Card Tricks
Deck Shooter by Hanson Chien
Deck Shooter is inspired from the detachable magazines (in firearms). Users can eject a deck of..
$2.99 $5.99
The Vault - Four Pack by John Carey
Four slices of brilliant, doable, practical card magic at a bargain price!! Grab this instant downlo..
$1.99 $4.99
Good Intuition by Bernardo Sedlacek
"A beautiful routine, and a goldmine of subtleties, from a young rising genius!!!!" - Gaetan Bloom ..
$1.99 $6.99
Out by Smagic Productions
From Smagic Productions, we bring you a new concept to make your favorite signed-card routine extrao..
$2.99 $5.99
The Skirt by Nimble Mind
A new move that enables you to perform miracles! This DVD consists of 5 fabulous routines.&..
$1.99 $6.99
Movable by Mario Tarasini
In this download, the creator of 'QuickSilver' brings you a new "Moving X" effect. A card ..
$1.99 $4.99
Initial Here by Gary Jones
After the success of the hugely popular 'Automata' DVD, Gary Jones returns to F52 with this POW..
$1.99 $4.99
Lee Earle (Presented By Alexander Marsh) - X Cards
"I always been a great fan of Syzygy and these downloads are the "missing key" to make those effects..
$0.99 $3.99
Anteentropy by Leeng
Leeng's second download with Magicians of Asia combines a psychological mustery with the magician in..
$1.99 $3.99
Ecp by Semjon Sidanov
The Erdnase Change was first published in the book Expert At The Card Table. In ..
$1.99 $6.99
Bill Breaker by Smagic Productions
Performing magic with money is always impressive to spectators - it keeps them interested! Now fr..
$1.99 $4.99
20 Essential Card Moves & A One Fabulous Trick by Steve Valentine
Curated from around this collection... my fave bits that you may have missed.. Some awesome palms, a..
$1.99 $4.99
Impossible Card Locations by Steve Valentine
There's a saying in my world, 'you can never have enough impossible card locations'... ok, I made th..
$1.99 $4.99
Royally Flushed by Steve Valentine
This is Steve's go-to 'Why I Can Never Play Poker' routines. Royally Flushed is a full on un-gim..
$1.99 $4.99
Hallucination by Sultan Orazaly
Visual and practical effects are rarely combined into one trick. Hallucination is a very practical a..
$1.99 $4.99
Swag Pro by Taiwan Ben
SWAG PRO has taken this modern classic to a whole new level! A spectator selects a card and com..
$2.99 $5.99
Pure (Caan) by Adrian Fowell
"This is the best solution I have seen with a CAAN or ACAAN premise. I will always have this with me..
$3.99 $6.99
X Act Match by Daytona Magic
A spectator is shown a deck of playing cards, both faces and backs. The magician tells the spectator..
$0.99 $3.99
When 2Nd by Saysevent
Hello magic lovers.At time ago i present you a my single utility switch called WHEN,that effect show..
$1.99 $4.99
Esp Card Magic Vol. 15: Howard Adams Part 5 by Aldo Colombini
All these routines are self-working with no sleight-of-hand whatsoever. CONTENTS: QUINCIDENT..
$2.99 $12.00
Esp Card Magic Vol. 16: Various Authors Part 5 by Aldo Colombini
Several famous performers have contributed to create a high standard product with strong effects and..
$2.99 $12.00
Paramount by Aldo Colombini
A stunning routine that you'll enjoy performing and your spectators will love to watch. The performe..
$2.99 $12.00
Simply Impromptu 1 by Aldo Colombini
The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entert..
$4.99 $12.00
Simply Impromptu 3 by Aldo Colombini
The routines use subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand to produce entert..
$4.99 $12.00