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Flight by Kevin Li And Shin Lim
Flight by Kevin Li and Shin Lim "The most unique TNR I have ever seen!"- Shin LimKevin Li's "Flight"..
$1.99 $4.99
Magma by Kyle Marlett
Magma by Kyle Marlett "I have trick envy!"- Paul HarrisThe hands are the focal point for power for m..
$1.99 $4.48
The Cardwright by Larry Jennings
Larry Jennings - The CardwrightPDFMaxwell, Mike: Larry Jennings The Cardwright?1988, L&L Publish..
$2.99 $6.98
Master Works by Lee Young Woo
The famous Lee Young-Woo DVD Video about manipulation of playing cards.All you need to know and lear..
$1.99 $4.23
Tequila Hustler Deluxe by Mark Elsdon & Peter Turner
Tequila Hustler DELUXE by Mark Elsdon, Peter Turner, Colin McLeod and Michael Murray A true game ch..
$2.99 $5.99
Fusion by Michael Rubinstein
Fusion by Michael Rubinstein A quarter and penny are shown and placed together. With a push, the pen..
$1.99 $4.28
Guaranteed Prediction by Mike Pisciotta
Guaranteed Prediction by Mike Pisciotta A playful routine thats perfect for the bar or poker-night, ..
$1.99 $4.28
El Cambio Color Clasico by Miquel Roman
El Cambio Color Clasico by Miquel Roman demo:
$2.99 $5.99
Lecture Notes 2015 by Patrick Kun
Lecture Notes 2015 by Patrick Kun This is a digital download version of our sold out Lectu..
$2.99 $5.99
Pro Aces by Paul Gordon
Pro Aces by Paul Gordon Borrow a deck, cut to the aces. A powerful demonstration of your skill...
$1.99 $4.28
Mutation by Peter Eggink
Mutation by Peter Eggink You remove one "prediction" card from the pack and the spectator is asked t..
$1.69 $3.28
Dual Reality (Vol 3) by Peter Turner
Peter Turner - Dual Reality (Vol 3)PDFdemo: is the 3rd Volume ..
$2.99 $10.98
Warlock's Way by Peter Warlock
Peter Warlock - Warlock's Way PDF 1966 Spiral bound, 55 pages, very go..
$4.99 $7.98
A Transatlantic Lecture by Phil Goldstein
Phil Goldstein - A Transatlantic LecturePDFwritten by Philip T. Goldstein1978work of Philip T. Golds..
$1.99 $4.99
Four Face Assembly by Phil Goldstein
Phil Goldstein - Four Face AssemblyPDFThe magician proudly presents an innovative version of a class..
$1.99 $4.99
Thequal by Phil Goldstein
Phil Goldstein - ThequalPDFdemo: by Philip T. Go..
$3.99 $6.99
Methode Rapide De Transmission De Pensée by Philippe Warren
Philippe Warren - Methode Rapide De Transmission De PenséePDFLauteur, excellent professionnel, détai..
$5.99 $8.98
Lecture Notes Blackpool 2016 by Pierric
Pierric - Lecture Notes Blackpool 2016PDF32 Pages..
$2.99 $6.98
The Real Panama Rope Mystery by Professor Spellbinder
Professor Spellbinder - The REAL Panama Rope Mystery PDF The Panama Ro..
$1.99 $4.99
Thoughts Of The Nerdy by Robert Francis
Robert Francis - Thoughts of the NerdyPDF20 Pages..
$1.69 $3.18
How To Be A Wizard by Robert Harbin
How To Be A WizardPDFContentsThe Magicians TableThe Magic HatThe Wizard's BoxThe Sorcerer's TubeThe ..
$3.99 $6.99
The Masonic Handshake by Romanos
Romanos - The Masonic HandshakePDFRomanos is a professional performer from Greece, who has authored ..
$2.99 $7.98
Time Flies by Roy Baker
Roy Baker - Time FliesPDFTime Flies! And it's hard to time it because it flies so fast. Anyway, here..
$1.99 $4.99
Jack by Rus Andrews
Rus Andrews - JackPDFJack is a simple thought of card revelation that uses a borrowed shuffled deck...
$2.99 $7.98
The Self-Working Project by Ryan Matney
Ryan Matney - The Self-Working Project PDF These routines are the result of many hours of ex..
$3.99 $6.98
The Ghost Card by Samuel Patrick Smith
Samuel Patrick Smith - The Ghost CardPDFEFFECT: You show a spectator six different jumbo cards and a..
$3.99 $6.98
Cartomancy For Magicians by Scott Creasey
Scott Creasey - Cartomancy For MagiciansPDF"Without proper presentation, the best sleight of hand is..
$6.99 $9.98