The Berglas Effects by David Berglas
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2011 Bagh Las David Berglas - The Berglas Effects ( full version)
This information contains :
1 , three episodes author Bagh Las video ( Duration : 5 hours 38 minutes 24 seconds )
2 , supporting electronic dataRichard Kaufman - The Berglas Effect(PDF format / 82mb / 400 pages)
Bagh Las effect (Berglas Effect) has been legendary Devil card magic , many Western magicians in lively discussion and study this effect. Since Liu Qian performing a similar effect on television magic , Bagh Las effect became the Oriental magic community are enthusiastic discussion topic.
Bagh Las effect is to make the audience two individual speak their thoughts , said a person of any card ( such as spades 5 ) , a person arbitrarily say that a number (say 20 ) , and then it happened in the first spades 5 20 cards , the most amazing is the magician in the whole process does not move to a card.
Today, the legendary 60-year card magic will be open , because Genii company David Berglas out , written by Richard Kaufman, about 400 , of which 60 are on Bagh Las effect , and has 3D glasses and 3 DVDs, priced at 125 dollars.
3 DVD, each are very valuable
The first tells David DVD- experience the history and magic show of personal Berglas , Berglas personally interviewed by the Marc Paul. And comes with PDF file of "Nothing is Impossible," an enormous interview with David which appears in the May 2007 issue of Genii, The Conjurors' Magazine.
The first two DVD- collected David Berglas the conventional LIVE SHOW, very exciting!
, very exciting !
The big hardcover book that reveals the innermost secrets of the card miracles performed by the legendary David Berglas for 60 years, written by magic's most experienced author, Richard Kaufman.? Almost 400 pages? Oversized, Hardcover? Dustjacket, Inserts, and 3D Glasses? Includes 3 DVDs? Over 60 Pages Devoted to "The Berglas Effect" and "Any Card at Any Number"
The Berglas Effects will not be available from other dealers at a discount.
Foreword (Juan Tamariz)
Invisible Control
The Magic in David Berglas's Card Magic
A Closed System
David Berglas Talks About Personality and Presentation
Beware the Obvious
He Never Touched the Deck
Searching for Perfection
Zen in a Pack of Cards
Think a Card
Any Card at Any Number
Small Tools and Party Tricks
Magician's Choice
Mind Mapping for Magicians
The Set-Up Deck
Jazzing Around with a Set-Up Deck
The Berglas Effect
The Act: The Berglas Effects
Last Word
Contents of the DVDS:
DVD 1: David Berglas Interviewed by Marc Paul
David was invited to appear at a convention in Las Vegas in 2008 but unfortunately could not attend. Instead, he sent a filmed segment in which he was interviewed by mentalist and friend Marc Paul. The interview will give you an overview of David's remarkable life, with clips from some of his many television shows including his famous "Table Levitation" and pulse-stopping routine Following the interview, David briefly performs some of his signature card magic.
Think a Card with a Spread
Think a Card with a Fan
Estimation Cut and Plucking a Card off the Top of the Deck
Estimation Cut (Matching a Spectator's Cut)
Presentation of The British Magical Society's David Berglas Award to Derren Brown (2011)
This DVD also contains a PDF file of "Nothing is Impossible," an enormous interview with David which appears in the May 2007 issue of Genii, The Conjurors' Magazine. In order to access this PDF, place the disc into your computer and double click on the PDF file marked "Genii." You will be able to read it as well as print it out. The issue contains several 3D images, as well as three tricks-all based loosely on "Any Card at Any Number" -that require the 3D glasses included with this book.
Photographed and Edited by Bob Hamilton
Additional Editing by Elizabeth Kaufman
Music Composed and Performed by Michael Close
DVD 2: David Berglas Live
1. The Mind of David Berglas (TV Show, Excerpt, 1986)
Card Magic Segment. David's last television series consisted of six episodes of 45 minutes each (series in the United Kingdom often run for only six episodes) as well as a one-hour Christmas special. Episode Four contains a segment with guest star Omar Sharif, as well as David's somewhat hurried performance of an assortment of card effects for members of the studio audience. The production of the series was fraught with difficulties, and financial constraints meant that sometimes there was no time for rehearsals or reshoots, and the camera angles, stage directions, and just about anything else that would have been perfected through rehearsal was not. Footage that should not have been broadcast was, and as you'll see in the card magic segment, some of the spectators appear to be in a deep coma and barely able to speak. Despite all of these difficulties, David perseveres-which is perhaps a better lesson than watching him do it all perfectly and easily with cooperative spectators.
For Omar Sharif, David Performs:
Matching the Spectator's Cut with Estimation
Estimation and Revolution Berglas Style
For Laymen, David Performs:
Aces and Eights
Name a Card with Two Cards; Faux Transposition and Palm
Think a Card with a Fan and Berglas DL
Think a Card with a Fan and the Card on the Table
Think a Card with a Spread
Name a Card and Berglas DL
Name a Card and the Spectator Cuts to the Bridge to Reveal the Card
Name a Card and Reverse
Name a Card with Two Cards; Classic Force Face Down Twice
For Omar Sharif, David Performs:
Spectator Cuts to the Bridge
2. An Evening of Mystery and Imagination at the Lyric Theatre, London (1991)
A charity show performed by David, it is the only visual record of his full-evening one-man show. Here we present the portion of the show which comprises David's full card act.
Aces and Eights
The Berglas Effect
Estimation Cut and Cross Cut Force
Think a Card with a Fan
Think a Card with a Fan
A Memory Feat (Using the Deck Switch)
3. The Magic Circle at the Victory Services Club (Excerpt, 1992)
Filmed on a hot night when the normal stage lights were not working, David's lecture / show was illuminated entirely by one hand-operated spotlight. Only the first half of the card-portion of the show is presented here, which contains a performance of material of which no other recording exists.
