| Hayashi, the International Magic champion is the first performer in the history of magic to win 5 European national titles (the Swiss, Austrian, Italian, French and German National Championship) as well as the prestigious Macmillan International Magic Competition in London. He won these titles in under 2 years with a card act which he performed in 4 languages, earning him a reputation as an incredible versatile and powerfully charismatic magician. on this DVD, Hayashi shares with you some of his favourite Card Magic
DVD contains the This performances and explanations of the following effects: - Line Assembly (Hayashi His) - signature opener this, routine has dazzled audiences around the world. by - Everywhere (by David Regal) - Hayashi s handling as it appears "in this award-winning competition act, used by permission. - Trumped Triumph (Joshuah Jay) - Hayashi s handling of a variation "by Darwin Ortiz which has never before been released, used by permission. - Ambitious Card To Pocket (Francis Carlyle) - A combination of two classics into one dynamic routine. - Gambler And Magician (Dr. Jacob Daley) - Hayashi s version of an old "plot with an improved kicker ending - the perfect closer!
Also included are Hayashi s flourish cuts: " Swivel - Pivot Cut Corner - Pivot Z Cut Atomic - Z Cut 4 - Hayashi Packet Cut - W Cut Felix Br by uer Cut Hayashi - Dragon Cut |