Greater Magic Video Library
The Greater Magic Video Library
Benjamin Earl – The Family ( May 2023 , Instant Download )
Misc FilesNo One like a ShowThe Bottom DealThank you John..
$3.66 $6.99
Benjamin Earl – The Family ( Jun 2023 , Instant Download )
A Jedi Mind TrickDerren BrownMisc FilesTip Your HandTechnical Masterclass – Psychological Manipulati..
$3.66 $6.99
Benjamin Earl – The Family ( July 2023 , Instant Download )
Ricky jayBen Finds a CardNo Motion AcesThe Invisible BeatDrills – Beat Rhythm & Flow..
$3.66 $6.99
Benjamin Earl – The Family ( Aug 2023 , Instant Download )
Misc FilesStepping StonesWhat ifTechnical Masterclass – Break Management..
$3.66 $6.99
Scott Baird – The Hermit Magazine Vol.2 No.8
Volume 2, No. 8: AUG 2023, 47 pgs. The latest issue of The Hermit Magazine has a fantastic..
$2.55 $6.99
Super Visual Silk To Rose by Juan Pablo
SUPER VISUAL SILK TO ROSE is the fastest, easiest and most visual way to transform a silk into ..
$3.55 $6.99
The Opener by Parlin Lay
An interactive guessing game!The audience is shown two envelopes. One of them has money in it and th..
$2.55 $6.99
Mr. Wand – Mr WAND
Introducing “Mr. Wand”: The Enchanting Animated Companion for Kids’ Magic!“Mr. Wand” brings enchantm..
$3.55 $6.99
CARSON’S DRINK by Juan Pablo
Imagine being in a bar and someone is having a drink and you magically make that glass float in a ve..
$3.66 $6.99
Hexology by Michael Murray
“I genuinely think it’s unbeatable for creating a genuine moment of sincere wonder. Done in a quiet ..
$3.66 $6.99
TCC Magic, Colin & Heiman – Dream Drink
The act of pouring different beverages from the same container is an ancient magic trick found in bo..
$4.55 $8.00
Live Sessions by Steve Faulkner Online Magic
Course curriculumMarch 2020Live Sessions IntroductionSession 1: 9.3.2020 – Culling, Dry Hands and Do..
$25.55 $54.00
Learner Journey 1. Beginner to Intermediate by Steve Faulkner Online Magic
My aim is to provide you with the best learning experience possible, so part of that is making sure ..
$4.55 $8.99
Foundations of Card Handling by Steve Faulkner Online Magic
For beginners, but also for those wanting to check the strength of their foundations. No magic here,..
$3.66 $6.99
Special Guests by Steve Faulkner Online Magic
Magic Royalty. All in one place!Course curriculumIn Order of AppearanceStan Allen. Discussion.Andi G..
$5.66 $16.99
Steve Faulkner ‘From the Wilderness Years’ Lecture Routines
There are no reviews yet...
$5.66 $16.99
Rope Magic. Part Steve Faulkner Online Magic
Course curriculum1. Getting Started1. Introduction2. Which Rope To Use3.Preparing Your Rope2. Single..
$5.66 $6.99
Capsize by Seth Race
“Capsize is absolutely beautiful, simple and undetectable. Great job on this one!!!” – Dan..
$3.66 $6.99
MOON WAVE by Victor Sanz and Agus Tjiu
A card impossibly vanishes slowly and visually mid-air!Victor Sanz finally releases one of his best ..
$3.88 $6.99
Alakazam Academy Tackling Terrifying Taboos 6 by Jamie Daws
Every year Jamie tricks & treats us with an evening of magic with a spookier twist and this year..
$2.66 $20.00
The Complete Zombie by Vernet Magic
The Complete Zombie – A classic floating ballA classic of magic now comes with everything you n..
$3.66 $6.99
The Magic Circle Lecture by Asi Wind
A new set of masterclass lectures from Asi Wind, themed around Entertainment for the Mind, sharing a..
$0.98 $6.99
Reality as an Art by Aaron Alexander
Reality as an Art (2022 edition) describes how to create something so close to real magic that calli..
$2.68 $35.00
CC Club Live by Apollo Robbins
If you love magic and want to share it with people (and you're not wasting time doing it all the har..
$2.66 $10.99
Chaotic Oil & Water by Dani DaOrtiz
What it is.The magician distributes the many small stacks of cards from the deck to the spectators f..
$1.66 $6.99
Phantom of Chinese Coins 2.0
Have you heard of 3 Fly? A very classic and fun coin magic routine. But to be honest, it's a bit dif..
$0.98 $6.99
Cromo by Gonzalo Albinana
From the expertise of Spanish Grand Prix Magic Champion Gonzalo Albiñana, Cromo is the revolutionary..
$0.98 $6.99
Wonderful Silk Magic by Duane
Creative Silk Scarf Magic Instruction from Duane Laflin of Silk Scarf Magic Masters is 2 hours long ..
$1.98 $8.99