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  • Billets for the Modern Mindreader Vol.5 by Julien Losa - 2024

Billets for the Modern Mindreader Vol.5 by Julien Losa

  • Product Code: #e11093
  • Reward Points: 5
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $24.00
  • $1.99

  • Price in reward points: 199

Julien Losa is back with more billet miracles!

If you’re still wondering just how much you can achieve with a few pieces of paper, you're in for a treat! In this volume, you’ll find:

  • Ring Peek: You put their billet away, take your ring off, and reveal the information. It is that straightforward, and oh boy, you get a lot of reading time!
  • The Spectator is the Billet Worker: The spectator senses what’s hidden within the billets, performing their own pseudo-psychometry routine. It is that clean. This will become an instant classic!
  • Yet Another Ultimate 3 Billet Test: This is the three billet test Julien has been using professionally for the past few years. You never open the billets to “double-check” anything, there’s no dummy, the routine has 5 applause cues built in (!), and you even get to do some psychometry!

“Julien is a modern master of billet techniques and I have learnt a great deal from his thinking. His Billets for the Modern Mindreader Vol 5 is a must have as is the whole collection.” — Looch


“I just purchased Vol 5. It is terrific! ‘Yet Another Ultimate Three Billet Test’ is indeed excellent. This is way underpriced!” — Christopher Carter


“Damn, that Ring Peek is smooth!” — Nestor Dee

[As usual, everything is self-contained: you don't need to purchase previous volumes to perform the routines taught in this video.]

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