Aces and Eights
The Double Berglas Effect
Think a Card with a Fan and Flashing a Palmed Card to the Audience
4. Magic Circle Collector's Day Demonstration (1996)
For the 21st Magic Circle Collector's Day in 1996, Roger Crosthwaite gave a talk on the history of the trick known as "Think a Card." After the lecture, David, then President of the Magic Circle, gave a brief demonstration of his style of . card magic Unknown to David at the time, but fortunately for us, the performance was recorded and sold by The Magic Circle for several years as part of a series of videotapes of various Collector's Days The circumstances are far from optimal:. he was performing for people he had known for many years, and it was also quite early in the day. One of his spectator / assistants is also trying to "catch him out," as the British say. The video is valuable for us because it captures David performing card magic in an impromptu setting in his prime, doing things which do not appear in any other visual record. The double and triple coincidence effects at the end are perfect examples of how David can weave together a reputation-making effect during a performance.
The Berglas Effect
Think a Card with a Fan and the Card on the Table
Think a Card with a Fan and Classic Force Face Down
Think a Card with a Spread (in the Hands)
Think a Card with a Spread (on the Table)
The Cards that Never Were
Name a Card and Card from Pocket
Double Coincidence
Triple Coincidence
5. The Young Magician's Day at the Magic Circle (2006)
On stage at The Magic Circle's headquarters in Stephenson Way, David gave a talk and then performed a series of card effects for members of the Young Magician's Club (YMC). There are several items in this demonstration that show David taking advantage of situations that arose during performance in order to produce some truly miraculous effects.
Chosen Card Matches the Face Card of a Deck in the Spectator's Pocket
Blank Fan Gag
Name a Card and Classic Force Face Down
Think a Card with a Fan (Card is not Revealed Yet)
Think a Card with a Fan (Card is not Revealed Yet)
Spectator Cuts to the Bridge and both Previous Thought-Of Cards Are Revealed
Think a Card with a Spread and Revolution Berglas Style
The Berglas Effect
6. The Bull Theatre Show (2010)
Taped in June 2010 at the Bull Theatre in northern London, David took to the stage for his first real show in 17 years specifically so we could record it for this book. At age 83, it was a triumphant return, though David has not yet reconciled in his mind the memory of himself performing energetically as a younger man with the slightly more relaxed style he has cultivated in his golden years.
Aces and Eights
Any Card at Any Number
Think a Card with a Fan
Think a Card with a Spread
Spectator Cuts to the Bridge and "Colossal Card" Mindreading
Think a Card with a Fan and Reverse
The Berglas Effect
A Memory Feat (Using the Deck Switch)
7. The Session (2011)
At "The Session," a small magic convention held in England, David performed a few minutes of card magic with five volunteers from the audience after being interviewed by BBC journalist Steve Knibbs. This video shows a different type of sequence than the other clips on this DVD: after each person thinks of or names a card, their deck is placed on the table and David asks them to put their finger on it He does this five times and none of the cards are revealed until the end Note that even.. though he prepares the fourth spectator's deck for "The Berglas Effect," he saves this revelation for the end.
Think a Card with a Fan
Vanishing Card
Think a Card with a Spread
The Berglas Effect
Name a Card
8. The Essential Magic Conference Interview
The Essential Magic Conference held in July 2010 was the first magic convention which took place entirely on the Internet. This interview with David was filmed at his home in advance by Luis de Matos's crew in London.
Photographed by Bob Hamilton (except The Mind of David Berglas and the EMC Interview)
Edited by Elizabeth Kaufman (except the EMC Interview)
Music Composed and Performed by Michael Close
DVD 3: Performing and Teaching
1. Close-Up Magic
In a relaxed atmosphere in his home, David performs magic first for a group of teenagers and, later, Marc Paul.
Think a Card (with Poppy Malone)
A Named Card Location and Any Card at Any Number (with Tobi Earnshaw)
Think a Card with a Spread, All Alike, Card on Table, and Think a Card with a Fan (with Kris Rich).
The Berglas Effect, Think a Card, Card from Spectator's Pocket (with Franky Montanaro)
Think a Card and Magician's Choice (with Franky Montanaro)
Any Card at Any Number (with Kris Rich and Tobi Earnshaw)
2. Demonstrations and Explanations
David demonstrates and explains his card techniques, sometimes assisted by this writer and mentalist Marc Paul.
The Push Fan
Think a Card with a Fan
Think a Card with a Spread
Name a Card
The Bridge
The Deck Switch
The Classic Force
Let Your Fingers Do the Walking
Magician's Choice: Two Demonstrations.
This or That
3. The Supreme Magic Video (1986)
Decades ago, when videotapes were becoming popular as tools for teaching magic, David made a little-known tape with the now-defunct Supreme Magic Company. Though the contents mainly focus on other parts of David's repertoire rather than card magic, including it here seems appropriate because it will expose you to other types of magic he used to perform. The versatility of the ingenious "Cardcertina," explained in this book, is also demonstrated.
The DB Cigarette Sequence and other Bits with Cigarettes
Magnetized Cane
Color-Changing Knives
Berglas on Sleeving
The Berglas Rope Sequence
Thinking Big
Flash Tips
Photographed by Bob Hamilton (except The Supreme Magic Video)
Edited by Elizabeth Kaufman (except The Supreme Magic Video)
Music Composed and Performed by Michael Close (except The Supreme Magic Video)
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