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  • Vince Mendoza Penguin Live Online Lecture

Vince Mendoza Penguin Live Online Lecture

  • Product Code: C#7689P
  • Reward Points: 15
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $6.99
  • $3.99

  • Price in reward points: 399

"Vince Mendoza is one of those great hidden secrets in magic. Every time I see him he has something new and wonderful to show me. When I finally convinced him to lecture for my group, he really delivered. It was an evening filled with fresh looks at classic and neo-classic magic, as well as original ideas that have great impact for any audience, whether they are laymen or magicians. This is a don't miss event." - Marc DeSouza

"Seeing Vincent Mendoza was one of the highlights for me at this years FFFF convention. He has a lovely smooth style and his Ring Routine will kill you. I sat there with a number of the top guys at the convention and we all looked at each other and said: “What the hell is he doing?” We didn’t have a clue. And when he showed me the secret I was even more impressed. I predict he will be on the next Season of Penn & Teller: Fool Us and my bet is on Vincent.” - Paul Gertner

"Vince combines an incredibly creative mind with the ability to connect with his audiences. The result is a fun experience that leaves his spectators amazed." - Steve Friedberg

"Vince Mendoza is the best magician I know to take apart a classic effect and rebuild it with new parts giving it a whole new life. His lecture is a deep dive into his wildly creative process. So much variety and innovative technique. He never ceases to amaze me after 20+ years of watching him create." -Will Fern

"The paper rose has been my go to effect for the real world. All that changed when I met Vincent Garabaldi Mendoza. His Saint-Exuprey Rose took a "sweet trick" and turned it into a masterpiece. Now I know that I am never more than a minute away from making someone's day. The fact it is easier and less expensive than my old version is yet another quantum leap forward for this classic. Thank you Vincent!!!!" - Ed Ripley

"Vincent's approach to magic and creating is unparalleled! He is able to create amazing illusions using elegant technique and well thought out presentations. Where he really excels in is adapting and putting his own unique spin on classic effects." - Joe Rindfleisch

"I have known Vince for a long time and he is on the short list of magicians I would put in front of my clients and feel comfortable that he would represent my brand well. His magic is smooth. His presentations are funny. And he treats his audience with respect. What more could you ask for?" -David Corsaro

"J.R.R. Tolkien must be Vincent's pen name because he is definitely the Lord of the Rings! His magic will leave you shaking your head in disbelief and asking for more all at the same time." - Michael Kaminskas

"Don't let his looks deceive you. He really IS talented!" - Roger Nicot

"His rings might be small, but his magic is BIG" - Christian Schenk

"Vincent shared details of his close-up ring routine with me at 4F. I'm very impressed with the moves and handlings he's developed. I look forward to seeing his lecture." - Quentin Reynolds

"When I saw Vincent perform for the first time I was not only impressed by his elegant style and presentation. He fooled me completely with his absolutely amazing handling of the chinese linking rings!" - Clemens Ilgner

"I had the pleasure of seeing Vincent's magic when we both were hired at the MAES convention last year by Marc DeSouza. You could easily see Vince's passion for magic when he wowed the crowed with his unique and beautiful ring and rope magic. It takes ring and rope magic to a whole new level!"Chris Pilsworth

What will he teach?

Bottle Opener - (soft opener) Designed for the 15-20% that are paying attention at the start. It’s not meant to be seen by everyone, but those that do, see a quick magic trick and react. Those that don’t see it, end up reacting to the people around them who saw it. They end up telling themselves, “I should pay attention.” versus me trying to munch them in the face to get their attention.

Shuffled Box - (2nd soft opener) A follow-up to the Bottle Opener - also soft - Take out a deck of cards and begin to shuffle them while asking someone to think of a card. Suddenly the deck is back inside the box. This is a “What! I missed it again?!?” 

Reset Sans Elmsley - My handling of the classic Paul Harris Reset. I’ve since adapted it to play for a larger crowd, platform style.

Jinxy Gemini Backfire - A Dr. Daley-type trick where the red and black Aces transpose. We break the rules and repeat the trick, but when the cards are looked at, they’ve become the kings.

Cast O’Fifty-Two - My take on the Phil (Oscar) Deck, with the added bonus of the name being saved til the end and a rolling bank of names. Can also do 2 cards at the same time.

A.C.A.P. - A coin in pen cap routine. Pitchng. Slipped Back Clip Grip.

In transitu - My take on John Kennedy’s Translocation. The Chocolate Chip Move. Sounding right.

Y.A.T. Fly (Yet Another Three Fly) - Shell ploy / “Clean up”.

Dual Reality - Taking a single band and splitting it into 2.

Sagacious HC - My take in the classic CMH.

Crocheted - Causing the bands to pass through each other.

Liquid Band Too - Passing a rubber band onto and off of a pen, stick. Chop stick.

Saint-Expurey Rose - The paper rose had become a neo-classic in magic. I decided to re-engineer the entire thing and this is what came from that effort.

String Theory - My take on the classic gypsy thread. No balling of thread.

Balloon Gag - A gag and lead up to Clifford

Clifford - Giant Balloon Animal.

Up - Causing a balloon to float. 

Who is he?

If you google the name "Vince Mendoza" you'll find that he is a world famous conductor and composer who has worked with some of the biggest names in the music industry, however... that’s a completely different guy.

This, Vincent Mendoza, is a polished performer of nearly three decades whose calm, confident demeanor that will win you over, while his skills will astound and amaze. A member of the prestigious Magic Circle in London with the designation of Associate of The Inner Magic Circle (with Silver Star), he and his magic have become much sought after. Vincent has gained high regard among his peers as an innovative thinker and creator. He has been asked to share his magic at the invitation-only “4F” gathering of the world's top close-up magicians.

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