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Close-Up Tricks & Street Magic

The genre of magic known as close-up magic and street magic is the most popular.

Practical Coin In Can by James Keatley

Practical Coin In Can by James Keatley

Looks Empty. Sounds Empty. Feels Empty... But whenever you like, you can cause the coin to penetrate..

$1.99 $5.99

Greek Peek Wallet by Tony Antoniou

Greek Peek Wallet by Tony Antoniou

Instantly read someone’s mind in less than a second. This versatile tool uses a lightning-fast, fool..

$1.99 $12.00

Mcabee Rings by Martin Lewis

Mcabee Rings by Martin Lewis

McAbee Rings by Martin Lewis Instuctional video only"...The DVD instruction is very good. Martin Lew..

$2.99 $5.99

Table Magic by Mario Tarasini

Table Magic by Mario Tarasini

This is a series of tricks I have created in 2 years.In the file you will find 3 tricks that are com..

$3.99 $6.99



MISTERIUS PLUMBER is a new version of a coin magic classic.This magic of solid through solid, i..

$0.99 $23.00

Pocket Riser 2.0 - Borrowed And Signed by Ralf Rudolph

Pocket Riser 2.0 - Borrowed And Signed by Ralf Rudolph

Pocket Riser 2.0-Borrowed and Signed by Fairmagic No slits! No thread! Take a borrowed Pad!Borrow a ..

$1.99 $4.99

Hot Thumb by Maxmagie

Hot Thumb by Maxmagie

Take your Hot Thumb and burn your sponge ball until they completely melt and then restore the burnt ..

$1.99 $11.95

The Quantum Pad By Tcc Magic & Mental Tom

The Quantum Pad By Tcc Magic & Mental Tom

The Quantum Pad is designed to seamlessly integrate into your routines, concealing discrep..

$1.99 $23.00

The Shell Game by Tcc & Mai Bro

The Shell Game by Tcc & Mai Bro

Video OnlyThe Three Shell Game is a classic street con that has transcended various cultures, contin..

$1.99 $19.00

Rise by Ellusionist

Rise by Ellusionist

The Rise Gimmick is a special electronic device for mentalism & PK routines, known as a 'thumper..

$1.99 $23.00

Collector's Triangle by Secret Factory

Collector's Triangle by Secret Factory

After the Collector's Mental Epic, Collector's Square, Secret Factory brings you another great item ..

$1.69 $23.00

Hacking Sack & Bolt by Curtis Kam

Hacking Sack & Bolt by Curtis Kam

Curtis Kam - Hacking Sack & Bolt Sach's dice routine is a revered classic of close-up magic..

$1.99 $4.15

Deceptions In Paradise by Curtis Kam

Deceptions In Paradise by Curtis Kam

Curtis Kam - Deceptions in ParadiseTeaching rare close-up magic !It's weird, wacky, and Curtis Kam h..

$1.99 $4.98

Crushed And Cured Cola

Crushed And Cured Cola

CRUSHED AND CURED COLA Video Demo: http://v.ku6.com/show/m46XZSYbSP1wV288.html Drinking a can of Co..

$1.99 $4.99

Elementary Arithmetic by Joshua Burch

Elementary Arithmetic by Joshua Burch

Joshua Burch - Elementary Arithmetic..

$1.69 $3.99

Blowing Smoke by Juan Pablo Ibanez

Blowing Smoke by Juan Pablo Ibanez

This is a complete routine that can be performed to music or as a parlor effect.It is made up of mod..

$4.99 $7.99

Balance by Joshua Jay

Balance by Joshua Jay

First came "Inferno," which won Trick of the Year in 2012. Then came "Out of Sight," which fooled Pe..

$2.99 $5.98

Hard Hitters by Daniel Chard

Hard Hitters by Daniel Chard

Hard hitters is a live lecture experience where nothing is held back.You will learn a selection of D..

$3.22 $6.98

Flavor by David Chiu & Hanson Chien

Flavor by David Chiu & Hanson Chien

Super Smash hit item at FISM in Busan. Most of "label change effect" need to be done only with ..

$2.99 $5.99

Rubreak Reload Ver.2 by Jl Magic
Color Gum by Asmadi

Color Gum by Asmadi

The color change is so fast that the viewer's eyes can't blink, this is Color Gum.This effect is per..

$1.99 $4.99

Gravity by Lyndon Jugalbot

Gravity by Lyndon Jugalbot

antigravity Lyndon Jugalbot - GravityDemonstration effect :http://www.penguinmagic.com/p/3787THREE i..

$1.99 $4.99

Fork Through Finger by Axel Hecklau

Fork Through Finger by Axel Hecklau

"Axels handling is shocking great! FTF is an experience that goes literally through all the bones!" ..

$2.99 $5.99

The Perfect Sandwich by Kyle Mckee

The Perfect Sandwich by Kyle Mckee

Kyle Mckee - The Perfect SandwichA sweet sandwich effect plus a utility gimmick to replace that pesk..

$1.69 $3.16

Refill by Kareem Ahmed

Refill by Kareem Ahmed

Kareem Ahmed - REFILLYou reach into a pack of Oreos and pull a cookie out. You bite off a piece and ..

$1.69 $3.16

Cheating At Backgammon by George Joseph

Cheating At Backgammon by George Joseph

George Joseph - Cheating At Backgammon..

$1.99 $4.99

Tricks That Will Get You Paid (1-2)

Tricks That Will Get You Paid (1-2)

Norsigian Tricks that will Gary Get You Paid VOL.1-2 set(DVD)Get paid to counsel "good variety of st..

$2.99 $5.15

30 Tips And Tricks Of Sleight Of Hand by Eddy Ray

30 Tips And Tricks Of Sleight Of Hand by Eddy Ray

With 30 Tricks and Tips with Sleight of Hand by Magic Makers, you will learn from the best!Follow st..

$2.99 $5.99

The Jar by Garrett Thomas, Kozmo And Tokar

The Jar by Garrett Thomas, Kozmo And Tokar

In the realm of switchboxes, we searched for THE most organic and practical gimmicks that could be h..

$1.99 $4.99

ReMint by Robert Lupu & Patrick Kun Magic

ReMint by Robert Lupu & Patrick Kun Magic

If you are looking for organic visual magic to up your social media game then ReMint is for you. It'..

$1.99 $9.99

Showing 181 to 210 of 4394 (147 Pages)
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