Close-Up Tricks & Street Magic
Practical Coin In Can by James Keatley
Looks Empty. Sounds Empty. Feels Empty... But whenever you like, you can cause the coin to penetrate..
$1.99 $5.99
Greek Peek Wallet by Tony Antoniou
Instantly read someone’s mind in less than a second. This versatile tool uses a lightning-fast, fool..
$1.99 $12.00
Mcabee Rings by Martin Lewis
McAbee Rings by Martin Lewis Instuctional video only"...The DVD instruction is very good. Martin Lew..
$2.99 $5.99
Table Magic by Mario Tarasini
This is a series of tricks I have created in 2 years.In the file you will find 3 tricks that are com..
$3.99 $6.99
MISTERIUS PLUMBER is a new version of a coin magic classic.This magic of solid through solid, i..
$0.99 $23.00
Pocket Riser 2.0 - Borrowed And Signed by Ralf Rudolph
Pocket Riser 2.0-Borrowed and Signed by Fairmagic No slits! No thread! Take a borrowed Pad!Borrow a ..
$1.99 $4.99
Hot Thumb by Maxmagie
Take your Hot Thumb and burn your sponge ball until they completely melt and then restore the burnt ..
$1.99 $11.95
The Quantum Pad By Tcc Magic & Mental Tom
The Quantum Pad is designed to seamlessly integrate into your routines, concealing discrep..
$1.99 $23.00
The Shell Game by Tcc & Mai Bro
Video OnlyThe Three Shell Game is a classic street con that has transcended various cultures, contin..
$1.99 $19.00
Rise by Ellusionist
The Rise Gimmick is a special electronic device for mentalism & PK routines, known as a 'thumper..
$1.99 $23.00
Collector's Triangle by Secret Factory
After the Collector's Mental Epic, Collector's Square, Secret Factory brings you another great item ..
$1.69 $23.00
Hacking Sack & Bolt by Curtis Kam
Curtis Kam - Hacking Sack & Bolt Sach's dice routine is a revered classic of close-up magic..
$1.99 $4.15
Deceptions In Paradise by Curtis Kam
Curtis Kam - Deceptions in ParadiseTeaching rare close-up magic !It's weird, wacky, and Curtis Kam h..
$1.99 $4.98
Crushed And Cured Cola
CRUSHED AND CURED COLA Video Demo: Drinking a can of Co..
$1.99 $4.99
Blowing Smoke by Juan Pablo Ibanez
This is a complete routine that can be performed to music or as a parlor effect.It is made up of mod..
$4.99 $7.99
Balance by Joshua Jay
First came "Inferno," which won Trick of the Year in 2012. Then came "Out of Sight," which fooled Pe..
$2.99 $5.98
Hard Hitters by Daniel Chard
Hard hitters is a live lecture experience where nothing is held back.You will learn a selection of D..
$3.22 $6.98
Flavor by David Chiu & Hanson Chien
Super Smash hit item at FISM in Busan. Most of "label change effect" need to be done only with ..
$2.99 $5.99
Color Gum by Asmadi
The color change is so fast that the viewer's eyes can't blink, this is Color Gum.This effect is per..
$1.99 $4.99
Gravity by Lyndon Jugalbot
antigravity Lyndon Jugalbot - GravityDemonstration effect : i..
$1.99 $4.99
Fork Through Finger by Axel Hecklau
"Axels handling is shocking great! FTF is an experience that goes literally through all the bones!" ..
$2.99 $5.99
The Perfect Sandwich by Kyle Mckee
Kyle Mckee - The Perfect SandwichA sweet sandwich effect plus a utility gimmick to replace that pesk..
$1.69 $3.16
Refill by Kareem Ahmed
Kareem Ahmed - REFILLYou reach into a pack of Oreos and pull a cookie out. You bite off a piece and ..
$1.69 $3.16
Tricks That Will Get You Paid (1-2)
Norsigian Tricks that will Gary Get You Paid VOL.1-2 set(DVD)Get paid to counsel "good variety of st..
$2.99 $5.15
30 Tips And Tricks Of Sleight Of Hand by Eddy Ray
With 30 Tricks and Tips with Sleight of Hand by Magic Makers, you will learn from the best!Follow st..
$2.99 $5.99
The Jar by Garrett Thomas, Kozmo And Tokar
In the realm of switchboxes, we searched for THE most organic and practical gimmicks that could be h..
$1.99 $4.99
ReMint by Robert Lupu & Patrick Kun Magic
If you are looking for organic visual magic to up your social media game then ReMint is for you. It'..
$1.99 $9.99