is a method of fitting many objects... and a deck of ..
$1.99 $4.35
Flipperoo by Tom Phoenix
Tom Phoenix - FlipperooA spectator cuts any amount off the deck, they can cut more, or put some back..
$2.99 $5.53
Long Lost Mates by Tom Phoenix
Tom Phoenix - Long Lost MatesThis is a completely clean, Mate Location routine, using 2 decks.Oh, an..
$2.99 $5.53
Marathon by Tom Phoenix
Tom Phoenix - MarathonA multi-phase routine with two selections, complete with color changes, transp..
$1.99 $4.35
No 4 King Way by Tom Phoenix
Tom Phoenix - No 4 King WayFour cards are freely selected.They are shown to travel one at a time fro..
$1.99 $4.35
No Four King Way 2.0 by Tom Phoenix
Tom Phoenix - No Four King Way 2.0Four cards are freely selected. They are shown to travel one at a ..
$2.99 $5.53
Sandbox by Tom Phoenix
Tom Phoenix - SandboxA multi-phase card routine that starts with transpo, moves into a sandwich sect..
$1.99 $4.35
The 'Double A' Project by Tom Phoenix
Tom Phoenix - The 'Double A' ProjectThe 'Double A' Project is based on the 'Double A' change, a very..
$2.99 $5.53
Unite by Tom Phoenix
Tom Phoenix - UniteThis is a collection of six effects, five of which involve passing a 3-dimensiona..
$3.99 $7.90
Upredict by Tom Phoenix
Tom Phoenix - uPredictUsually, the magician makes the prediction - but not this time.Now, the specta..
$2.99 $5.53
When Aces Dream by Tom Phoenix
Tom Phoenix - When Aces DreamA multi-phase routine, using the four Aces.It was designed to be a disp..
$3.99 $6.71
Cointac by Tommy Halladay
Tommy Halladay - CoinTacCoinTac is a nice slow and visual way of making a coin penetrate a tic tac b..
$1.99 $4.35
Top Glide
Top GlideThe magician places a card on the top of the deck and lays the deck face-down on the table...
$2.99 $5.53
Tractor Utility
Tractor UtilityFor years magicians have wanted to make a signed card vanish from a deck of cards and..
$2.99 $5.53