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Senior Pitchman Reunion 2008
Senior Pitchman Reunion 2008 This is nearly three hours of video taken in November, 2..
$2.99 $7.86
1 2 3 Start Laughing Now by Shane Hill
$3.99 $10.79
Evade by Sid T
Sid T - EVADERetake on a classic effect where the selected card is found facing the opposite directi..
$1.99 $6.06
Simplimental With Mark Elsdon
Simplimental with Mark ElsdonPresented by, and featuring material created by, renowned magician, men..
$6.99 $16.65
Sly News Tear 2.0
Sly News Tear 2.0This updated version is much easier to set up and the ending restoration is lightin..
$6.99 $16.61
Sooper News Paper Centre Tear by Sreeni
Sreeni - Sooper News Paper Centre Tear Magician shows and folds a paper and cuts the ..
$2.99 $7.86
Visual Cut & Restore Ribbon by Sreeni
Sreeni - Visual Cut & Restore RibbonA piece of Ribbon inserted in a paper tube.Cut it and restor..
$2.99 $7.86
Stage To Stage With Tony Clark Full Version
Stage To Stage With Tony Clark Full Version In this movie Tony Clark takes you on a j..
$2.99 $7.82
Infinity Box by Stefanus Alexander
Stefanus Alexander - INFINITY BOXSpectator can sees many kind of variation visual change with this g..
$4.99 $13.68
The Dots by Stefanus Alexander
Stefanus Alexander - The DotsThis is the simple way for moving dot which drawn on the back of specta..
$2.99 $6.69
Children's Show Routines by Stephen Ablett
Stephen Ablett - Children's Show RoutinesTen routines, most with live performance footage with real ..
$3.99 $10.79
Stretchy Bands by Stephen Ablett
Stephen Ablett - Stretchy BandsStretchy Bands are large hair ties, similar to elastic band. They pac..
$3.99 $10.79
Sleights Of Mind by Stephen L. Macknik And Susana Martinez-Conde
Stephen Macknik and Susana Martinez-Conde, the founders of the exciting new discipline of neuromagic..
$3.99 $6.99
The Essential Guide To Nightclub Magic by Stephen Simmons
Stephen Simmons - The Essential Guide to Nightclub Magic Nothing comes close to this...
$3.99 $10.79
All Business by Steve Shrott
Steve Shrott - All BusinessIf you claim to be a magician, people expect you to hand out your busines..
$2.99 $6.40
Tc's Bizarre Side by Tc Tahoe
TC Tahoe - TC's Bizarre Side18 routines for the Bizarre and storytelling entertainer. Till Death Do ..
$2.99 $13.72
Tc's Lil' Big Ebook Of Mcing, Comedy & More by Tc Tahoe
TC Tahoe's lil' BIg eBook of MCing, Comedy & More "Thank you so much TC. I don't ..
$2.99 $7.86
The Elimination Principle by Tc Tahoe
TC Tahoe - The Elimination PrincipleThe Elimination Principleis the method behindThe Color Game, a s..
$2.99 $7.86
The Witch Queens Of New Orleans by Tc Tahoe
TC Tahoe - The Witch Queens of New OrleansAn effective card mystery that also serves as an exercise ..
$1.69 $4.34
Card by Thanh Letto & Hoang Sam
Thanh Letto & Hoang Sam - Card"Card" what a magical trick with Thanh Leeto & Hoang Sam !!Eas..
$1.69 $3.99
The Mental Miracles Of Ever Elizalde
THE MENTAL MIRACLES OF EVER ELIZALDEIn this 27 pages E-book, Ever Elizalde will share with you his "..
$2.99 $6.69
Flip And Catch by Themystefyer1
TheMystefyer1 - Flip and CatchThis is a great and easy way to shoot a card out of the deck it's simp..
$1.69 $3.17
Indelible Flourish by Themystefyer1
TheMystefyer1 - Indelible FlourishMy Name Is TheMystefyer1 I have practiced and perfected this flour..
$1.69 $3.76
Invisible Reverse by Themystefyer1
TheMystefyer1 - Invisible ReverseThis is an amazing effect where the magician invisibly turns the ch..
$2.99 $7.82
Second Sandwhich by Themystefyer1
TheMystefyer1 - Second SandwhichBasically you show the deck No GIMMICKSNo TAPENo STICKY STUFFNo GLUE..
$2.99 $7.82
The Dark Card by Themystefyer1
TheMystefyer1 - The Dark CardGreat effect everything is self contained and the effect is fun to perf..
$2.99 $7.82
Tandem by Thomas Riboulet
Thomas Riboulet - TandemThomas Riboulet 'TANDEM is a virtually self-working trick. This is a story ..
$3.99 $10.75