Penguin Live Online Lecture
Jeki Yoo Penguin Live Act
"Jeki Yoo has an entertaining energy and unique close up magic! I love his FISM act" -Shin Lim"..
$2.99 $15.99
Criss Angel Penguin Live Online Lecture
"The Magic Event of a Lifetime!"- Huffington Post"The #1 Magic Show of All Time"– Las Vega..
$2.99 $19.95
Ryan Schlutz Penguin Live Act
"Ryan Schlutz annoys me. Despite the fact that I've been heavily into magic for longer than he's bee..
$2.99 $19.50
Inaki Zabaletta PenguinLive Act
"The most complete and successful profesional magician I have ever seen." -Michel Clavelo ..
$1.99 $19.95
Alexander Marsh Penguin Live Act
"Alex McAleer is one of my favourite mentalists. He knows more about presenting entertaining mentali..
$2.99 $15.50
The EP Principle by Woody Aragon
Woody Aragon is known for his elegant self-working magic. In The EP Principle, he not only teaches y..
$1.99 $9.99
Numbered by Parlin Lay
Give your spectator a deck of cards and ask them to name any card, and also guess the position of th..
$1.99 $12.99
Juan Luis Rubiales Penguin Live Act
Spnaish"Juan is the kind of chef we need in magic. Smart, funny, and will fool the crap out you. Als..
$1.99 $9.99
Paul Vigil Pierri Penguin Live ACT
"Paul Vigil is entertaining, charming, way funny and delightful- but we didn't care about any of tha..
$2.99 $9.99
Juan Tamariz Penguin Live ACT 2
“Tamariz’s theory eliminates all possible solutions, leading the audience across the rainbow into WO..
$1.99 $8.99
Carisa Hendrix Penguin Live Acts
Video Only"I've seen her delight and I've seen her amaze. When Carisa is performing at Lucy Darling,..
$2.99 $5.99
Ian Rowland Penguin Live Act
"Every time Ian Rowland performs something I stand in awe at the cleverness of his routining, though..
$2.99 $5.99
Takamiz Usui Penguin Live Act
"As the originator of the one hand quick solve, Takamiz Usui is the most influential creator in the ..
$1.99 $6.98
Fay Presto Penguin Live Act
"If you're in a restaurant and a magician approaches the table, you had better hope it's Fay Presto...
$2.99 $5.99
Etienne Pradier Penguin Live Online Lecture
"Etienne speaks English much better than I can speak French. I've seen him conjuring for British roy..
$2.99 $9.99
Emran Riaz Penguin Live Online Lecture
"Fabulous! I love your ideas and your presentation!" - Millard Longman, creator of Acidus ..
$2.99 $9.99
Ryan Stock And Amberlynn Penguin Live Act
"Ryan Stock is a mutant, he always amazes me." -David Blaine "I don't know if he's super hu..
$2.99 $5.99
Daniel Chard Penguin Live Act
"Brilliant! You nailed me a half a dozen times. Good work. It just convinces me even more that this ..
$2.99 $5.99
John Bannon Penguin Live Act
"The more I study card magic and mentalism, the more impressed I am with John Bannon. His "lean and ..
$2.99 $5.99
Vinny Grosso Penguin Live Act
"Vinny Grosso is a true gentleman, one of the most gracious guys in magic. That said, he ..
$1.99 $5.99
David Stone Penguin Live Online Lecture
What will he teach? Ring- This is the first time David has taught his Ring in tennis ball r..
$2.99 $5.99
Robert Giobbi Penguin Live Act
"Roberto Giobbi's brilliant lectures are clear and pedagogical, based on immense knowledg..
$2.99 $5.99
Juan Pablo Penguin Live Act
What will he teach? Musical Opener- A musical opener that combines a sun glasses production..
$1.99 $5.99
Nicolas Pierri Penguin Live Act
"One of Dai Vernon's favorite quotes was: 'Most magicians stop thinking too early'. Knowing ..
$2.99 $5.99
Woody Aragon Penguin Live Act
Woody Aragon LIVE ACT (Penguin LIVE) "My greatest joy with Woody's magic is his contagious enthu..
$2.99 $5.99
Curtis Kam Penguin Live Act
"As always, Curtis brings a devastating clarity to coin magic, providing visual moments of impossibi..
$2.99 $5.99
Perseus Arkomanis Penguin Live Act
What will he teach? Symbolistic Close up Magic (45mins) Three sets of three for table hop..
$1.99 $5.99
Nathan Coe Marsh Penguin Live Act
"Nathan is sharing strong solid routines that are of use to any magician, but especially those that ..
$2.99 $5.99
Drew Backenstoss Penguin Live Act
"Drew is a consummate pro in all respects - meticulous about every aspect of his show, careful to es..
$2.99 $5.99
Timothy Krass Penguin Live Act
Every generation needs someone to come along and reinvent mentalism for contemporary audiences, brin..
$2.99 $5.99