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Vista by Duane Williams
Vista by Duane Williams The most convincing ring/rubber band penetration on earth! Vista ..
$2.99 $5.99
Coin Through Handkerchief by Elliott Terral
Coin Through Handkerchief by Elliott Terral..
$1.69 $3.82
Live At Houdini's Magic Bar by Etienne Pradier
Live at Houdini's Magic Bar by Etienne Pradier..
$2.99 $5.65
Determination by Federico Poeymiro
Determination by Federico Poeymiro Effect: 5 cards with the E.S.P. symbols are removed from ..
$1.69 $4.45
Air Aces by Fenik
Air Aces By FenikFour aces fly one by one from hand to hand. Clean, incredible and magical. If you w..
$1.99 $5.65
Paparazzi by Fred Bellucci
Paparazzi by Fred Bellucci (Effect) Have a spectator choose one card and the chosen card is re..
$2.99 $5.99
Inked by Fred Darevil
Inked by Fred Darevil Inked is a powerful mindreading effect that fits in your wallet! Ta..
$1.69 $5.53
Upper Hand by Gary Jones & Chris Congreave
Upper Hand by Gary Jones & Chris Congreave A jaw dropping transportation of FOUR s..
$2.99 $5.99
Box Pad by Gary Jones And Chris Congreave
The scenario is as follows: holding a small note pad you approach a group of people, or an individua..
$1.99 $4.19
Let's Get Flurious by Gary Kurtz
Let's Get Flurious by Gary Kurtz Here it is! An intensive new instructional DVD from one of magi..
$1.99 $5.65
Jackblack by Geraint Clarke
Jackblack by Geraint Clarke JackBlack is a devastatingly fair, handsfree Blackjack demonstration...
$2.99 $5.99
Whisky Move by Gianni Vox
Whisky Move by Gianni Vox A sneaky backroom hack for the ACAAN plot.An ingenious Card at any Number ..
$2.99 $5.99
Ringside by Gregory Wilson
Ringside by Gregory Wilson (Instant Download) A multi-phase routine so visual, so surprising that it..
$1.99 $4.43
The Reputation Maker by Harry Robson And Matthew Wright
The Reputation Maker by Harry Robson and Matthew Wright Description: The Rep..
$2.99 $5.53
Mystery Calendar by Hektor
Mystery Calendar by Hektor About 10 tricks with a single pocket calendar! A whole magic/ mentali..
$2.99 $5.65
Gypsy by Ian Kendall
a dice switch to date. A really first rate job, and I have been with and hung around the best in the..
$2.99 $5.65
Carpenter's Sleights by Jack Carpenter
Seattle's underground card mechanic, Jack Carpenter, sits down at the table to teach three of his fa..
$1.99 $4.74
Verve by Jacopo Maggetto
VERVE by Jacopo MaggettoThe most visual gum trick you'll EVER see.Jacopo has unwrapped the potential..
$1.99 $4.99
CGI by James Keatley
CGI by James Keatley 3D objects pop right out of a playing card. Comes complete with EVERYTHING yo..
$2.99 $5.10
Seer by Jamie Daws
Seer by Jamie Daws Liam says... The Seer is a VERY clever envelope, that will let you peek a..
$2.99 $5.99
The Circus Card Trick by Jared Kopf
The Circus Card Trick by Jared KopfWhether you're completely new to card magic, or you're a seasoned..
$1.99 $4.99
Geometricks by Jaspas Deck
Geometricks by Jaspas Deck"Geometricks is a two-handed cut that I first created 5 years ago, and hav..
$2.99 $5.65
World's No. 1 Flirting Card Trick by Jay Sankey
World's No. 1 Flirting Card Trick by Jay Sankey..
$1.99 $4.99
Lost Angeles by Jeremy Griffith
Lost Angeles by Jeremy Griffith Secrets of the small screen to help you hit the big time. ..
$2.99 $5.99