Atm by Michael Murray
- Product Code: B1#421
- Reward Points: 20
- Availability: In Stock
- $10.88
- Price in reward points: 499
ATM combines a very clever mix of principles and ideas which will allow you to seemingly determine a spectators exact PIN number.
The spectator thinks of their PIN number, you openly write four digits for the audience to see. When these numbers are shown to the spectator they react in amazement confirming for the audience that they are looking at their PIN number.
Taking things a step further you are also able to remove the entire memory of events from your participants mind.
This 32 page book details every nuance of the routine whist giving you an additional set of tools to add to your arsenal.
Points to remember:
- The four numbers are never switched and are genuinely shown to the spectator.
- The spectator confirms for everyone that they are looking at their PIN number.
- The spectator then genuinely has no recollection of the events which have just transpired.
- Both the spectator and the audience are left free to talk after the event.
- Easy to perform
- Suitable for Close-up \\ & Stage
Note:The primary e? Ect is designed for an English speaking audience. International variations are included.
"I find this diabolical. In many diabolical routines the diabolical is more clever than the performance of the effect, therefore entertaining the performer more than the audience. However in this case I think both is attained and that is rare. Well done \\. \ "
- Banachek
"This guy is a genius and this concept / effect is no exception. I said before that Michael is one of my favourite creators but this just became an understatement. Michael IS my favourite creator! "
- Titanas
Pages: 32 - 6 "x 9 " - Perfect bound
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