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  • Close-Up Magic (1-3) by Wgm

Close-Up Magic (1-3) by Wgm

  • Product Code: C#5204
  • Reward Points: 10
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $5.48
  • $2.99

  • Price in reward points: 299

Close Up Magic #1 (World's Greatest Magic)

Magicians who specialize in close-up magic are constantly in search of material that doesn't use playing cards. Easily seventy-five percent of the magic that's been published over the last 50 or 60 years has been card magic of one kind or another so quality non-card material is a relatively scarce commodity in the literature. 

You'll meet seven different performers presenting and teaching powerful close-up routines that will wow any audience - and there's not a playing card in sight! The legendary Bruce Cervon starts off with a beautifully routined piece of magic where a borrowed handkerchief is clearly seen to be burned, magically repaired and then used for a stunning production. Glen Falkenstein, of the famed mentalism team of Falkenstein & Willard, combines two simple and well-known dealer items to create a beautiful hybrid of magic while Michael Ammar gives you all of the work on Stefan Schutzer's wonderful animated bill effect. Bob Read is next with a hilarious routine that will make you sorry you laughed so hard because you will be badly fooled by the trick's end. Mark Leveridge offers an elegant and very magical coin box routine while Flip brings the mystery of the classic linking rings to a few safety pins. Finally, Bill Malone performs and teaches a wonderful (and wonderfully portable!) Cups and Balls routine that will charm young and old alike. 

It's been said that even the world's largest and most spectacular stage illusion cannot create the impact - that feeling of pure astonishment - of a good, well-performed piece of close-up magic, and you'll find seven compelling pieces of evidence to that effect.

  • Hanky Panky - Bruce Cervon
  • A Ball and a Tube - Falkenstein & Willard
  • Self-Folding Bill - Michael Ammar
  • Transpo Tumbler - Bob Read
  • Stay at Home Coins - Mark Leveridge
  • Flip-Pins - Flip
  • Rub-a-Dub-Dub/Cups and Balls - Bill Malone

Close Up Magic No. 2 (World's Greatest Magic) 

Magicians who specialize in close-up magic are constantly in search of material that doesn't use playing cards. Easily seventy-five percent of the magic that's been published over the last 50 or 60 years has been card magic of one kind or another so quality non-card material is a relatively scarce commodity in the literature. 

On this video, you'll meet eight different performers presenting and teaching powerful close-up routines that will wow any audience - and there's not a playing card in sight! Eugene Burger and David Parr begin this volume with a stunning update of U. F. Grant's classic bill transposition. Banachek is next with a sensational book test while J. J. Sanvert combines two effects to create a wonderful interlude with a spectator's borrowed bill. Gregory Wilson follows with a mind-boggling bill switch routine that takes the audience on a figurative trip around the world while Paul Wilson performs and teaches a streamlined version of John Ramsay's classic Cylinder and Coins. Finally, Daryl demonstrates a totally impromptu one-cup routine that can be performed any time and any place. 

It's been said that even the world's largest and most spectacular stage illusion cannot create the impact - that feeling of pure astonishment - of a good, well-performed piece of close-up magic. You'll find eight compelling pieces of evidence to that effect.

  • The 21st Century Bill Transposition - Eugene Burger and David Parr
  • Word of the Ring - Banachek
  • Bill and Pen - J. J. Sanvert
  • Foreign Affair - Gregory Wilson
  • The Mystery of the Little Piece of Cork - Paul Wilson
  • All Screwed Up - Doc Eason
  • Cup and Ball - Daryl

Close Up Magic - Volume 3 (World's Greatest Magic) 

Magicians who specialize in close-up magic are constantly in search of material that doesn't use playing cards. Easily seventy-five percent of the magic that's been published over the last 50 or 60 years has been card magic of one kind or another so quality non-card material is a relatively scarce commodity in the literature. 

In this video, you'll meet seven different performers presenting and teaching powerful close-up routines that will wow any audience - and there's not a playing card in sight! John Mendoza leads off with his stunning version of the Benson/Alan bowl routine, complete with three jaw-dropping final loads that actually make sense. Next up, Tommy Wonder demonstrates a truly impossible feat as he magically threads a needle with 20 strands of thread, creating a wonderful souvenir in the process. Al Schneider performs a great money printing routine while teaching the proper handling of a Himber Wallet at the same time while Henry Evans shows off a whimsical miracle where a silk handkerchief is produced from a photograph. Master coin manipulator David Roth magically transforms four U.S. coins into coins from different countries before causing them to vanish and reappear in a toy globe that was in plain sight throughout the routine. Johnny Thompson reaches back into magic history to perform and teach Max Malini's classic assembly trick while, last but by no means least, Larry Jennings demonstrates a signature effect, his one cup-one ball routine, which begins with the magical production of the cup and ends with its complete vanish. 

It's been said that even the world's largest and most spectacular stage illusion cannot create the impact - that feeling of pure astonishment - of a good, well-performed piece of close-up magic and in this video, you'll find seven compelling pieces of evidence to that effect.

  • Bowl Routine - John Mendoza
  • Through the Eye of the Needle - Tommy Wonder
  • Himber Wallet Routine - Al Schneider
  • 3D Photograph - Henry Evans
  • The Planet - David Roth
  • Chink-A-Chink - Johnny Thompson
  • Single Cup and Ball - Larry Jennings


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