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  • World Of Magic (1-3) by Jack Hughes

World Of Magic (1-3) by Jack Hughes

  • Product Code: C#13410
  • Reward Points: 115
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $24.99
  • $23.99

  • Price in reward points: 2399

World of Magic Volume 1-3 by Jack Hughes
Jack Hughes was a master builder and craftsman who created and built props for some of the biggest names in magic for decades. Most of the items he built were his own inventions. The few that were not he most often improved significantly.

Every item is carefully described in terms of its effect, apparatus and performance. Nevertheless, the emphasis is on the prop with detailed drawings and dimensions to allow anybody handy to replicate these wonderful magic tricks. (The drawings are not blue-print type construction drawings, but rather sketches and illustrations with the main dimensions and all pertinent details.)

Even if you are not interested in building any of these apparatus, understanding of how they work will provide hours of pleasure and will most definitely spark new ideas. The shear volume of creations is mind boggling.

The following illusions and apparatus are described in this volume:

Rope Wells
Dove In Balloon [Long Balloon Model]
Dove In Balloon [Round Balloon Model]
The French Guillotine
Sucker Beaker Vanish
Back Stage Beaker Vanish
Tantalising Tassels
Totem Pole
Three Sword Suspension
The Scimitar Suspension
The Gospel Suspension
Three Axes Suspension
The Master Dove In Balloon Table
Dove Carousel Vanish
Cage Vanish
Coins In Glass [Tray Method]
Visible Coins In Glass
Ten Second Remote Control Visible Coins In Glass
Roll On Table
Can And Ball
Locking Jap Boxes
Ghost Glass
A Star Production
New Giant Rising Card Trick
Vanishing Telephone
Snake Basket
The Golden Shot Joker
How To Make A Spring Hinge
Sammy The Sweep
The Illusive Stop by Will Blyth
Improved Television Card Frame
Double Television Frame
Brief Case To Table
The Cagey Budgies
Dickory Clock
Girl To Pony
Whirling Microphone Suspension
Triple Tray Trunk
One Minute Punch & Judy Booth
Coin Cascade
Card Go
Castle Illusion
Ventriloquists Mop Novelty
The Human Where The Rainbow Ends
Dippy Duck
Three Blades And Spear Illusion
Liquid Monte
Dove Through Glass
M'lady Steps Out
Alarm Clock Stand
Pheobe The Fan Dancer
Hat Box Substitution
Radio Vanish
Dove Catching Net And Dove Production Basket
The Homicide Illusion
Block Off Ribbon
Where The Rainbow Ends
The Rainbow Doll
Ribbons To Botania
Spacious Production Box
The Chair Suspension
New Electric Sawing In Half
Head Zopper
Dove Nest Of Boxes
Die Ball
Dagger Chest
Television Head Chest
Pea Cock Production
Hand In Hand Wrist Guillotine
Head Chopper
Cuban Release
Two Rope Method Of Cuban Release
The Nest Of Boxes
The Ugly Duckling
Fifi - The Card Pecker 

Break-A Way Box
Sydney Sterk's Patter Routine For Buttons
Camera Dove
Can Can Polka
The Cardometer
Card - Ring
Card Rising Box
Change-Over Ring
Jack Hughes Clatter Box
The Comedy Clock
The Crown Jewel
Jack Hughes' Crystal Screen
More Crystal Screen Suggestions
Dolls House Illusion
Doves To Dog
Doves: Training and Breeding
Drooping Daisy
Evacuee Doll
Fantastic Figures Of Foo
Four Wrongs - Make A Right
Ghost Glass
Giant Dwarf
Gloves To Dove
Hats Off! The King!
Improved Tele-Flash
The Invisible Card
Jack And Jill
Kirk's Kup
Jack Hughes Lady Vanishes
The Last Card
Lord Waterlog's Dilemma
Maestro Card Box
Tommy Rowe's Miracle Numbers
"Normans" Miraculous Screen
Neck Spiker
Note In Lemon
The Parisian Maid
Peacock Phantasy
The Phantom Clock
Percy The Penguin
The Unique Production Cabinet
Pro Van Cabinet
Record Mystery
Reluctant Balloons
The Roamin' Rabbit
The Royal Execution
Run - Bonzo - Run
Sadie The Seal
Sammy The Speedster
Shanghai Production Frame
Skeleton In The Cupboard
John Wardley's Spear Box Illusion
The Spiker Illusion
Spots And Glasses
Orrin's Stream-Lined Uplift
Super X Levitation
J. F. Orrins "Tennipin"
Norman's Think-A-Bell
Turn Again Whittington
Watch Your Step
Wun Stung 

The Chinese Rising Cards
The Wrist Spiker Illusion
Needle Thru' Body
Doves To Poodle
The Sword Maiden Illusion
Visibly Sawing Thru' A Person
The Girl Through Glass Illusion
The Buzz Saw Illusion
The Card Target
Edwin's Sponge Ball Routine 'Roger The, Lodger'
Knife Thru' Girl Illusion
The Middle For Diddle Illusion
The Modern Cabinet Illusion
The Vanishing Cage And Girl Illusion
Slicing A Slave Illusion
Cabaret Girl Vanish
The Striptease Illusion
The Girl's Gone Illusion
The Revolving Broomstick Suspension
The Girl 'N Gate Illusion
Robert Harbin's Ad Infinitum
Chair To Suitcase
The Spirit Bell
Ribbons To Doves
The Three Little Pigs
Comedy Umbrella
The Jumping Stool
Kwik Paper Cut
The Mignon Illusion
The Comedy Legs Table
The Barricaded Barrels Illusion
The Stock Escape
The Head Twister
Livestock Production Cage
Petticoat Lane
Peg Box
The Jack Hughes' Peg Box
No - Smoking
Mickey's Trousers
Sleepy Slim
Where Has The Duck Gone?
Jack Hughes' Fly-A-Way Birds
Wine And Women
Comedy Card Wand
Tear-Apart Vanish
Vakil's Indian Rope Trick
Double Box Production
The Paddle Of Foo
Sponge Ball To Rabbit
Costume Trunk Illusion
Impossible Dove Vanish
The Growth Of Flowers Illusion
The Golliwog Ball
'Double Stunner' Prediction
Jack Hughes! ... Man To The Moon
The Assistant's Revenge
M'ladys Hat
Coronation Crown
Minnie Mischief
Topsy Turvy Clown
Clatter Table
Ultimate Divide
Forgetful Joey The Clown
Hop Scotch Bottles
Kerb Drill
Mr. P
A Brand New Rising Card
Mentoulette by Len Belcher
Magic Moment
Flames Through Glass
Torn And Restored Card
Holidays Abroad

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